Great Artist

Chapter 1427: I don't understand

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The crew of "Grey's Anatomy" is very large. There are nearly 20 resident actors alone, not to mention the daily hospital staff and staff, the number is approaching 200 in a straight line. At this time, there were at least sixty people standing in the lobby on the first floor, which also made the chaos just now look like a mess.

Allen Pompeo and Sandra Ou said "Bell" one after another, finally drawing the attention of the onlookers, and then passing one by one, finally focusing the attention of the large army . Seeing the two Bell brothers casually standing at the door, talking and laughing, as if they were passers-by who came to watch the fun, this made everyone panic. The sound of cluttered footsteps suddenly rang out.

Shonda Rhimes was originally among the chaotic crowd, but now everyone was quiet. She also noticed the two Bell brothers. As the chief screenwriter and executive producer, she was just a little stunned. The first time He walked towards the Bell brothers. Shonda Rhimes was all focused on dealing with the chaos just now. She didn't have time to report it to Thomas Lansing. Now that the Bell brothers have appeared directly, she must face this problem immediately. Yes, it made her feel numb.

When she walked in front of Brother Bell, it was only ten steps away. Shonda Rhimes was also a character. Ten steps away made her calm down completely. Evan Bell looked at the powerful ordinary black woman in front of her. She didn't look like the bright and attractive type, but the housewife's aura on her body was stronger, but between those resolute eyebrows, she could See her inner strength.

When the TV station was not interested in "Grey's Anatomy", the reason why Evan Bell let Shonda Rhimes lead the negotiations was because Evan Bell had heard about it in his last life, Shonda - Rhimes is a very strong woman even not inferior to some macho men, and her tenacity and domineering are beyond the reach of many people. Sure enough, Shonda Rhimes lived up to Evan Bell's expectations and succeeded and reached a cooperation agreement.

Today, I finally saw Shonda Rhimes, and Evan Bell couldn't help but sigh, this is indeed a capable person. "Ms. Rhimes, good evening, nice to meet you."

Shonda Rhimes took a deep breath, and calmly greeted the Bell brothers, "We didn't receive any news when we came to visit the crew. It was my dereliction of duty to let you see this chaotic scene." Shonda Rhimes He took the mistake on his shoulders, "The situation has not been fully clarified yet, and I will give you an explanation to the public and reporters later."

He is neat and tidy without any hesitation, and his vigorous and resolute style truly lives up to its reputation.

Evan Bell smiled and shook his head, "Where there are people, there is right and wrong. There is no way to control it. You don't need to worry about our two brothers, you can deal with things first. I came to visit the class, and I can see that the crew is different. It was a good experience, and it was a good experience. Trust me, I know it well." Evan Bell didn't seem to be in a bad mood at all, which made Shonda Rhimes stunned, which she did not expect. of. "You can deal with it. Can you find someone to show us the way? I want to see the crew know the actors, but the crew probably got lost by accident."

Shonda Rhimes knows that the subtext of this is: you deal with it now, and I will wait for the result. She wasn't nervous either. At least, the Bell brothers didn't directly take over the power and said they would deal with it in person. This shows that they still trust themselves as the executive producer, which is also the most important thing to her. "no problem.


"Forget about the actors, let the staff. I think the actors still have some things to deal with." Evan Bell's eyes turned to the actors not far away.

The confusion just now has subsided. Obviously, the actors are divided into three lineups. The two sides of the fight stand facing each other, and there is a group of peacemakers in the middle. It seems that the "Grey's Anatomy" crew, like all TV crews, has a factional struggle that is inevitable.

Evan Bell's gaze was in Shonda Rhimes's eyes, and she could only sigh. This 23-year-old young man is really not easy to fool, she can only get her energy and finish the work at hand. Say it again. "Rob, can you take Evan and Teddy to see the crew?" Shonda Rhimes shouted to the right. There was a group of staff standing on the right, and they did not participate in the chaos just now, but everyone was closely watching the development of the situation. Evan Bell guessed that this group should be more special staff such as screenwriters and directors.

Sure enough, Rob Corner introduced himself as a member of the writing team.

Evan Bell is really curious about Seattle Mercy Hospital. When he watched the episodes in his last life, he was very interested in the behind-the-scenes information. At present, the live shooting of "Prison Break" gave Evan Bell the most direct impact. . "Grey's Anatomy" was not shot on location, it was also a huge studio. The scenes of the entire hospital were divided into countless small scenes, and each scene can be seen and found in my mind to find the corresponding picture, indeed was a good experience. As for Teddy Bell, he has no interest in these. Anyway, wherever Evan Bell goes, he will go with him. It's very simple.

After Shonda Rhimes sent someone to inform the Bell brothers that the matter had been initially dealt with, I hope Evan Bell can come and take a look. Evan Bell raised his hand and refused, "Tell Shonda, I promised the reporters outside, there will be a small briefing, and let her go out with suitable actors to deal with the reporters."

After Evan Bell explained, he looked back at Rob Corner, "Rob, where is the emergency room? Every time I see the picture of the emergency room on TV, I am always curious, the emergency room must be So crowded? If you want to laugh you can laugh, I'm a complete layman and don't understand anything." Rob Turner didn't dare to laugh, but Evan Bell's laughter was distinct.

The person who came to notify took another look at Teddy Bell, and after getting a confirmed answer, went back to Shonda Rhimes. Shonda Rhimes stood in Yuande, rubbed her brows and thought for a moment. Although Evan Bell said that she was responsible for everything, she still had to give Evan Bell an explanation. But now Evan Bell doesn't seem to be in a hurry at all, which makes Shonda Rhimes empty with one punch. Shonda Rhimes knew that it wasn't Evan Bell who didn't care, but that he deliberately left the group out to keep everyone calm, and then he would definitely show up. Otherwise, Evan Bell would not have said that it was handed over to her, but would have let everyone re-engage in filming.

Shonda Rhimes knew that the Bell brothers could not be fooled, but she had no choice. She had to deal with reporters first. Dealing with reporters was another struggle, but for Shonda Rhimes, it wasn't difficult. Shonda Rhimes told reporters that there was indeed a conflict between the crew and the crew just now, but the specific cause of the conflict is still under investigation, and reporters will be notified as soon as the results come out.

A "drag" formula is really simple.

Although the reporters will investigate the truth of the matter sooner or later, after all, there are many people, but during the period of reporters' investigation, firstly Shonda Rhimes can know Evan Bell's attitude, and secondly, she can first internalize the matter After the processing is completed, it will be unanimous to the outside world. Therefore, dealing with reporters is not difficult at all.

The reporters complained that they were constantly being blocked from the set, Shonda Rhimes walked back in anxiety, and the Bell brothers still didn't show up. They were really happy to walk around the set. Shonda Rhimes once again asked Evan Bell to inform Evan Bell that the reporters had been dispatched. Sure enough, this time Shonda Rhimes got a very precise answer, and Evan Bell said, "That's good, I'll go over in a while."

Shonda Rhimes immediately called over all the protagonists who were making trouble just now in the conference room where the screenwriters were discussing the script. After they were all there, she called someone to bring the Bell brothers over. Evan Bell seemed to be in high spirits today. He was so excited that he wandered around for about ten minutes. When everyone was a little impatient, he came over talking and laughing with Teddy Bell. All of them stood up immediately—in fact, Shonda Rhimes was sitting alone before, and the others were standing.

Evan Bell walked in with a smile, and there were three people standing in the room, Isaiah Washington, who played cardiologist Preston Burke, and Patrick who played neurologist Derek Sheffield. - Dempsey, and T.R. Knight who played George O'Malley, one of the Bell shook hands with each of the three, and was very friendly and said everyone's name on the show , is completely the appearance of a fan. When walking to Shonda Rhimes' side, Evan Bell expressed a high respect for her hard work over the past two years, which is really confusing. In fact, Evan Bell arrived on the set, and after seeing the chaos, his performance has been very abnormal, and people can't find any signs to follow.

When Shonda Rhimes was about to speak, Evan Bell continued, "Are the three of them fighting today?"

The business finally came, Shonda Rhimes nodded, "Yes, it's the three of them, in fact, it's because..." Shonda Rhimes was about to explain what happened, but Evan Bell was Then he interrupted, "I can't stop watching, there are so many people around." Evan Bell raised his hand and blocked Shonda Rhimes's words, "Yes, I I know that they are all just onlookers. But I think the onlookers also have the responsibility of onlookers. In the crew, there should be factional struggles. If we don’t call every faction, wouldn’t it be too unfair?”

Evan Bell's words made the four people who were initially agitated and dissatisfied suddenly quiet down.

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