Great Artist

Chapter 1347: greenwich

Today's first update, Happy New Year 2013 everyone! Ha ha! Ask for a monthly pass, ask for a recommendation, ask for a subscription!


June 26th is a Wednesday, an ordinary day. Of course, ordinary or special is only a relative description. If you compare the release date of "Pirates of the Caribbean 2", then today is the sixteen-day countdown. After half a month, you can see this movie. The pirate movie is in theaters; if you count the upcoming summer, it's the last week at school, and then there's a two-month-long summer spree waiting for students still in school them.


Nine-year-old Beatrice Deaken walked towards the school with a depressed look on her back while carrying her schoolbag and carrying the stones. Although the summer vacation is approaching, it is not good news for any student who must go through the difficulties of the exam before committing to the happy embrace of the summer vacation. Beatrice-Deacon is now worried about today's geography exam.


"Damn the geography test, why don't you just ask me about the geography of Hogwarts, then I can definitely get a full score." Beatrice Deacon muttered, and the school gate was already in sight. , the words "Greenwich Elementary School" stand on the stone tablet on the left.


Greenwich Primary School is located in the southeast of London, just a mile away from the world-famous Greenwich Observatory, a fifteen-minute walk away. So every year you can see an endless stream of tourists. However, it was still before nine in the morning, so there were not too many pedestrians around.


"Good morning, Beatrice." An amiable voice came from the school gate, but it stopped in Beatrice-Dakken's ear, but it was like a magic voice, she pouted and said something reluctantly "Good morning, Miss Daisy."


Christine Daisy, a third-grade English teacher. Beatrice Deacon is pretty sure that she must have failed her English test yesterday, and her mother won't let her go to Brighton this summer, which is really disappointing. Of course, Miss Daisy and these old teachers assign a lot of homework every week, which makes her have no time to rest. Having to say no to homework and Dick ended up going out with 2nd grade Josephine, and it just **** her off! Therefore, Beatrice Deacon naturally didn't have any good face when she saw Kristen Daisy at this time.


Kristen Daisy didn't mind seeing the reluctance on Beatrice Daiken's face, these students were just children in her eyes, so she smiled and said, "Today's exam good luck."


Beatrice-Daken kicked the small sand on the ground with her toes, paused for about two seconds, and then whispered, "Thank you." Then she stepped into the school reluctantly. Looking back at Kristen Daisy Beatrice Deacon, who was still standing at the school gate, muttered, "If only Captain Jack could come and rescue us, at least I won't have to take the geography test today."


Beatrice Deacon remembered that "Pirates of the Caribbean 2 will be released in half a month, and her mood couldn't help but start to jump. Since watching "Pirates of the Caribbean" two years ago, Captain Jack Sparrow has become her mind. My idol, what Batman and Spider-Man are weaker than the great and holy Captain Jack Sparrow, only the Captain is the real hero. Thinking of this time, Captain Jack Sparrow will be there again The adventure begins on the big screen, and Beatrice Deacon's heart begins to jump, which has become the only motivation for her recent efforts to prepare for the exam.


The Brighton project was on hold, and if her mother wouldn't even let her go to the cinema to watch "Pirates of the Caribbean 2, she would rather not have this summer vacation," Beatrice Deacon thought bitterly. But if the geography exam also If you don't pass the exam, you can't tell. Annoying geography! Beatrice-Deken's footsteps on the stairs couldn't help but get heavier, and the leather shoes and the marble floor made a crisp snapping sound.


"Beatrice." A vibrant voice came from the front, it was Dick Hale.


Beatrice Deacon hasn't spoken to Dick Hale since the last time he asked Josephine Heaton out, she's still angry. Looking at Dick Hale's bright eyes, Beatrice Deacon's already anxious mood became more and more impetuous because of the exam. She glanced at Dick Haal, didn't speak, and bypassed Dick Haal. I walked over to my classroom.

Dick-Hall didn't seem to know what was going on, he turned and ran after him. "Beatrice, Beatrice, would you like to watch 'Pirates of the Caribbean 2 with me?'"


At this time, the two children were already standing in the classroom, and the other children in the classroom heard Dick-Hall's clear voice, and they all started booing, "Dick and Beatrice were sitting on the tree, Dick and Beatrice were sitting on the tree. Silk sits on a tree..." This is a common saying, the original sentence should be "Boys and girls sit on a tree - chalky Later people omit "chalky kiss" and use "chalky kiss" Sitting on a tree" alludes to the ambiguous situation between boys and girls.


Hearing everyone's booing, the two children suddenly became shy and a little overwhelmed. But it was Dick Hale who took the initiative to say, "Beatrice, 'Pirates of the Caribbean 2, would you like to watch it with me?" He remembered that Beatrix Daken admired Captain Jack Sparrow the most. Did someone ask her out first? Last time he failed to date Beatrice Deacon, he had to find his good friend Josephine Heaton, made a plan, and chose the upcoming "Pirates of the Caribbean 2" as a dating venue, wouldn't it be? Failed? Thinking of this, Dick Halton looked at Beatrice Deacon with some urgency.


Beatrice Deacon glanced at Dick Hal, then thought of Josephine Heaton, but she didn't know how to answer.


At this moment, the old teacher's voice rang out in the classroom, "Please go back to your seat." Beatrice Deacon gave Dick Hale a quick look, and only said "Okay" , then turned around and walked to his seat. Dick-Hall's eager expression suddenly bloomed into a flower, and he stood there stupidly. "Dick, I said, go back to your seat." The old teacher's voice came over again. Dick Hall hurriedly walked over to his position.


Beatrice Deacon just felt her heart was beating fast, and Dick Hale asked her out again, this time she would definitely not miss it. Thinking of this, the upcoming geography exam was no longer a problem. Beatrice-Diken only felt that her whole heart was about to fly, and all the unpleasantness caused by the recent exam was gone.

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