Great Artist

Chapter 1331: swarm

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Reporters teamed up to snipe Evan Bell, this is not a news, but an event, which may affect the future relationship between Evan Bell and the media, between Evan Bell and the Cannes Film Festival, media reporters and Cannes A far-reaching event in the relationship between the festivals.

In fact, everyone knows that the ten media that have obtained the right to interview will definitely appear. Even if Evan Bell and Jill Jacob are unhappy, it will not affect the interviews of these ten media. After all, this is the For their work, Jill Jacobs is sure not to take his anger out on anyone. But the problem is that these ten media must figure out how serious the "unhappy breakup" between Evan Bell and Jill Jacobs is, which will affect the process of their interview with Evan Bell. The design of the problem, the creation of the atmosphere, the formulation of the theme, etc.

Therefore, the appearance of these ten media is inevitable, but when they appear, how they appear, and what will happen after they appear are very important.

The interview that was originally scheduled to start at ten o'clock was already 9:30 a.m., and there was still no media arriving at the door of the villa rented by the "Perfume" crew to prepare for the upcoming interview.

The desertedness around the villa did not affect the mood of Evan Bell and others. On the contrary, the relaxed and comfortable atmosphere surrounded the villa, and the feeling of vacation was particularly obvious. In Evan Bell's view, since the media wants to join forces to give him a cold reception, he can't ask for it.

Considering what happened in the past few days, there was a press conference in the past, and there was a lot of noise. Now the reputation of "perfume" is mixed, so what was said the day before will definitely be turned out; Jacob's psychological use made Evan Bell unhappy, and now there are rumors that the two "break up", Evan Bell even suspects that this is a smoke bomb released by Jill Jacob, the reporter How could it not be mentioned. so. In today's exclusive interview, the reporters' questions can be thought of with one's knees, and they are nothing more than these clichés. And these contents will have no effect on the promotion of "perfume", but will blur the focus of the film.

Judging from the current situation, even if "Perfume" does not have special promotional activities, the topic effect formed by the film itself is already very outstanding. In less than twelve hours, about Jean-Baptiste Whether Renoye is an angel or a demon, and whether a "perfume" is a classic or a rubbish, tops the list of hottest topics at the Cannes Film Festival, even on the front pages of portals such as Yahoo and Google. Both topics quickly became top-ranked hotspots. Therefore, the publicity effect of "perfume" has been very good. It is naturally better to have some interviews and publicity, but it will not hurt your bones if you don't have it.

This is because of this kind of thinking, Teddy Bell has only accepted ten media interview applications. In this case, one is to take care of the face of the organizers of Cannes, and the "perfume" also cooperates with the film festival to promote it; secondly, it can also take this opportunity to explain some events, and then promote the film through the guidance of Evan Bell.

But did not expect. The reporter actually "doesn't want" to interview, and teamed up to boycott Evan Bell. That's not good, leisure and leisure.

Elliott Carter looked at his watch. There are ten minutes before ten o'clock, and the scheduled interview time is getting closer and closer. He is guessing who will appear first among the ten media that have been reserved for exclusive interviews. Will they appear on time at ten o'clock, or will they be delayed, or will they appear at the same time?

Elliott Carter was quietly lurking outside Evan Bell's rental villa before nine o'clock in the morning. Journalists, the most important skill to survive in the news circle is to capture news and make news without compromise. Evan Bell's relationship with the media is indeed not good, but it is not bad either. Except for the batch of media who were permanently banned from interviewing Eleven Studios in the slander incident, Evan Bell did not specifically target any media when he brought it over. in journalistic circles. As long as there are interests, it is impossible for journalists' unions to form. Now, there are countless media outlets that rely on Evan Bell's news to drive sales, including "premiering", but they use different methods. Today, it is the same.

Elliott Carter, though, initiated the journalist boycott. But he knew that it was impossible to completely snipe Evan Bell. Their alliance was like a castle on the beach, vulnerable to a single blow. Therefore, Elliott Carter will not be foolish to wait at home, he must seize the opportunity to see if he can seize the opportunity, after all, the reporter sniper front can still win some initiative for him.

At this moment, a large group of troops came forward in the direction of the villa, and Elliott Carter couldn't help but look in the direction from which he came. When he saw the lineup of reporters with more than fifty people, he was completely stunned. The ten media who have obtained the exclusive interview rights actually arrived at the villa together. It seems that all the people who are rolling in the news circle are old fritters, and no one is a fool.

When Elliot Carter was stunned, the corner of his eyes sharply noticed that there was a lot of commotion around the villa. He quickly turned his head and looked over. He could see around the villa of Evan Bell. Within the place, at least seven lurking personnel were seen. Elliott Carter isn't the only smart guy.

Obviously, the growth speed of the reporters' sniper front is like a snowball, but the speed of this front's betrayal of each other is like the snowball that appeared in Cannes in May, and it quickly melted away. It's not an easy task to "snowball" in Cannes. On the surface, the reporters and Elliott Carter have become a sniper front, but the small actions behind the scenes have been uninterrupted. It is impossible to build alliances among journalists. Not to mention, the ten media that obtained the exclusive interview rights, even if they were concerned about Jill Jacobs, they could not be shackled.

Elliott Carter watched the commotion around him, and the noise getting closer and closer to his ears, and he knew that his plan to take the lead was impossible. The point is, when the seven people came, he didn't notice it at all, and there must be more than these seven people around...

Among the ten media with exclusive interview rights, Elliott Carter also saw the figure of the official media of the Cannes Film Festival "The Screen", so the mystery was explained again. Whether the news of Jill Jacobs and Evan Bell's "unhappy breakup" is groundless or true, but at least it is not as exaggerated as everyone's exaggeration, the Cannes Film Festival is still friendly to the young man Evan Bell. .

As a result, Elliot Carter immediately felt that he was being tricked. He was like a clown who jumped on the beam. From yesterday to today, he jumped up and down to contact reporters and colleagues, and fanned the flames to pull the sniper alliance. As a result, Evan Bell didn't answer at all, he just ate breakfast, drank coffee, and joked happily, and all his efforts came to nothing.

Elliott Carter knew that he had no chance. In this situation, countless other media would immediately scramble for interview opportunities. He had absolutely no chance. The only thing Elliott-Carter can take comfort in is that "Perfume" received polarized and controversial reviews at the Cannes Film Festival, and he can finally seize the opportunity to raise his eyebrows for a while when the film is released in the United States. So, Elliott Carter wisely chose to leave.

As he was leaving, Elliott Carter saw at least a hundred journalists swarming towards the temporary villa rented by Evan Bell. The lively scene of smoke and dust almost made people think that the Tour de France had passed through this place. A tree-lined alley.

The official media of the Cannes Film Festival, "Screen", interviewed Evan Bell for the first time, asking Evan Bell how he felt about "the day before yesterday, the film was a huge controversy". Evan Bell, on the other hand, didn't look worried at all. He just said with a smile, "Remember what I said at the press conference before? I said that Cannes audiences have the absolute right not to like it. Any work, including mine. I have the right to dislike other people's work, and other people naturally have equal rights to dislike my work."

On the topic of Jill Jacobs, Evan Bell showed a humility that not many people know about, "Mr. Jacob is a very successful filmmaker, and his vision for talent selection is very impressive. I admire it, but I really hope to be seen. Unfortunately, according to the information I got from the media, it doesn't seem to be going very well." Evan Bell's smile was matched with this answer, but it embarrassed the "screen" reporter who asked the question. It's endless, I don't know what to do next, I can't say that everything is just the reporter's tossing.

Finally, on the issue of the controversy caused by the movie "Perfume", Evan Bell said, "Personally, I am very satisfied with the work of 'Perfume' I think The movie has clearly expressed my thoughts, if everyone is interested in my personal thoughts, you can go back to the cinema and watch the movie again, I think everyone will gain something.”

Evan Bell's answer made reporters sigh the cunning of this young man. On the one hand, he successfully promoted the movie, and on the other hand, he expressed his position again.

In fact, one of the core ideas of "perfume" is that Jean-Baptiste Grenouille is an outlier in this world, and he is still stubbornly and purely chasing that unparalleled scent. This kind of thinking, this situation, is similar to the "Brokeback Mountain" whirlwind and "Little Sunshine" whirlwind that blew at the end of last year. As a result, the media suddenly realized that they had been played by Evan Bell again.

What Evan Bell is saying is: I'm just sticking to my path forward, and the so-called mainstream idea has never been the criterion for my actions.

In the face of Evan Bell's "cookie-cutter" answer, what can media reporters say? He could only pull the corners of his mouth and squeeze out a polite and embarrassing smile.

Everyone's support is very strong. Today's outbreak will come later. Continue to ask for monthly tickets, subscriptions, and annual work tickets! To be continued

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