Great Artist

Chapter 1333: cannes director

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Tim Burton, the director who shot "Sleepy Hollow", "Edward Scissorhands", "Big Fish", "Zombie Bride" and other outstanding works, and who made Johnny Depp popular, is also a contemporary One, his unbridled explosive head shone under the projection of the stage lights, and the name he said in his mouth made people clearly feel the elusiveness from the Cannes Film Festival. Because no one -- no one expected that the best director would end up being... "'Perfume, Evan Bell!"


It's Evan Bell, the "perfume" that is half angel and half devil, the "perfume" that is trapped in the vortex of controversy, the "perfume" that wanders between classics and trash... This film is a Evan Bell won the Best Director Award at the 59th Cannes Film Festival!


Evan Bell won the Best Director Award. This is an unpopular, shockingly unpopular, and the degree of upset is not even inferior to the storm that "Brokeback Mountain" set off at the Oscars at the beginning of the year. It is not because Evan Bell does not have this strength. On the contrary, the film "Perfume" shows Evan Bell's precise control as a director. Many media believe that this is Evan Bell's best work. Not without reason. In "Perfume", Evan Bell showed everyone his ability to control and excavate the lens, rhythm, picture, character, story, core, and the philosophical thinking brought by the film is even more far-reaching.


But the reason why it is called an unpopular is because no one expected this result. Imagine the previous situation. The media support rate of "perfume" is only four percentage points, and the official of the Cannes Film Festival is not optimistic about Evan Bell. Let's take a closer look at Evan Bell's competitors: Spanish national treasure Peder Ro-Almodóvar, Alejandro Gonzalez-Inarritu, who has made great works, Sofia Coppola, the latest successor to the surname Coppola, and the top British director who is over old Ken Rocky, Bruno Dumont, a strong local force in France... In this kind of attack, although Evan Bell has contributed wonderful works, he is still not the most promising party.


But the fact is that, at the Cannes Film Festival, being favored by the media and cheered by the audience does not mean winning an award, winning the hearts of the judges is the king. In the past fifty-nine years of history, there have been countless cases where controversial works have repeatedly dominated Cannes. It has nothing to do with the commercial nature of the Cannes Film Festival, but depends on the quality of the jury. This year, the jury under the leadership of Wong Kar Wai gave an olive branch to Evan Bell.


Evan Bell seems to have an unparalleled fit with the director's position. The debut novel "Love Notebook" has been well received, but it was a pity that "Mysterious Skin" stole the limelight, and "Mysterious Skin" was only Evan. -Bell's second directorial work won the Silver Lion Award for Best Director in Venice two years ago; today, two years later, "Perfume" won the best director award for Evan Bell at the Cannes Film Festival. Director Jia's crown is a miracle for a 23-year-old boy, and for a 23-year-old boy who is only shooting the fourth film, it is even more unprecedented. Miracle. Although Evan Bell is known as a talented actor, it now seems that his directing ability is more favored by professionals. After Cannes in Venice, Evan Bell was also awarded for his directing position.


When Evan Bell heard his name coming out of Tim Burton's ears, he glanced at Dustin Hoffman beside him in disbelief, and then got an ecstasy With a frowning face, he immediately covered his face with excitement. For Evan Bell, the adaptation of the film "Perfume" carried too many thoughts and wishes, and also put too much effort and sweat on him. He was very happy to be able to win extreme comments from the media. Satisfied, confirmed that his approach was correct, and also strengthened his belief in his future director's path. And now, winning the Best Director award at the Cannes Film Festival is the icing on the cake, making Evan Bell believe that he can still create more and more miracles in the director's position.


Of course, the most important thing is that the film "Perfume" directed by Evan Bell has indeed created something that Tom Tykaway has never been able to do in his previous life, that is: to create a classic!


Evan Bell covered his face, rubbed it twice, then let go of his hands, revealing a bright smile, he just hugged the people around him, Dustin Hoffman, Alan Rickman, Bernard Isenger...then clenched his right fist, waved it slightly by his side, then put it down and walked towards the stage with steady steps .

For the Cannes Film Festival, unpopularity happens every year, and the difference is only in size. The guests at the scene also woke up and applauded. In any case, Evan Bell, a 23-year-old young man, has created too many miracles, and "perfume" is just another masterpiece on his miracle road.


Evan Bell's brisk pace touched the stage, Tim Dayton took a few steps forward, gave Evan Bell a big hug, said "congratulations", and then handed over the award Evan Bell.


Evan Bell looked at the certificate in his hand. At the Cannes Film Festival, except for the Palme d'Or, the Best Actor and the Queen, who each had a trophy, everyone else received a certificate. A bunch of cardboard rolled into a tube, tied with a red ribbon, with a classical charm, Evan Bell held the fluffy piece of paper in his hand, stood in front of the microphone, and said with a smile At the time, "Is this the certificate awarded to me by the Cannes Film Festival? It proves that I have the qualification certificate for the best director here?" A sarcastic joke made many people at the scene revealing a soft light. smile.


Looking at Evan Bell on the stage, wearing a neat royal blue suit, with a black and gray graffiti T-shirt, and a pair of black and white boat shoes on his feet, which is out of tune with the movie awards ceremony. , people can clearly feel the youthful vitality in him, and the uninhibited charm is beyond words. Just yesterday, the reporters were brewing to snipe Evan Bell collectively and teach Evan Bell a lesson while the movie "Perfume" was in a vortex of controversy; but today, Evan Bell stood with a smile. On the stage, bathed in brilliant lights, received the highest praise from the Cannes Film Festival.


Everyone knows that not every director is eligible to win the recognition of the three major film festivals. Although Evan Bell did not win the Golden Lion Award or the Palme d'Or, the two best director trophies in Venice and Cannes still make countless The director is far behind. This young man has achieved such achievements with his own strength. Everyone is saying that he is arrogant, but the point is that he has this qualification!


"Filming 'Perfume, this movie was a terrible ordeal, thank you for having a group of good friends with me through this hellish day, Dustin, Ellen, Rachel, thank you for not because of me This is the luckiest thing to do.” Evan Bell’s proficiency in French once again made everyone’s eyes shine, even though everyone knew that Evan Bell’s French was very fluent, but the On the stage of the Cannes Film Festival, watching the young man thanking him in French still made the French audience feel very close, "Bernard, Kurt, Teddy, I feel honored for your trust in me, I'm so lucky to be able to sit behind the camera and build this story frame by frame. And of course, a special thanks to Patrick Suskind, huh, I'm still very uneasy to be standing here now, hope I have not ruined your great work.


Evan Bell's words were full of little humor that made people smile. The guests under the stage listened to these testimonials, and the smiles on their faces could not help but outline, and when the last sentence was uttered, the scene sounded even more haha of laughter.


"I remember the first day I arrived in Cannes. I said that there was no work that interested me." The laughter at the scene stopped abruptly, and no one expected that Evan Bell would actually take the initiative to provoke this sensitive person. On the topic of chalkiness, the guests were stunned, while the reporters were all excited. Is Evan Bell going to slap Jill Jacobs directly in the face at the Cannes Film Festival this time? Evan Bell raised the corner of his mouth, "Although I didn't find anything I'm interested in, I hope you can find works that you are interested in. For example, I wouldn't mind if you put my works in this interest list. Yes. Thank you."


Evan Bell once again surprised everyone, whether it was a reporter or a guest, whether it was a judge or an audience, when they heard Evan Bell's words, they couldn't get angry. Instead, they smiled helplessly. . This is Evan Bell, maybe he can make you speechless and make you smoke, but it can also make people smile or be Bell is in the spotlight Below, he still prefers to call him a certificate of qualification while holding the bundle of certificates in his right hand. He tapped twice in the palm of his left hand, and then turned and left. A surprise, this award is definitely a surprise.


Back in the backstage, Evan Bell only had time to hug Teddy Bell before he had to return to his seat. This is different from awards ceremonies such as the Oscars. The backstage is not so spacious for entertainers to stand and chat. If you want to chat, a cocktail party is a more suitable occasion.


Evan Bell's Best Director Award kicked off the unpopularity of the 59th Cannes Film Festival. After that, the unpopularity exploded, causing all media reporters, professional film critics, and audiences to be surprised. Even if I have heard of the uneasy cards at the Cannes Film Festival, it is still addicting when I have experienced all this. This is an experience completely different from the Oscars and the Golden Globes. Like a roller coaster ride, you never know how exciting the next corner will be.


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