Great Artist

Chapter 1396: Night Crisis

Today's fourth update, please recommend, please subscribe!

"Ow..." This was the cry of a pack of wolves, echoing around in the empty wilderness.

Evan Bell opened his eyes suddenly, he wanted to sit up, but the whole tent was crowded, everyone hugged each other tightly to keep warm, he couldn't move at all.

In the past ten days, apart from encountering a black bear the next day, I don't know if it was because of the intermittent heavy rain that disturbed the breath, or for some special reason. Evan Bell and others have never encountered large and ferocious animals. , which is really fortunate in misfortune. When they first encountered the black bear, everyone was in good condition and their mental state was also good. Three people shot the attacking black bear with double-barreled shotguns. After that, the state of the six people declined all the way. If they encountered ferocious animals again, the result might be completely different.

But just now, Evan Bell heard the cry of the wolves, and it seemed that they were not far from their camp. Evan Bell is also not very sure, because there are winds in all directions in this wilderness, and even the wolf howls that are farther away will be blown by the wind, so Evan Bell cannot make an accurate judgment.

"What's wrong?" Jay Johnson is the most intact person in the current team, so he sleeps very lightly and is always ready to deal with any emergencies.

Evan Bell lowered his voice and said, "Wolf howl." As if in response to Evan Bell, a long howl of a wolf came over with the wind, making people horrified.

With the situation of the six of them, if they really encountered the wolves, it would definitely be nowhere to go.

Jay Johnson heard the voice and did not speak, as if he was distinguishing the distance. However, none of this group of people can be regarded as professionals in the wild, and their judgments are naturally not so accurate.

"Huh?" At this moment, someone woke up again, it was Jeff Bruce.

Evan Bell struggled to sit up and woke up Robert Faris on the other side. The tent was dark and the moonlight couldn't shine in, so he couldn't see clearly at all, just blurry. Just one piece, "Jeff, what's wrong?"

"Ricky's body temperature has risen again, and it's already hot." Jeff Bruce was woken up by the burn, and Ricky Toy's skin seemed to be on fire.

Evan Bell stretched out his hand in the dark, and after groping for a while, he suddenly touched a furnace-like object. He was so frightened that he shrank his hand subconsciously. Now it seemed that Ricky Toy was about to hit it. It can't be stopped. It is estimated that the body temperature has reached 104 degrees Fahrenheit. If it rises again, there is no need to wait for rescue at all. Ricky Toy will soon be unable to withstand it.

Evan Bell hurriedly woke everyone up, "Quick, take off Ricky's coat, take off the T-shirt inside, and put the clothes next to him." Now they don't have any Drug treatment is available, and only physical cooling can be relied on. The temperature in the tent is estimated to be around 50 degrees Fahrenheit now. The most suitable temperature for normal physical cooling should be around 70 degrees Fahrenheit, but I can't control that much now. If you don't hurry up, Ricky Troy will die soon. .

The five young men all struggled to get up and started to pull out Ricky Toy's clothes in a hurry. They used alcohol to wipe Ricky Toy's body before, and then relied on multiple clothes to cover the sweat and cool him down. Now It seems that this method is no longer enough, and you can only take off your clothes one by one.

At this moment, the wolf howl from outside came again, the sound was suddenly far and near, giving the illusion that it was floating in the ear, and everyone's movements stopped. If the wolves came, the six of them would have to explain it here.

Evan Bell gritted his teeth and reached out to the backpack behind his head. Because of the darkness, he didn't know which backpack was holding the shotgun, so he took all the backpacks in one breath, "Jie, go out with me, you guys Throw all the backpacks out." Evan Bell carried two backpacks, unzipped the tent and walked out. "You guys continue to help Ricky cool down. Use your cold hands, the cold clothes next to you, etc., to stick directly to Ricky's skin."

Jay Johnson also came out at this time, but the three people sitting inside were stunned, and Evan Bell hurriedly shouted, "What are you waiting for, backpack!" Everyone knows that Evan Bell and Jay Johnson This is to go out to investigate the situation. If the wolves really come, the two of them will confront the wolves head-on, so the three remaining rational people are stunned. But being roared by Evan Bell, the three of them threw their backpacks out like robots, "Stay with you, if you don't want to die, don't come out and get in our way." Evan Bell roared so badly that all the actions of the three of them were thrown out. And ideas are snuffed out. Then, Evan Bell directly zipped up the zipper of the tent and blocked all the hazy moonlight outside again.

The tent became deadly silent, and the blurred silhouettes of Evan Bell and Jay Johnson could not even be seen clearly. Only vaguely could tell that the tall man as thin as a bamboo pole was Evan Bell, and the other was slightly stronger. The bigger one was Jay Johnson. The two of them walked out without any hesitation, while the people in the tent could only wait, waiting for survival or death.

The chill in the darkness suddenly jumped up, perhaps because the tent where the six big men had gathered finally had space, which made people involuntarily fight a cold war. Robert Faris swallowed a mouthful of saliva, only to feel his throat was terribly dry, "Come on, Ricky is dying." Only then did they realize that there was still a Ricky Toy in the tent, and the condition was very bad now. Ricky Toy. Now that Evan Bell and Jay Johnson have taken the initiative to investigate the situation, their task is to let Ricky Toy stay.

When Evan Bell walked outside, the cold moonlight made him shiver three times in a row, and his stomach cramped, causing his eyebrows to tangle involuntarily. The forest at midnight was wrapped in a thick fog, like a miracle forest full of countless elves and witches. Evan Bell looked up at the moon in the sky, which was half covered by clouds. There was still a blur of light all around. Halo, can't see anything clearly.

"Ouch..." The wolf howl came again, Evan Bell had no time to look around, and no time to worry about his stomach, he squatted down quickly, and then the faint light began to distinguish the backpack, "The shotgun put Which backpack is it in?" Generally speaking, when they are advancing, they will be holding the shotgun in their hands, but when they set up the tent just at night, they all put the shotgun away.

Jay Johnson also turned over the backpack in his hand, but couldn't tell which one was which, so he had to rudely tore the backpack apart, and then took out whatever was inside and turned it inside. Find something that looks like a shotgun.

"Here." Fortunately, an object as big as a shotgun came out after a casual groping. Evan Bell quickly found it. They carried a total of three shotguns this time, Evan Bell and Jay Johnson alone. With a handful in his hand, the whole person felt calmer at this time.

"Let's go up to the hills and have a better view." Evan Bell clenched the shotgun tightly and started to load the shotgun proficiently. In fact, his marksmanship is very bad, because he has never played a shotgun before, but now this is a very difficult time. There is no other way, and you must have courage to drive the ducks to the shelves.

Jay Johnson looked at Evan Bell worriedly, "Your knee?"

"It's okay." Evan Bell cut off the following words directly, looked around, and discerned the direction of walking up the hill during the day, "Here." Jay Johnson could only swallow his worry temporarily. Now, the current situation doesn't make him think about other things at all.

In the middle of the night, the dew was heavy, the thin layer of weeds on the hills became very slippery, and Evan Bell injured his knee, so Jay Johnson walked ahead to explore the path. At this time, the wolf howl sounded again, and the two couldn't help looking at each other. In fact, some of them became very blurred under the moonlight. Both of them could only see a vague outline of each other, but the pair flashed even in the dark. The bright eyes found the direction easily, and there was a trace of worry in the eyes of both of them. Listening to this voice, it is indeed a wolf pack, and the distance is much closer than expected.

Evan Bell gritted his teeth, "Go up and have a look." He won't give up until he really confirms the arrival of the wolves. Even if the wolves are coming, it is definitely not his style to capture it with one hand!

Jay Johnson didn't speak, he gritted his turned his head and continued to walk up, but the weeds were too slippery, and the soil wet with dew became muddy, Jay Johnson again. A little absent-minded, the bottom of his foot slipped, and the whole person rolled back, and then slid down the hillside, he was like a bowling ball, rolling all the way down. Evan Bell only had time to hear an exclamation, and then he felt a dark shadow, and a huge impact knocked him down.

Gulu Gulu, the two of them fell directly into the grass, in a state of embarrassment. Evan Bell only felt that his internal organs were tumbling, and his already empty abdomen was even more clanging at this time. This fall was really hard. Originally, his body became weak because he had not eaten enough for several days. Now the situation even worse. Even Jay Johnson, who has always been healthy, at this time his low moan overflowed from his mouth, which sounded really bad; and Evan Bell fell two steps away, hugging himself His left knee was full of pain.

In the night that was too thick to melt, the anxious voices of the partners came from the tent not far away, "Ricky, come on; Ricky, don't give up!" The wolf howl seemed to have finally found an opportunity at this time. Wave after wave passed. Evan Bell and Jay Johnson both fell in the grass, and neither of them stood up for a while.

Today's 12,000 update is delivered! By the way, the monthly pass will be two hundred and eighty, and Seven Cats can continue to add more, hehe! Continue to ask for monthly tickets, subscriptions, and annual work tickets! (To be continued. "This article is provided by the breaking dawn update team @小爱332335" If you like this work, you are welcome to ◣First Release◥ to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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