Great Artist

Chapter 1388: 3 years 3

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I have to say that Evan Bell was quite surprised by Charlie Claire's sincerity. You must know that even Fox TV, which has "American Idol", "Doctor House" and "Prison Break" Jewel in the past, is very interested in Evan Bell. It's not 100% trustworthy. After all, the age of "twenty-three" is really scary, which is one of the reasons why the media has always been reluctant to give up questioning Evan Bell. Who knows when this young man will be Suddenly collapsed or decadent

But on second thought, this decision of the TV station is also traceable. It only needs one word: a TV station that is desperate to rely on its own TV production must have the courage and determination to bind an excellent production company. on your own chariot, then sprint at full strength

If Evan Bell remembers correctly, Lionsgate was the one who stood on the same chariot with the TV station in the last life. After the two sides reached a cooperation for five years, the TV station won the attention of the industry and the recognition of the audience. Lionsgate The film industry has become a strong candidate for the seventh largest film company in the United States. In this lifetime, the birth of Evan Bell is obviously a reshuffle of the North American entertainment industry. Therefore, Charlie Claire appeared at No. 9 Prince Street.

Hearing Charlie Claire's compliment to himself, Evan Bell did not go down politely, but showed a confident smile, and then said, "Mr. Claire, about the 'Mad Men' script, I think you may I forgot a very important point, which is that Eleven Studios plans to make the show again next year, is there any problem with that?"

Charlie-Claire knows that his first step has been successful today, "Of course there is no problem. A good TV series needs to rely on time to build, doesn't it? From the characters to the costumes, from the relationship to the plot, to a truly outstanding one. TV dramas are no less difficult to shoot than movies.”

Obviously, Charlie Claire has inquired about Evan Bell's preferences in great detail, and these words are deliberately to cater to what Evan Bell said, and Evan Bell became more interested in the TV station. What purpose did you come for? Although he already had a vague guess in his mind, he still hoped to get confirmation from Charlie Claire

"That's the best, I think we will have a very pleasant cooperation" Evan Bell has no more nonsense, since Charlie Claire doesn't do Tai Chi today, and goes straight, then Evan Bell also Going to be direct, adding "So, do we sign the 'Mad Men' contract now, or wait a while?"

Charlie Claire shook his head and said with a smile, "The TV station wants to discuss a big business with Eleven Studio, and 'Mad Men' is only part of it." Sure enough, under the direct stimulation of Evan Bell, Charlie - Claire didn't go around in circles and went straight to the topic, "We are willing to establish a TV channel on utube, of course, it must be paid. I wonder if Eleven Studios is interested?"

Charlie Claire's proposal made Evan Bell's head run fast... After half a year of development, his channel business has been on track, but the paid business is still only in a small area. Of course, now the high-end image of the utube channel business It has been established, and the next step is to expand the paid business

The paid business is actually similar to DVD rental and cable TV. Drawing on the model of paid download of digital music, netizens can pay a certain fee to rent videos on Youtube, and they cannot watch them after 24 hours or 48 hours; or, You can pay a high fee to buy the movie directly, then you can save it permanently in your computer

Therefore, in the future of utube's smooth development, if these cable TVs can also join the premium channel business, it would be great. Netizens may only need to pay cheap prices to watch these cable TVs on their own computers or mobile devices.

Now, for the first time in history, Charlie Claire has offered to set up a channel: it's very rare that someone wants to start a Youtube channel without a visit from Teddy Bell or Steve Jobs.

"We are naturally interested, but now most of the TV stations are just classic movies. It seems that you don't need to join the online video website." Evan Bell directly raised his doubts. In fact, today and Charlie Claire Strictly speaking, the negotiation is not a negotiation, because of Charlie-Claire's friendliness and firmness, the two sides basically tell the truth, but it is like a chat with friends

"If we set up a paid channel on Youtube, naturally there are requirements. The first is that it can be officially launched in January 2007, and we still have a lot of preparations to complete; the second is related to 'Mad Men'" Sure enough , Charlie Claire seems to have been meeting Evan Bell's wishes all the time when he came here today. Although it seems to be for the TV station on the surface, there must be something in the real purpose, otherwise Charlie Claire would not be so friendly, and so Lower your stance, "We hope to reach a cooperation with Eleven Studio, and Eleven Studio will be solely responsible for the production of episodes, and then hand them over to our TV station for broadcast"

As Evan Bell expected, the TV station really wanted to tell the story about the TV series launched by Studio Eleven. It is actually very risky to sign such a move. If the series launched by Studio Eleven fails, the TV station will It can be said that everything has been lost; however, as long as one of the series launched by Eleven Studio has achieved sufficient success, the result will be completely the opposite. However, this is also a kind of investment by the TV station in Eleven Studio. Any investment has risk, it's that simple

"What is the cooperation law, talk about it in detail?" Different from the previous negotiations with Mark Bonet, Evan Bell was very relaxed during the whole process of negotiation today, but he did not let down his vigilance at all, and his brain was running fast all the time.

Charlie Claire raised three fingers of his right hand, "Three years in three years, we hope that Studio Eleven will produce three TV series in three years and hand over the copyright to the TV station. We have the right to choose the works of Eleven Studio, but we have enough confidence in your vision"

In fact, the cooperation plan is very simple. Within three years, the Eleventh Studio must produce three works to the TV station. If there are many works produced, the TV station has the right to choose, and the benefits of both parties are obvious. The TV station and Eleven work The studio is tied to the chariot. Even if the work has not yet appeared, it is enough to attract a lot of attention in terms of publicity strategy. After the news is announced, the subscribers of the TV station will definitely increase. In addition, the work of Eleven Studio is guaranteed enough. Let the TV station start to show off its strengths; for Eleven Studio, in addition to the fact that the works do not have to worry about sales, they still have the copyright initiative and can get further dividends. The most important thing is that the establishment of the channel on utube is very important for utube. is significant

It has to be said that the TV station considers this plan well, which is mutually beneficial to both parties, and also offers conditions that make it difficult for Evan Bell to refuse. On the contrary, there are not many reasons for Evan Bell to refuse. The TV station obviously experienced the lessons of Warner Bros.'s recent embarrassment, and deliberately arranged a "three years" as a time limit, which slightly restrained Evan Bell's free and loose

Although Evan Bell expected that the TV station was smug and wanted to regroup, he did not expect that this plan would be so big, which not only involved the plan for the next three years, but also involved utube. Evan Bell squinted slightly , looking carefully at Charlie-Claire in front of him, I don't know whether he came up with this plan or the Dolan and his son. But from what we know so far, although the Dolan and his son are indeed good at doing business, they have not been very interested in TV stations in recent years. In a state of letting go, the Charlie Claire in front of him is the CEO, and it should be the decision he made after taking the pulse of the TV station.

"Three films in three years, do you have any requirements for the work?" Evan Bell avoided the most important and most desired part of utube, and brought up this topic of importance.

Charlie Claire didn't seem to have any intention of returning the topic to utube, and just followed Evan Bell's topic and continued, "No, there is no requirement that we allow Eleven Studio to be completely free to play, production costs, staff and other parts. , we will provide full help”

It sounds like the TV station doesn't seem to have any advantage, which is so abnormal. Evan Bell raised an eyebrow, "continue"

Charlie Claire He really didn't finish his words, Evan Bell saw that it was normal, and he didn't feel embarrassed, and went on to say, "But we have some concerns about the ratings. It is required that "the ratings of cable TV stations and the data of public stations cannot be compared, but cable TV stations will also count the ratings, and then conduct satisfaction surveys among their subscribers. "According to the different ratings, our dividend ratio is also It will be different, the dividends here include advertising, cable subscriptions, peripherals, etc.”

Although cable TV is generally free of advertisements, in recent years, cable TV, which has become more and more difficult to survive, has also begun to insert advertisements. However, unlike public stations, the number of advertisements on cable stations is very small and the quality is very high, so as not to arouse the disgust of subscribers. to the highest standard

Evan Bell is not surprised by Charlie Claire's words at all. They must have means to restrict Eleven Studio, and it is impossible to pay infinitely like a fool. Therefore, the gap in dividend ratio becomes a constraint on Eleven Studio's works. Quality Assurance

Evan Bell knows that the negotiation has just begun, because this so-called "dividend ratio that changes according to different ratings" is the highlight

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