Great Artist

Chapter 1418: Moment of surprise

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The boy in the clown costume stood there and played the guitar that didn't exist in narcissism, and then started to sing at the top of his voice

Listening to the boy's singing, the three judges were stunned. Simon Cowell's eyes were so wide that they almost fell out. The boy's singing made people sigh. It turns out that someone can really sing every key of a song wrong. , and the tones that flew from the south to the north that day really had the earth-shattering effect of changing the three views, but unfortunately, the boy looked intoxicated, as if he was singing the sounds of nature.

But when he finished singing, his attitude became humble and shy again, "So, how is my singing?" The three judges were silent and the boys stood there, "I know I'm great, but you can still say something. what"

"Ey, Evan," Paula Abadoo laughed hard, "Are you sure what you just sang was 'this is love'?"

"Yeah, of course, why, do you need me to sing any other kind of songs? Country, pop, R&B, rock, soul... I'm all good, except jazz, yes, except jazz," the boy cracked. a bunch

Randy Jackson was feeling his hair when he heard this and raised his head, "Really? Can't you sing jazz?"

"Yes, yes" the boy inexplicably returned to humble mode again, leaving people scratching their heads

Simon Cowell leaned back on the sofa chair and said, dumbfounded, "What the **** is this shit?"

"Simon, are you serious? Are you serious? Are you sure your ears are not wrong?" the boy said in disbelief

"I'm serious, you sang just now, like the sound of a cat being strangled and thrown down the ninety-ninth floor" Simon Cowell spit out evil words with a serious face

"Out of tune, pitch, melody, it's so bad, nothing is right," Randy Jackson began to complain while sitting next to him

Paula Abadoo winked at the partners on both sides, indicating that they should not be too strict

"Simon Randy, you'll regret what you said." The boy suddenly started to lose his temper. He took two steps forward and made Randy Jackson hurriedly say "Oh, calm down, Evan, calm down"

Simon Cowell was still fanning the flames, "Seriously, Evan, you shouldn't take the singing route. Maybe there will be a place for you in the amusement park." Looking at the boy's clown outfit, he continued to speak viciously.

The boy rushed forward directly, and the whole person was lying on the judge's seat. The three judges were frightened and stepped back a few steps. Randy Jackson was too large and moved the same, and almost lost control. The boy yelled at Simon Cowell, "Be careful of your back and I'll break your neck in one fell swoop"

"Guard, guard, guard," Randy Jackson shouted hurriedly. The guard at the scene hurried over, pulled the boy's two arms and dragged it back, and the boy continued to yell, "Simon, you don't have to. I don't understand anything..." The voice behind was cut off outside the door.

And the three people sitting on the jury couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief, "Huh, what a nightmare" Simon Cowell exhaled, "Evan Bell, his name is really ridiculous."

"If you want to say, this is really a terrible moment for Seattle" Randy Jackson is also the expression of the rest of his life

But before Paula Abadu could react, the door of the room was slammed open again, and the boy in the clown costume rushed in again, "Simon, you are serious, you are serious" let Surprisingly, the guards didn't come in with him. This terrified the three judges. Paula-Abadoo even grabbed the information in his hand and blocked it in front of his mouth. Simon- Cowell looked left and right, as if seeking help from the guards

The boy pulled the mask off his face, revealing his handsome face, "Simon, say it again, are you serious? Give me another chance, I promise, I'm the next American Idol, I ensure"

The three judges froze in place. Randy Jackson didn't seem to react at all. He looked at the show production team stupidly, "What's going on? What's going on?"

Paula Abadoo put down the information in her hand and said in surprise, "Evan?" The boy said, "Yes, my name is Evan Bell, didn't I tell you, Bao pull"

Simon Cowell threw the information in his hand on the table at once, sat on the chair dumbfoundedly, then turned around, "What the **** Evan, you are serious, **** it" At this moment Simon - Cowell's amazed expression is sure to be one of the most iconic moments of the sixth season of "American Idol"

The boy stood there with his hands on his waist, "So, can I get another chance? I really believe that I am the next American Idol"

"Of course, of course, of course you can. You're our American Idol." Paula Abdul had stood up, walked around the jury, and walked towards the boys, followed by Randy Jackson, all smiles Walk up "Evan Bell, welcome to 'American Idol'"

After the boy hugged Paula Abadoo and Randy Jackson respectively, he walked over to Simon Cowell. Simon Cowell also stood up at this time, and gave the boy a big hug with a dumbfounded smile. To Simon Cowell, "So, Simon, welcome to 'American Idol'"

This boy wearing a clown costume, mask and singing extremely badly, he is Evan Bell, the real Evan Bell

"Evan, what happened to that part of the singing just now?" Paula Abadu had already laughed so hard that Evan Bell's performance just now was really scary, out of tune, out of tune, broken tone, almost everything All the flaws that can be seen during the singing are exposed.

Evan Bell wiped the sweat that did not appear on his forehead, "I work hard, I really work hard" For a person who can sing, it is really difficult to deliberately go out of tune and out of tune, because a little If you don't pay attention, the pitch will come back and it will not be effective. So, Evan Bell really endured very hard

"Evan, why did you show up?" Simon Cowell was still angry, asking Randy Jackson

"It's a long, long story," Evan Bell said with a smile. "Let me change a dress first. I'm really hot right now, really, really hot." Evan Bell pointed out He pointed to the beads of sweat left on his neck, wearing a clown costume, the whole person was very sultry

Evan Bell turned and left. Under the guidance of the staff, he went to change his clothes and the three judges who stayed were still dumbfounded. At this time, Ryan Seacrest pushed open the door of the room and probed in. Simon- Cowell immediately found a target to vent, "Ryan, come in and tell me, what's going on?"

"That's what Evan came to audition for," Ryan Seacrest said innocently, standing at the door.

"You know that's not what I meant" Simon Cowell was tossed and speechless, only with a helpless smile

Ryan Seacrest laughing happily Watching the three judges panic and frightened is hilarious, but none of it compares to watching Simon Cowell's shriveled expression , it's really heartwarming

It has been six years since the birth of the talent show, "American Idol" has also reached the sixth season audition stage, but as the godfather of the talent show, Evan Bell has never appeared on the show, whether it is the previous "pop idol", or Now the "X Factor", or "American Idol", Evan Bell doesn't seem interested in becoming a draft judge

Fox TV has been insisting on inviting Evan Bell to star in "American Idol" since the second season, but it has never been possible. Evan Bell and this time, Fox TV seems unwilling to give up, has been trying to send out an invitation to Evan Bell in early September, and finally agreed to be a guest judge for the sixth season of "American Idol" Seattle audition.

In fact, for Evan Bell, it's not that he doesn't want to appear, it's just that the timing is wrong, and he doesn't think he can become a "mentor". Personally, he starred in "American Idol" and really joined the national carnival. In the talent show, it can be said that it will be a good experience

This time, Fox TV will invite Evan Bell so earnestly, in fact, because "American Idol" has experienced a high-intensity rising period for five has come to a bottleneck stage, coupled with the summer time. It will be implemented next year, which is bound to have a huge impact on the "American Idol" that targets young people, so they hope to continue the upward trend with the help of Evan Bell's popularity

After comprehensive consideration, Evan Bell also agreed to the invitation. After the "Wild Survival" was completed, he came directly to Seattle and joined the "American Idol" audition.

Since he has decided to entertain the public, then he will be entertained to the end. So Evan Bell arranged the hilarious audition process just now. In order to ensure that the singing is full of explosions, Evan Bell also rehearsed twice in the hotel, hoping to leave. The sound can go to a certain level. Now it seems that it is full of laughter.

"So, is Evan really coming to 'American Idol'?" Paula Abadou was still a little confused at this time. Strictly speaking, these three judges can be regarded as working for Evan Bell. Said that now Evan Bell has unparalleled influence in the United States

Ryan Seacrest took up the conversation and said to the camera, "Welcome to 'American Idol' and walk into the Seattle audition with Evan Bell."

12,000 will be sent, continue to ask for a monthly pass, it is not far from the plus, hehe, there is still an unfinished subscription to be renewed)

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