Great Artist

Chapter 1411: country girl

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After returning to filming under the guidance of Evan Bell, Kristen Stewart finally entered the state. While Evan Bell wasn't very happy with Kristen Stewart's habit of using his chin to convey emotional changes, which he'd seen at least a few hundred times in "Twilight" in his last life, it's true Not a good sign; but overall, Kristen Stewart has done a good job of Tracy. This scene, which lasted less than two minutes, took two people nearly three hours to complete.

After the scene was confirmed to be finished, Evan Bell walked up to Kristen Stewart and said, "The homework is not done, you should read the script twice more for the role of Tracy. It was dark for the dinner scene. Before, you should read the entire script of the previous and subsequent scenes."

Kristen Stewart was nervous when Evan Bell said these two words, and looked at Evan Bell in awe. Evan Bell couldn't help laughing when he saw it, "Don't worry, I don't plan to hit you or scold you. It is possible to encounter any problems during the filming process, but at least you should do your homework well, acting, not only It's my role." After speaking, Evan Bell showed a gentle smile, comforted Kristen Stewart, and then turned and left.

Kristen Stewart, who was standing in the original position, savoured Evan Bell's words carefully and thoughtfully.

The shooting of "Wild Survival" was generally smooth, because this is a work with Christopher McCanders as the core. As long as Evan Bell's own state is not a problem, it is not a big problem. Since Evan Bell experienced the eleven-day adventure in Alaska, the whole person's understanding of Christopher McCanders has deepened. During the filming process, he was completely helped by God, letting Katherine Keener and Chris Actors such as Ting Stewart are full of praise.

Kristen Stewart also began to work diligently, but he went to the studio to watch Evan Bell filming, always standing by the side, pondering whether he had any role in the scene.

And for Leonardo DiCaprio, it's a whole new experience. Looking at Evan Bell's performance as an actor, and then feeling the way Evan Bell tunes and teaches actors, I stand by and keep thinking about it, which makes Leonardo DiCapri Ao temporarily put aside the emotional pain, he really loves acting. To this end, Leonardo DiCaprio not only specifically found out the script of "Wild Survival", but also took out the original novel that Evan Bell carried with him, which is like this movie. of non-staff staff in general.

As the shooting progressed, Leonardo DiCaprio had no intention of leaving, and Evan Bell did not mind. Leonardo DiCaprio followed the crew and became a "wilderness" A member of the "Survival" crew, following in the footsteps of Christopher McCanders all the way north.

Evan Bell took the "Wild Survival" crew to shoot in full swing, and he didn't care even if the topic of "Grassroots Heroes" was raging outside. Mountaineering, rock climbing, rafting, hiking... Evan Bell lived a very happy life in various stray shootings.

At the same time, the work of Eleven Studio has not stopped. Except for the uTube channel business, the "Eleven" men's clothing flagship store, and the "Spartan Three Hundred Warriors", the tenth "first" world tour has ended. A music finally made a move again, Taylor - Swift's debut single "Tim - McGraw" officially released.

Eleven Music is actually the earliest prototype of Eleven Studio. At the beginning, Evan Bell set up this studio for melancholy mood, but unfortunately, Melancholy mood has not entered Eleven Music Studio to take a look, just because of Universal Music's One paper contract and split into two. Subsequently, Evan Bell opened his life as an independent musician and entered Universal Music.

Around this time, it is about to reach the sixth anniversary of Eleven Music Studio. Eleven Music, the birthplace of Eleven Studio, finally has another action. After the success of Evan Bell, Jason Mayez, and Magic Red, this time Eleven Music launched its first female singer, Taylor Swift, which is also a brand new country music field. Wind, which is very different from the rock, folk and other styles before Eleven Music. But Taylor Swift still maintains the fine tradition of Eleven music: singer-songwriter.

Taylor Swift's first single "Tim McGraw" is the work she wrote and composed herself, and according to the current information released by Eleven Studio, Taylor Swift's first song The album will also consist of her own compositions, while she also served as the producer of her debut album. This is really an anomaly in the music industry. New singers need to take huge risks to become their own album producers. Few record companies dare to take this risk, let alone Taylor Swift is only 17 years old this year. That's it.

However, starting from Evan Bell, Jason Majes and Magic Red have all come here, so it is said that this is a fine tradition of Eleven music.

The single "Tim McGraw" shares the same name with the famous country tycoon Tim McGraw, but it's not a tribute to Tim McGraw.

Taylor Swift's inspiration for the song was her boyfriend Brandon, who was leaving New York for college and their relationship was about to end. So Taylor-Swift wrote the song to commemorate the time they spent together, hoping that Brandon will still be able to remember her with the things that meant something special to them after she left.

Art comes from life and is higher than life. All art forms are born out of his own life experience. The reason why Evan Bell can have so many inspirations comes from his colorful life. Taylor Swift got inspiration from her young love and spent fifteen minutes to create this "Tim McGraw". The talent is really not to be underestimated.

"Tim McGraw" was officially released on Monday, August 21, and immediately attracted a lot of attention. First, the name of this single is a country superstar, which naturally makes people curious; second, this is a new singer launched by Eleven Music, and it is a country style that has not been covered before, which is indeed eye-catching.

"Tim McGraw" sold 80,000 copies in its first week of release, compared to 2,000 physical copies and two iTunes downloads for Evan Bell's debut single "Just.A.Dseam". The record of 15,000 is really much better. This brought Taylor Swift's debut single to No. 31 on the Billboard Singles Chart in its first week, a gratifying result, and it broke into the Billboard Country chart in one fell swoop. In the top ten, it just happened to hang in the tenth position, and it was easy to get a good start.

Taylor Swift has been nervous since a week ago. She has been in Studio Eleven for more than three years. When she learned from Evan Bell last year that she could release an album, Taylor Swift I couldn't control my nervousness anymore. On the one hand, there is the excitement, the joy of finally being able to realize the dream of music;

Thankfully, the "first" world tour kicked off soon after, giving Taylor Swift the privilege of being part of what could be considered one of the greatest concerts of all time. The seven-month experience of the "first" world tour is undoubtedly a huge treasure for Taylor Swift. She has seen the wonderfulness of this world, comprehended the diversity of everyone's life, and even more I felt the charm of a real stage.

After returning to the album preparation again, Taylor Swift was less nervous and was able to devote herself to the recording work. However, from a week ago, the nervousness of the upcoming release of the first single hit her again, making it almost impossible for her to sleep smoothly.

Will the audience like it? Will the comments like it? Will sales be bad? Will Evan Bell be satisfied? … So many thoughts were racing through Taylor Swift’s head that on August 21st, she simply forgot that this was the day her single was released.

It wasn't until Bruno Mars knocked on her door and asked loudly, "Aren't you going to go to the record store to see your own single?" Taylor Swift then reacted and shouted while running over to open the door. is it today? Oh God, it's today, it's today..."

Bruno Mars and Taylor Swift are neighbors who live just two blocks away from Princes Street. The two of them live on the third floor, and the Reds and Jason Mayez's apartment is on the fourth floor. This day-to-day learning and creation process has also made Eleven Creation a big family. At the beginning of the year, the Republic era joined in, and Adele Adkins joined in the summer vacation, and new people came in every time. However, there is no competitive atmosphere in the creation of Eleven, because everyone has equal opportunities. If they want, everyone can release an album now, but if the album is not good, then it is bound to be There is no future. Therefore, they are all more willing to continue to learn and enrich themselves in the eleventh creation. Such a life surrounded by music cannot be happier.

Three days ago, Taylor Swift had been clamoring to go to the record store to see her debut single, and Bruno Mars agreed to go with her, but she didn't expect that the single was released today, but the party involved forgot Well, we have to wait for Bruno Mars to remind me.

Taylor Swift in pajamas and pajamas ran around the house like ants on a hot pan, "Brushing teeth, washing face, makeup, changing clothes, oh, God, I completely forgot." Looking at this scene, Bruno Mars said there was no pressure at all.

Asking for a monthly pass, it was exploded, 囧, please support! After the doubling of the monthly pass, he said that the monthly pass was particularly weak, "Sorrow!" (To be continued. "This article is provided by the breaking dawn update team @小爱332335" If you like this work, you are welcome to ◣First Release◥ to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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