Great Artist

Chapter 1394: Survival in the wild

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Evan Bell supported a cane in his left hand and a compass in his right hand, standing on a small hill, looking into the distance.

At this time, Evan Bell looked very embarrassed. The jacket and trousers of the mountaineering suit were scratched. After washing it twice, the cracked soil and damp moss were unevenly distributed; the left knee was tightly wrapped with a large towel. As for the color of the towel, the color of the towel was indistinguishable. Anyway, it is now dilapidated khaki. ; The bamboo pole body that had lost weight in those months was even more emaciated at this time, with a somewhat "I want to ride the wind to go home" posture; that handsome face was gray, and the middle and long hair was even more tangled in mud. A clump, as if using dirt as a wax to create a hairstyle carefully, only to fail.

However, Evan Bell didn't care about his situation at all. After carefully discerning the direction, he wanted to turn around and walk down the hill, but before he had time to leave, his muscles suddenly stiffened, "Not now. "Unfortunately, he failed to do so.

The small flames in the stomach began to burn vigorously, like a red lotus karmic fire. The red and black flames not only ignited a prairie fire in the stomach, but also collided and pulled Evan Bell's weak flames everywhere. The lining of the stomach. The pain, which was even more exaggerated than the heart, made Evan Bell tense all over, as if it were about to explode.

The flames began to flow out from his stomach. Evan Bell quickly lost all pain sensation. He clearly felt that his nerves were numb. His left hand almost crushed the wooden stick used as a crutch, but there was no pain in his palm. ; his teeth were clenched so hard that they almost broke, but there was no feeling in the whole mouth; the soreness from the soles of his feet to the top of his head almost made him want to leave, but now there is no feeling. All the nerves seemed to be numb, but the tingling sensation spread all over the scalp, as if someone was holding countless silver needles in a stimulation experiment on his head, the pain made Evan Bell feel like he was going to faint Yes, but he was sober.

I don't know how long it has passed, Evan Bell just felt the pain like the tide ebbs, and it subsided, and the soreness of the muscles all over the body began to explode, and every muscle was moaning, which is another. A wave of pain. He was sweating all over his body, as if he had been pulled out of the water. In fact, he just came out of the water not long ago, but at this time, the sweat was mixed with the wet clothes again, and a gust of wind blew, and the whole body began to shiver, like shaking lice.

The pain finally completely disappeared. Evan Bell only felt that he was spinning out of strength for a while, and he stumbled and almost sat down directly. But Evan Bell still gritted his teeth and supported the crutches with the last bit of strength. The rough spikes on the wooden stick caused clear pain in Evan Bell's left palm, and the whole person suddenly became more energetic. Evan Bell stood firm and loosened his teeth, but he only felt that his facial muscles seemed to be out of control.

However, Evan Bell didn't have the heart to care about his own terrible stomach pain because if they didn't find a way today, they would be out of food.

Ten days ago, Evan Bell led five other crew members to re-enter Denali National Park for make-up shots. In the beginning, everything went smoothly. The disaster started from crossing the river. One of the staff members, Ricky Toy, accidentally slipped and sprained his ankle during the river crossing. Fortunately, there was no major incident, but the rainstorm came without warning. Catch everyone by surprise. Originally, when crossing the river, I had to worry about the moss and stones at the bottom of the river, but because of the heavy rain, my vision became blurred, and the river suddenly became turbulent. On the one hand, everyone had to cross the river quickly, and on the other hand, they had to take care of the sprained Ricky Troy. In the rush, two backpacks floated away along the river.

Finally, the six talents arrived at the river bank safely, and it was too late for everyone to feel sorry, they found a big rock and began to shelter from the rain. In addition to a staff member, Kevin Scott, who sprained his ankle, Robert Faris also had a scratched palm and was bleeding profusely. Fortunately, the backpack with the medical kit was still there, and both of them were treated in time. But soon, the so-called "lucky" seems to be not so lucky, because the two lost backpacks, one containing distress lights, smoke bombs and other items, and the other is food, which is really bad. Clothes, photography equipment and other supplies were not lost, and there was also a backpack for food, which was a great fortune among misfortunes.

The torrential rain lasted for twelve hours at a time, and it lasted all night. It didn't stop until it was dawn the next day. The heavy rain has brought injuries and misfortunes that are not over yet. Three people, including Evan Bell, have developed a low-grade fever. Fortunately, none of the personnel were seriously injured. Moreover, the mobile phone signals were all cut off, and no matter how hard the six people tried, they couldn't dial out their mobile phones for help.

In desperation, the six people can only rely on themselves. Evan Bell and others first took two hours to complete the re-shooting shots, which was considered a joy in hardship, and then began their journey of self-rescue. In Evan Bell's self-deprecating words, "This is the real 'wilderness survival'." This group of six also truly experienced the experience of Christopher McCanders. Luckily for them than Christopher McCanders, though, they have six men -- albeit mostly with injuries -- and their gear is barely complete.

The food was not enough two days ago. In fact, for the past ten days, everyone has been preparing for emergencies and eating sparingly. But three days ago, the food was still in a hurry. As a result, they reduced from two meals a day to one meal a day. Even so, today, there are still only the last bit of luncheon meat and canned food left, and they even have water-soaked toast. Once eaten, it's like a mushy, disgusting taste. If they can't find a way out today, they will be hungry tomorrow, and things will start to get worse.

For the past four days, Evan Bell has had a stomach attack every day, which has become more and more serious. Today is the second time. His empty stomach stirred up, almost consuming all his strength. Evan Bell stood and breathed for a while, regained his strength, and then walked down the hill.

"Let's go two more miles in that direction and see." Evan Bell walked to the five companions and said to everyone with a positive smile. Since the river was hit by heavy rain, it was impossible to cross directly, so they went all the way south along the river, hoping to go in the direction of Ankareich. These days, a group of six people have walked at least 20 miles, but unfortunately they still can't find the direction, and the mobile phone still has no signal - to be precise, only Evan Bell's mobile phone can be used now. After the other people's mobile phones got into the water, All have been reimbursed.

"Evan, Ricky's temperature is getting higher and higher, should we take a break and try to cool him down, otherwise..." Jay Johansson said worriedly. This time, the cast members of "Survival in the Wilderness" are basically the same lineage of "Mysterious Skin" and "Little Sunshine". Jay Johansson almost had a car accident when he was shooting "Little Sunshine" last time. Evan Bell's head injury caused quite a riot.

Jay Johansson actually has a low-grade fever now, but Evan Bell's fever has subsided, but the knee of his left foot has some contusions and he can't exert any strength. And Ricky Troy, who Jay Johansson said, started to have a high fever last night. Seeing this, if he continues to burn, he is likely to be confused.

While crossing the river, Ricky Troy stepped on the moss and slipped on it accidentally. Then he found that his entire calf was torn, and because of the continuous heavy rain that night, it quickly became inflamed. Before He was lucky for a few days, he only had a low-grade fever, but since last night, his body temperature has not been able to drop. If you don't cool down as soon as possible and let the inflammation continue to spread, even if people are fine, their heads will be burned out.

Evan Bell nodded, "Robert, soak that cloth and bring it here." Robert Faris, the photographer who has collaborated with Evan Bell since "The Notebook", can also be regarded as Evan- One of Bell's royal photographers. He now has some inflammation in the palm of his left hand, but compared to Ricky Troy, he is lucky not to have a fever, otherwise he would be in big trouble.

After Evan Bell explained this, he handed over his crutches to Jay, took a brightly colored T-shirt and hung it on the top of the hill. Maybe rescuers could see it. "Since Ricky Toy's high fever will take a little while, they're here to stay a little longer.

Evan Bell looked left and right. The remaining two were Kevin Scott and Jeff Bruce. Both of them were injured. Kevin Scott sprained his ankle, although there was no wound. But the ankle was swollen, and it was inconvenient to move. Jeff Bruce had some signs of food poisoning, threw up several times, and was not seriously injured other than his weakness.

Among this group of people, except for Jay Johansson who only had some low-grade fever symptoms, none of the others were in good condition. Evan Bell's left knee contusion was considered the mildest. However, the six big boys are all strong and strong, otherwise, the weaker ones will not be able to withstand the tossing of these ten days.

"Jeff, take out all the brightly colored things in the bag, take them to the top of the hill with Jay, and hang them up." Evan Bell thought for a while, looking at the situation of the battalion full of wounded soldiers, everyone had It is possible to take turns to help Ricky Toy forward, but now that Ricky Toy has such a severe fever, it is estimated that he cannot continue.

Even if he is stationed in Yuanda, Evan Bell will not give up the idea of ​​​​survival, as long as there is a glimmer of hope, he will not give up!

Although the doubling is over, the Seven Cats will still work hard to maintain the fourth shift, please continue to support! (To be continued. "This article is provided by the breaking dawn update team @小爱332335" If you like this work, you are welcome to ◣First Release◥ to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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