Great Artist

Chapter 1355: Special interview

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After returning to the Cadogan Hotel, it was lunch time.

When the reporters saw that Evan Bell and his party finally appeared, they were overjoyed and rushed up.

Evan Bell and the others will throw the reporters away, something must have happened, and Katherine Bell, who didn't go to Greenwich Elementary School at all, and Eden Ha, who went back to the Cadogan Hotel and then left the team with the extrajudicial fanatics. Deson has joined the Bell brothers. If there is nothing, the reporter will never believe it. Now that all the parties involved are back, the reporters are naturally impatient.

Unfortunately, the reporters are doomed to fail. Not only could they not find any information today, but Evan Bell even refused all interviews. He made it clear that he had a secret but kept it private. This made the reporters panic. Many reporters are speculating that the disappearance of the Bell Brothers this morning was related to their family life, which made the fire of gossip in their bodies burn completely, but it was unreasonable, which was really frustrating.

In fact, although Evan Bell is now the top focus of attention in the world, his personal life can be said to be almost impervious, especially in London. So far, the reporters with great knowledge have not been able to dig out about the Bell family in London. matter.

On the surface, the Bell family's life seems to be very transparent. No. 11 Prince Street has even become a tourist attraction. The family's work is also carried out under the spotlight, and there is nothing to hide. But think about it carefully, the Bell family is a single-parent family, so there is no news about who the father is; what about the parents and relatives of Catherine Bell's family, there is no news; the Bell family moved to New York in 1988, but before that, The Bell family's life in London can't find any clues... Generally speaking, after an artist becomes famous, the entire family tree of the seven aunts and eight aunts will be dug up by the media, but the Bell family's secrecy work is really in place. , so that the reporters have no way to start, and the reporters who were originally considered to be all-pervasive are naturally also clever women who can't cook without any clues.

This time, the Bell family returned to London collectively, which ignited the curiosity of reporters. Originally, they thought they could dig out the deeds of the Bell family in London, but now it seems that they will return without success.

After the Bell family entered the Cadogan Hotel, they went to the restaurant to dine, and reporters with cameras were stopped in the hotel lobby. This is not only a move for the Bell family, but the point is that if reporters flood into the restaurant, they will inevitably disturb other customers' meals, so the hotel simply prohibits any reporters from entering, and only stays at the Cadogan Hotel during lunch time. of customers can only enter the restaurant without carrying camera and video equipment, which prevents the reporters to the greatest extent.

As a direct result of the Cadogan Hotel's actions, there are at least fifty journalists hanging around in the hotel lobby. They have been doing everything they can to get close to the restaurant. Even if they can't think of a way, they won't let their peers get ahead , must stay to monitor each other. It's the end of June, and the number of tourists arriving in London hasn't reached its peak yet, so the Cadogan Hotel is not too crowded, but such a lively scene always gives the illusion that it's the peak of the holiday season, which is quite confusing.

"What are you going to do this afternoon?" Evan Bell asked while cutting the Irish beef stew on the plate, looking at Catherine Bell.

Catherine Bell ordered a plate of beef patties with mashed potatoes today, which is one of the most traditional foods in Old London. "I'll just flip through the books in the room. Don't you have several books in your suitcase? And pair it with the afternoon. It is also a good choice to enjoy tea.”

"Do you need me to stay?" said Teddy Bell, cutting his grilled steak.

Catherine Bell smiled, "No, Evan's rehearsal in the afternoon can't be delayed." Evan Bell was still in Liverpool yesterday. After arriving in London in the middle of the night, he was busy all morning and went to Wembley Stadium in the afternoon. Tomorrow's concert rehearsal. "By the way, when Evan is in the rehearsal, you and Eden can go buy some cheese and come back."

Eden Hudson raised his head and looked at Katherine Bell. He stayed in Stockholm when he was a child, and then went to the United States. He didn't know much about the customs here in London. But Teddy Bell woke up immediately, "Is that the kind of goat cheese we ate when we were kids?"

As soon as he heard Teddy Bell's words, Evan Bell frowned and looked disgusted. The goat cheese had a very strong smell of mutton. When he first ate it, he was completely shocked, as if a foreigner ate it. It feels like stinky tofu. Although he is used to Western food now, some foods are still resisted instinctively. Goat cheese is one of them. This has also made Evan Bell always curious, why taste buds are obviously body organs. Controlled by the soul? Could it be because he consciously rejected and resisted? Catherine Bell saw the wrinkled face of her youngest son, and burst out laughing, thinking of Evan Bell eating goat cheese when she was a child, she couldn't help laughing, "No. Okay."

Teddy Bell also saw Evan Bell's expression and laughed, "Then I'll buy more blue cheese, Evan likes it. Do you need white wine?"

Catherine Bell looked at Eden Hudson and asked what he meant. Eden Hudson was stunned, and then said, "Buy a bottle." Catherine Bell nodded, "Then you have to remember. Yes." Eden Hudson pursed the corners of his mouth, didn't say anything, just nodded his understanding, and continued to enjoy his lunch.

Teddy Bell turned to look at Evan Bell, "Do you take time to take a look at that interview this afternoon, or do you wait until the concert the day after tomorrow?"

Evan Bell looked at Teddy Bell and didn't seem to react. Teddy Bell knew that his younger brother probably forgot about it. The itinerary in the British Isles this week was really tight, and Evan Bell didn't have the energy to think about these things. Teddy Bell went on to explain, "Frank came here last time. The voice I heard in London thought it was very good and recommended it to Philip, who thought it was very good and has always wanted to meet him."

Evan Bell just remembered. Frank James has been flying around the world this year because of the "Eleven" men's flagship store, and he is busier than he is on tour. Not long ago, Frank James said that he heard a very amazing voice in London and thought it was worth listening to, so he recommended it to Philip Lawrence, who was stationed at 10 Princes Street and 11. Now Andre Lindbergh is with him. During his world tour with Evan Bell, Philip Lawrence was responsible for the day-to-day liaison with 10 Princes Street.

Don't underestimate the ability of Frank James. Although he is now the leader of Eleven's design and has pushed the "Eleven" men's clothing to its current position, he and Sean Mayer were both free to choose this independent piece before. A manager in a music studio, his sensitivity to music is not weak at all.

After listening to the three master tapes, Philip Lawrence thought the sound was really good. So Sean Mayer contacted the owner of the voice. The owner of this voice is an eighteen-year-old girl who lives in London. When she received a call from Sean Mayer, the girl did not believe that the other party was coming to interview her, because the only music company she knew was Virgin Records, which is owned by EMI, which made people laugh and cry.

Although EMI is now ranked at the bottom of the four major record companies, it is still one of the giants in the world. Its Virgin Records is the blood of the British in the UK, and it has a unique advantage in the British Isles, and its development is far more than the other three. company level in the UK. So it's not too exaggerated that the girl only knows about Virgin Records.

After Sean Mayer explained the nature of Studio Eleven, the girl didn't ask any more questions. But when Sean Mayer asked for an interview, she was vigilantly rejected by the teenage girl. She didn't want to fly across the Atlantic alone for an interview—and it was a music company she didn't even know about, who knew Is that fraud. Even though Sean Mayer offered to pay for the round-trip airfare - including her guardian's, the girl was reluctant. The girl said that the interview can be done in London, otherwise it will be fine.

The girl's insistence was justified. Although Sean Mayer understood this, he couldn't help but smile bitterly. There are times when the signboard of Eleven Studio is not easy to So this matter falls into the hands of Teddy Bell. Anyway, the Avon Bell people are in the British Isles, and an interview will not cost How much time. Besides, even if the girl passed the interview with Sean Mayer and entered the eleventh creation as a reserve, she still had to pass the level of Evan Bell, so she simply asked Evan Bell to go for the interview.

After understanding what was going on, Evan Bell said simply, "Let's do this afternoon.

Let her come to the Millennium Dome. She feels a little more secure in such a place. "The Millennium Dome, a well-known building in the UK and even the world, must have reassured the girl.

Mentioning this matter, Evan Bell suddenly remembered, "Teddy, after returning to New York this time, Taylor's album can be accelerated and recorded before the end of the summer vacation. Also, the Republic era can talk to them. , to see what plans they have for their albums, just follow their plans." After telling Teddy Bell about these things, he will remember and explain that the next operation will not be missed.

After the film's success, Eleven Studios, which started with music, is finally going to attack the music market again after Evan Bell, Jason Majes, and Magic Red.

Today's update is going to be 30,000 words again, huh, everyone is happy on New Year's Day! Ask for a guaranteed monthly pass! Continue to ask for monthly tickets, subscriptions, and annual work tickets! The outbreak will continue tomorrow! (To be continued. "This article is provided by the breaking dawn update team @小爱332335" If you like this work, you are welcome to ◣First Release◥ to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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