Great Artist

Chapter 1385: buy 1 get 1 free

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"Although Studio Eleven has no plans for this year, Studio Eleven does have a few good plans at hand. We don't plan to shoot, but we can shoot." Evan Bell obviously didn't finish his words, and then Come up with a plan that shakes Mark Bonet's spirits. "How, are you interested?"

Mark Bonet's pupils shrank slightly. He didn't know what medicine Evan Bell was selling in the gourd. He said that Evan Bell was very cunning and he had to be careful. Since Studio Eleven does not plan to shoot, it means that Evan Bell is not very optimistic about these scripts, so why did he recommend it, is it for the sake of slaughtering it? But then again, Evan Bell is very picky about scripts, maybe just because he thinks those plans are not suitable for Eleven Studio, so he recommends them, which is also possible...

Mark - Burnett's head is changing rapidly, and his thoughts are changing. I have to say that Evan Bell's current image of a fox is so deeply rooted in people's hearts that it always makes these people nervous. Thinking about where Robert Iger and Disney are now, Mark Burnett would rather think too much and have to be wary.

"Oh, Evan thinks it's a good plan? Is it a show like 'Mad Men'?" No matter what tricks Evan Bell plays, he is the one who makes the final decision, and if he wants to sign an agreement, he has to go back and ask the TV station for approval, so there is still insurance. When Mark Bonet said this, he was actually interested in what Evan Bell just said.

Evan Bell laughed, "No, of course not. A good businessman must know how to sell the right products to the right people. Just now I was selling diapers to an adult, which is not a good idea. "

This made Mark Bonet look weird, and he didn't know if he should laugh. But here's the problem. Evan Bell's analogy is so apt that even if Mark Bonet felt that he was being satirized, the smile on the corner of his mouth could not be controlled.

"Tim Kling, have you heard this name?" Evan Bell seemed to be prepared. So I didn't even do the act of rummaging through the information, I just said it directly.

Mark-Bonet recalled carefully this time, and it took a while before he remembered, "Executive producer of 'The Dead Can Talk'?" "The Dead Can Talk", this is a TV series, from As the name of the play knows, this is a story about a coroner and a detective working together to investigate a case. .Although the audience rating has not been too amazing, it has persisted from 2001 to this year, and it has been able to obtain data above the passing line every year, which is very good. Mark Bonet is not too impressed with Tim Kling, nor is it unusual. After all, in many TV series, "the dead can speak" is not outstanding.

Evan Bell nodded, "I bought the production rights of a TV series from Tim. But Eleven Studios didn't have this plan to shoot, so I'll see if they're interested in buying it back?"

Even an old man like Mark Bonet can't laugh or cry when he hears Evan Bell's words. Although this kind of thing is not uncommon in the business field, it is really a very embarrassing thing to buy a missed proposal from someone else now. But what Mark Bonet is more curious about is what the script was, and why did Tim Kling fail to pass the proposal on TV in the first place? Or did he simply not submit it to the TV station?

"This is a story about how ordinary people's lives changed after they found out that they had superpowers." Evan Bell said as he took the laptop next to the sofa, opened it, and put it on the In front of Mark Bonet. "This story is called 'Hero...Hero', a superpower drama that was popular all over the world in the past life. The highest ratings in the United States once reached the sky-breaking figure of 6.2. It can definitely be said to be a phenomenal drama. , was spread to the world as the same series of "Lost", "Prison Break" and "Desperate Housewives", bringing American dramas into a heyday.

As far as Evan Bell is concerned. He watched the first season of "Heroes", and it was really good. It was definitely a masterpiece. However, after the second season, the plot began to become chaotic, and then suffered a major strike from the screenwriters, and it collapsed. After that, Evan Bell didn't watch it again, and the footsteps of "Hero" only lasted until the fourth season, or it was cut off.

It can be said that "Hero" is also a landmark TV series. Like "Prison Break" and "Lost", it has a very wide influence. But Evan Bell is not too keen on the show personally.

The failure of "Hero" is different from the weakness in the later period of "Prison Break". "Prison Break" was forced into a vicious circle and a dead end due to Fox TV's desire for ratings. This series was originally shot for two seasons. A very perfect ending made the third and fourth seasons end up with a dog-tailed infamy; while the "hero" started to collapse from the second season's plot, from the weakening of the characters to the rhythm of the story, and the collapse of the broader market. , the whole plot completely collapsed, and the third season was already very reluctant.

In addition, Evan Bell himself is not very interested in the theme of superheroes, and Eleven Studio is now busy with "Spartan Three Hundred Warriors" and the upcoming "Wild Survival", and there are not enough manpower to develop For new dramas, even if you have to put people into the production of a brand new series, "Mad Men" is also a priority. In this case, Evan Bell, Mark Bonet's door-to-door, came up with a plan to sell "Hero" to TV stations.

Evan Bell sold the "Hero" plan to the TV station. The direct and obvious benefits are not complicated. For Eleven Studio, there are only advantages and no disadvantages. From a deeper point of view, the TV station is now asking for Egypt. Wen-Bell, but Evan-Bell is not asking for TV stations... Channel business, TV stations are one of the indispensable territories, although the ratings of TV stations this year are not satisfactory, but before that, TV stations were not good enough. Occupying the position of the leader of American TV stations for a long time, the rich copyright of works is enough to make Evan Bell coveted.

Therefore, if Evan Bell and the TV station can reach a deal and repair the relationship between the two parties, it will definitely be beneficial for future cooperation. This is also the fundamental reason why Evan Bell is so positive today.

Although the series "Heroes" began to crumble in the second season, the first season was really exciting, and Mark Burnett was immediately attracted by the plan. This is the series that TV stations need. After reading the plan, Mark Bonet is also very sure that Tim Kling did not hand over the plan to the TV station, which also shows that the TV station is now less attractive to producers and screenwriters, which is also a hidden concern .

"This plan is good." Mark Bonet raised his head to look at Evan Bell, and said it directly, but did not say too much. Although Evan Bell has made it clear that he wants to sell the plan to TV stations, if he is too eager, it is certain that Evan Bell will be slaughtered.

Although Evan Bell wants to have a good relationship in his heart, he will definitely not show it, otherwise he will be undercut. "Since the TV station likes it, it's better to offer a price, whether it is a one-time buyout of the copyright, or a cooperative agreement."

Mark Bonet was not surprised by Evan Bell's retreat, he rolled his eyes a little and said tentatively, "Any acquisition of any plan, we have to have a meeting to discuss, so I am also now. There is no way to make a decision, we still have to discuss it." Mark Bonet said while observing Evan Bell's expression and found that Evan Bell didn't care at all. Mark - Bonet suddenly a little annoyed, he realized he made a mistake.

First, the situation of the TV station is not a secret in the industry at all, and the situation of the ratings in black and white cannot be clearer. Even if he is reserved, Evan Bell will not change his situation more; secondly, The "Hero" program, whether it is produced by Eleven Studio or sent to Fox TV, is definitely not a problem. Now Evan Bell is a position where he can sit on the ground and start the price, but he does not. He is sending out a friendly signal. As a result, he also moved out the official courtesy statement, which is completely a clumsy trick to reduce his competitiveness.

Mark Bonet quickly figured this The conversation changed and he asked tentatively, "Of course, we have always been confident in Evan's vision," although this is also a guest. Literally, then why didn't the "Mad Men" plan come together just now, but I still have to say, "And I'm also very interested in this plan. If you want to cooperate, it is naturally more appropriate to buy out the copyright at one time, Evan. what you think?"

Evan Bell shrugged and seemed to be deliberately letting go, "Of course I have no problem, as I just said, Eleven Studio itself has no plan to make this work. If the TV station likes it and can return it to the original owner, then It could not be better."

Mark Bonet was nervous and nervous by Evan Bell's false display of weakness. Does Evan Bell have other plans? But he still bite the bullet and reported a number, "Three million!" Then Mark Bonet stared at Evan Bell's expression, unwilling to miss every expression on his face.

Evan Bell pouted, shook his head, raised his eyebrows slightly, "Six million. Then I'll give you a good plan."

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