Great Artist

Chapter 1335: The sky is high and the earth is thick

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The French name of the city of Nice is "e", and this word in English means "beautiful, pleasant, kind", and the city also vividly interprets the content contained in the English words.


This is a city known as "the center of the world's richest people". The blue coast is famous all over Europe, and it can be called the most attractive Gold Coast in the European continent. The luxurious villas by the sea, the abundance of expensive shops and the artistic atmosphere make Nice a unique charm of grandeur and elegance. The simplicity and elegance of the old town, the 19th-century British style of the central district, and the broad vision of the Himier district make this place not only prosperous and prosperous in Italian Baroque style, but also elegant and elegant in French pastoral style. Among them, can not extricate themselves.


Evan Bell's performance at Nice Station was chosen at the Charles Ehrman Stadium, which can accommodate 50,000 people. From the moment Evan Bell arrived in the European continent, the whole of Europe vividly performed Evan - Bell's unparalleled appeal, the popularity of concerts are not enough to describe people's madness for Evan Bell. The heat on and off the field is constantly rising with the temperature transitioning from spring to summer, which makes people feel deeply. With the magical ability of Evan Bell that is like the change of seasons. This time in Nice is no exception. The Cannes Film Festival has not cooled down yet. The French people in Nice welcomed Evan Bell with their hands high.


At the press conference of the concert in Nice, more than 100 reporters packed the entire press conference hall, almost people thought it was a continuation of the Cannes Film Festival. The same is true. At the press conference, the topic of the Cannes Film Festival took away the style of Evan Bell's world tour and became the main theme of the reporter's question, although Evan Bell took the topic back to singing every time. But when the topic of Jill Jacobs came up, Evan Bell knew there was no way he could bring the focus back to the concert.


"Evan, what do you think of Jill-Jacob's remarks about 'inviting you to be the chairman of the jury at the 60th Cannes Film Festival next year?' , Even Eden Hudson is very curious about Evan Bell's reaction. In fact, Evan Bell himself is very curious, what kind of reaction will he have...


It's time to come... After all, it's time to roll around in the entertainment industry, even the top existences still have their own time, just like people like Sid Gaines and Jill Jacobs, they They have become one of the most powerful people in the film industry, but if the Oscars or the Cannes Film Festival suffer a huge blame and start to go downhill, they will also worry, and they must also work hard to save the awards ceremony. In fact, is this not the case in society? Everyone has their own involuntary, the scenery in front of others does not represent the happiness of the whole life, even if it is "everything goes well" in the eyes of outsiders, only you know your own sufferings.


Evan Bell's rebelliousness has long been no secret, but the "News of the World" has repeatedly offended him for the simple reason that this is Sean Hall's job, the newspaper's means of survival - just The means are a bit despicable. It is impossible for Evan Bell to get rid of the media entanglement of the "News of the World". Even if he quits the entertainment industry now, he will still be asked "why" unless he can be like Christopher McCanders Like, completely out of touch with human society. Likewise, Evan Bell couldn't stop Jill Jacob's mouth, even if he didn't want to, even if he hated being taken advantage of, Jill Jacob still took the initiative and took the lead Hype up.


If Jill Jacobs knew about Evan Bale's reaction to Penelope Cruz's attempt to use Evan Bell for his own revenge, he might have thought twice about his strategy After the adjustment, the news of "inviting Evan Bell to become the chairman of the jury of the 60th Cannes Film Festival" will be released.


Jill Jacob, as the king of the Cannes Film Festival, naturally cannot be so stupid. He announced such news without consulting Evan Bell, then if Evan Bell, the daring guy, directly He refused, not only swept Jill Jacob's face, but also made the Cannes Film Festival a laughing stock after dinner.


This time, in an interview about the fifty-ninth Cannes Film Festival, Jill-Jacob was mentioned in the part about the outlook for next year's film festival. He mentioned that he had some disagreements with the chairman of the jury. mature idea.

For example, Evan Bell and Jill Jacob believe that although Evan Bell is only a rookie director with limited experience, his sophistication and skills in the director position are indeed impressive. Wen-Bell is also an excellent actor, screenwriter, and producer. In addition, he is only twenty-three years old, so he may be able to show a different perspective when he sits on the chair of the jury. .


In addition to Evan Bell, Jill-Jacob also mentioned several names, one is the famous British director Stephen Freys, who once filmed "Young and Frivolous", "Dangerous Relationships", "Deadly Incarnation", "Deadly Incarnation" The director of "Must Be Loved" is currently in the post-production work of a palace masterpiece "Queen", which has attracted much attention. There is also a famous American actor Sean Penn, the unruly actor, and his status in the international film industry is also highly recognized; the last one is David Lynch, "Blue Velvet", "Mulholland Drive", "My Heart is Wild", "The Elephant Man" and other works have won this American numerous accolades, and his influence should not be underestimated.


Although Jill-Jacob put forward a long list of names, and these people are not necessarily the final candidates, but more of a preliminary consideration, but even so, it is easy to detonate all the sensitive points of the media . Stephen - Freis, Sean - Penn, David - Lynch and others can not be compared with the weight of Evan Bell alone.


Just as Jill Jacob's prediction, or Evan Bell's guess, the fact that a twenty-three-year-old young man has become one of the candidates for the chairman of the jury is already in itself. Enough to be sensational. No matter what happens after that, the Cannes hype has reached its peak. After that, Jill-Jacob can advance and retreat and defend, and has occupied an invincible position.


However, Jill Jacobs still underestimated Evan Bell, which also made today's press conference the biggest variable.


"Ah, we did talk about it at the premiere of 'Perfume,' and I didn't expect Mr. Jacob to reveal it so quickly," Evan Bell admitted. It was true, which surprised all the reporters and became excited.


The reporters also evoked memories with Evan Bell's answer. At the premiere of "Perfume", Evan Bell did meet with Jill Jacobs. The happy news led to the formation of the reporter's sniper front - of course, it was quickly aborted, but now it seems that Jill Jacob actually invited Evan Bell to be the chairman of the jury, so the so-called "unhappy" And disperse" seems impossible.


Looking at the smile on Evan Bell's face, the reporters were a little relieved. After all, the position of "Chairman of the Jury" is an honor for anyone, and Evan Bell will never again Out of line. The truth is, Evan Bell was not out of line, but his answer made the smiles on everyone's faces freeze.


"But I rejected Mr. Jacob directly at the time." Evan Bell said these words, and the reporters at the scene were stunned, "In my personal opinion, no matter from any angle of age, qualifications, experience, or level Look, I'm not qualified for the position of the chairman of the jury. Mr. Jacob's attention, I can only thank this kind of heart. Of course, I will not agree without knowing it, right?"


Evan Bell's words sounded like a humble rejection, and what he said was the truth, which is why reporters were shocked by the news. And Evan Bell's polite expression of humility and honor is the most appropriate response in the imagination of reporters. But those words came out of Evan Bell's mouth, but they always felt that there was something in the words.


Imagine that Jill Jacob warmly invited Evan Bell to be the chairman of the jury, but Evan Bell refused almost without thinking. Although the reasons are very good, it is not a secret satire of Jill - Jacob made a wrong Then, the possibility of two people's meeting and breaking up suddenly skyrocketed.


Having said that, the meeting between Jill-Jacob and Evan-Bell ended harmoniously, so since Evan-Bell refused, and Jill-Jacob still brought this up, it can't be himself It's boring, the reason is not hard to speculate: either Jill Jacobs is shy and wants Evan Bell to think about it, or Jill Jacobs uses Evan Bell to hype the news, whichever it is Sex, the result was blocked by Evan Bell without hesitation.


This slap slapped on Jill-Jacob's face, it was too loud.


"Although I'm sorry, but I'm really not suitable, I can only refuse Mr. Jacob again." Evan Bell has a humble and kind smile on his face, like the most well-behaved child in the world, "I I sincerely hope that the Cannes Film Festival will become better and better, it is one of the three major film festivals in the world, and its influence and authority are admired by the heart, and I will continue to look forward to next year’s film festival with an audience.


Evan Bell is smiling like a flower. Since Jill Jacob wants to use him to hype the news, let's hype it up enough to make the news more intense!


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