Great Artist

Chapter 1351: clear up doubts

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After all, what should come will come. This is life. Things don't fade away just because they're buried in time, they'll come to the surface one day. The relationship between Catherine Bell and No. 1 Savile Row, even though there has been no contact for 23 years and there have been two opportunities to open up the situation, it has finally returned to calm, but this does not mean that things will disappear . It won't change that Catherine Bell was born at One Savile Row, that Robert Hawkes and Jenny Hawkes are Catherine Bell's parents, and that the Bell family of three are from Greenwich, London.'s that simple.

Although for a long time in the past, the matter of One Savile Row has never existed in the lives of the Bell family of three, but it does exist, whether you touch it or not, it always exists, even if Saville One Vail Row has fallen, and even if birth and death come, the connection of the existence is always there.

So, it's time to come, come.

"That's Mike Jeffrey." Evan Bell said. When he saw McGeffrey's figure, he was relieved instead, it happened, but at least not to the worst point, Evan Bell did not confirm if the person who appeared was Robert Hawkes or Jenny Hawkes These two people who had never met, what would have happened; but from the brief time spent with McGeffrey last time, the old man was very friendly.

When Teddy Bell heard the name, he was stunned for a while, and then he reacted. In fact, he had only heard the name once, so it was normal that he couldn't remember it. After reacting, Teddy Bell's simple and honest face could not help but show a hostility. What he was worried about was that McGeffrey blocked Catherine Bell in their old residence. Does that mean No. 1 Savile Street? Follow them or maybe One Savile Row has something for Catherine Bell. Can't blame Teddy Bell, they've been a little bit of a mess with Shaun Hall's recent wiretap incidents, not to mention, if the paparazzi find out about their family affairs their two brothers are fine, but all the damage will be directed at them Catherine Bell went over, this is absolutely not allowed.

Evan Bell did not stop Teddy Bell, seeing Teddy Bell striding forward, he also raised his steps and followed with steady steps, although McGeffrey was friendly last time, but What was going on today, he was still very curious. Why did McJeffrey know that Catherine Bell came to their old home?

The two Bell brothers were tall and imposing, so it was hard for people to ignore them. What's more, there were no pedestrians on the street at this time, and the two brothers were immediately captured by McGeffrey. McGeffrey was a little stunned, and his eyes moved from Catherine Bell to the back. Catherine Bell noticed McGeoffrey's distraction, and couldn't help but look back along the line of sight, and then saw the two sons, and couldn't help laughing.

Teddy Bell walked over to Catherine Bell at once, and when he saw Catherine Bell's red and swollen eyes and the tears that were not completely dry on his face, he burst into anger. Evan Bell was only half a step slower than Teddy Bell. He also saw the embarrassment on his mother's face, but he still patted his brother on the shoulder to suppress the anger that Teddy Bell was about to burst out. The two brothers are like two iron towers, standing behind Catherine Bell, the meaning of protection is really clear.

McJeffrey was staring at Teddy Bell, frowning fiercely by the two brothers, as if he would move forward and bury his half-buried old bone in the loess. It was crushed; and Evan Bell, who was standing beside him, looked fine, looking at him with inquiring eyes, but the deep blue eyes made people shiver. Clearly a tough character.

Facing such a situation, McGeffrey not only was not afraid or angry, but laughed, "Is this your two sons?"

Catherine Bell couldn't help laughing, unable to hide the pride in the corners of her mouth and eyes, "This is Teddy, this is Evan."

"You have two good sons." McGeffrey nodded reassuringly. He knew that Catherine Bell was living happily now, and that he had two such filial and capable sons, and that was enough.

Catherine Bell looked at McGeffrey's tearful smile, turned back to her two sons and said, "This is your uncle." Catherine Bell immediately met Evan Bell's questioning gaze, and nodded with a smile. Nod to confirm.

In fact, when Evan Bell met McGeffrey, he told Catherine Bell everything, but Catherine Bell didn't say anything. After Catherine Bell and McGeffrey met directly today, they asked the two of them to call each other "uncle". Something must have happened here.

Neither of the two brothers will interfere with Catherine Bell's decision regarding the matter of No. 1 Savile Row. So since Katherine Bell said so, the two brothers called out "uncle", but this word made McGeffrey a little unbearable, and tears fell directly. Evan Bell looked at it, a little stunned.

"Catherine, how did you meet Uncle Mike today?" As expected of two brothers, Teddy Bell immediately asked Evan Bell's doubts.

"I'm here waiting for Catherine." It was McJeffrey who answered, wiping the tears from the corners of his eyes, "I originally just wanted to try my luck, but I didn't expect it. I really waited."

Here's the thing. When he learned that Evan Bell's global tour would be held in London for two, McJeffrey had the idea to meet Evan Bell, or Teddy Bell, the best case is Met Catherine Bell directly.

However, when Evan Bell arrived in London this time, his itinerary was uncertain, and at the last minute he decided to stay at the five-star Cadogan Hotel in Knightsbridge. It's a full three miles from Savile Row, and it's estimated to take an hour to travel through the streets of London. And when Mike Jeffrey went to the Cadogan Hotel the day before yesterday, he was frightened by the lively fans and reporters there. Looking at this situation, it was almost impossible for him to squeeze in. After thinking about it again and again, out of desperation, McGeffrey chose to wait for the rabbit at the old residence of the Bell family, only hoping to wait.

I have to say that McGeoffrey's luck was very good. Before that, neither Catherine nor Teddy had returned to the old house. This time Katherine Bell finally went, and was met by McGeoffrey.

"Perhaps the continuous heavy rain in London doesn't want to bother my old man too much." McGeffrey said. The Bell family of three and McGeffrey walked to a dilapidated coffee shop nearby and sat down. Today is a rare sunny day in London. Although the noon sun is not vicious, it is bright enough to make people dizzy. "I want to see you this time for a special reason."

Although McGeffrey had already told Catherine Bell just now, but at Catherine Bell's suggestion, he told it again and explained it to the two Bell brothers.

McJeffrey is indeed the top tailor in "Jiforth and Hawks". Katherine Bell is what McJeffrey watched and grew up with. He is an old bachelor with no children. Katherine Bell is like his daughter. . As a child, because of the busy parents, Catherine Bell was relatively close to McGeffrey. Later, when Catherine Bell ran away from home, McJeffrey was so worried that he couldn't sleep at night. At first, in order to find Catherine Bell, he didn't spend much effort, and even persuaded Jenny Hawks to hire a private detective in London to look for it. But unfortunately, in the environment of the 1980s, the means of communication were really limited, and they were not able to find the Bell family.

Later, the search operation was known to Robert Hawks. The old stubborn insisted that Catherine left the house on her own initiative, and they didn't need to search for Catherine any more. They just assumed there was no daughter. If Jane Hawkes went out to find Catherine again, then He asked Jenny Hawks to leave the house altogether. The authoritarian Robert Hawks has absolute right to speak at This also eliminates the possibility of Jenny Hawks looking for her daughter again.

A year later, when Catherine Bell returned to Savile Row with Teddy who had just been born, she was faced with this situation. Although Jenny Hawkes missed her daughter, she was firmly oppressed by her husband and did not dare to show it. And Robert Hawks, who was ashamed of his daughter, was even more angry when he saw that his daughter not only eloped, but also gave birth to a child. Therefore, Robert Hawks left directly with his wife, as if he didn't know Catherine Bell at all.

McGeffrey secretly tried three times to find Catherine Bell, but still found nothing, not to mention that Katherine Bell left London directly and cut off all sources of information. During this period, Robert Hawkes also warned his wife twice severely that it was forbidden to bring up any topic about his daughter at home, so that Jenny Hawkes could only bury all his thoughts deeply in his heart. Twenty years later, even McGeffrey thought Catherine Bell had disappeared. Then, Evan Bell turned out.

Mike Jeffrey was very excited after meeting Evan Bell at the Langham Hotel. But knowing that Catherine Bell was doing well and living happily, he was relieved. After all, it's enough to know that Katherine Bell's life is a happy one.

After returning, McGeffrey finally couldn't hold back and told the Hawkes and his wife about it.

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