Great Artist

Chapter 1436: 5th wonder

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September 28, this day has obviously become the time when Sony Bertelsmann Records and Universal Music have nightmares. Watching the time progress little by little, the two major record companies are obviously starting to get anxious. www.)

It's not that Sony Bertelsmann Records and Universal Music are not brave enough, it's just that Evan Bell's appeal in the music market does have a chilling ability. What they are afraid of is Evan Bell, and it is the sharp decline in the sales of their own singers. , the source is still a matter of interest. If you look at the singer's ownership in the music market in September, you will know what the anxiety of Sony Bertelsmann Records and Universal Music is.

Sony Bertelsmann Records and its affiliates, Justin Timberlake in the second week, John Mayer in the second week, Beyoncé in the third week, Christina Aguilera in the second week Week six.

Under Universal Music and its affiliates, the Ludacris album was released in the second week, Fergie's album was released in the fourth week, and the Little Wildcat album was released in the fifth week.

These are the areas that will take the brunt of Evan Bell's new album release. Moreover, in this situation, Daddy Brag, Rod Stewart, Akon, JayZ, and other singers who have the strength to occupy a place in the album chart and singles chart, were originally scheduled to be released in October and November. Album, now the record company has suspended the operation of everyone's album release, I want to see the power of the "four" album, and then rearrange the album's release strategy.

It is no exaggeration to say that Evan Bell is the king of the world. The release of "Four" affects the changes in the entire American music market.

As early as five days ago, the music programs of major radio stations began to make previews, repeating the news that "Evan Bell's latest album is about to be released on the 28th", which is not only studio Eleven and Warner Records. The credit of the publicity channel. [] It's more that the music radio host himself is full of expectations for this album.

It has been two years since the release of "Three". The last time "Three" was released was in the summer of 2004. At that time, the golden showdown between "Enemies Robot" and "The Bourne Bourne 2" overshadowed the entire summer season. Similarly, the album showdown between Evan Bell and Usher also made the entire music market turbulent. It was that battle that made The power of Evan Bell's musical appeal is on full display.

Now, twenty-seven months later, Evan Bell's new album is about to be released, how can it not make people's blood boil? Especially when the entire music market in 2006 was so sluggish. Professional music critics are looking forward to Evan Bell's ability to inject a boost in the music market and rejuvenate the sluggish North American music.

Excited emotions were brewing little by little. When the 28th really came, the enthusiasm that had been brewing for more than two years broke out completely under the instigation of these five days.

Elena Jasmine and Elaine Brooke arrived at the largest Virgin City Records store in Los Angeles a full twenty-five hours early this time, but they were still late. I heard that people started to line up at the gate of Viking City at noon on the 26th. Arrived at the door with tents, quilts, and toiletries, just to be able to snap up the album "Four" as soon as possible, when Elena Jia Siming arrived at the scene at 8:00 a.m. on the 27th. The team of up to 300 people in front is really spectacular. You must know that at this time, there are still one day and one hour before the album goes on sale, and this Viking city is already surrounded.

Pedestrians passing by can see a long queue of tents, quilts and humans, winding from the door of the record store. At a rough glance, people can't help but mistakenly think that Viking City is a refuge or relief at all. In places like this, the people queuing up are the people in the disaster area who are barely clothed and hungry. But if you look at it carefully, the surprise that follows will make exclamations come out of your throat involuntarily.

Just when people stopped to watch. There was still a steady stream of people arriving at the entrance of the record store. After everyone arrived, they were not too surprised. They spontaneously walked back along the line, and after reaching the end of the line, they began to put their personal equipment. The huge Viking city seemed to be surrounded by a group of uprising citizens. Surrounded by a flood.

This really looks like a spectacle.

On the 27th, a radio station in Los Angeles said with a joke in a program, "The scene of the release of Evan's album in the future will become Los Angeles in addition to Hollywood, the Walk of Fame, Rodeo Drive and Universal Studios. "The fifth wonder of the world" has quickly spread on the Internet, and its initiator can no longer be held accountable, but this sentence has become the hottest keyword on the Internet 24 hours a day. It has become the hottest word in Google, Yahoo, Facebook and other communities, and even the keyword "The Fifth Wonder of Los Angeles" has appeared on uTube.

After searching for this keyword on uTube, you can find that more than 400 videos have been uploaded, all from the queues at the entrance of record stores in major cities across the United States. People have compared this scene to the pomp of the "Three" release two years ago, and joked that as long as Evan Bell's album is released in the future, this kind of spectacle is bound to happen again, like a leap year, according to certain. The regular cycle of appearance, can be met but not sought.

At the entrance of record stores in 20 major cities such as Los Angeles, Seattle, Chicago, Atlanta, New York, Miami, San Francisco, Houston, etc., you can see long or short dragon formations, dedicated to purchasing the album "Four". Waiting hard. These more than 400 videos on uTube present this very rare scene from various perspectives, which is amazing.

Judging from this phenomenal scene alone, it is not difficult to understand why Sony Bertelsmann Records and Universal Music have been timid before the battle, because Evan Bell's musical momentum is indeed unmatched. Music is different from movies. Movie audiences have certain requirements for the loyalty of actors. If the work is really bad, then the audience will choose based on word of mouth, which will affect the long-term box office of the movie; but the music is different. Fans try the album , Once the loyalty of buying an album is cultivated, the persistence will be relatively long, and the quality assurance of the singer is far more reliable than a movie composed of multiple links.

Evan Bell's reputation accumulated in the field of music has been tempered, not to mention the brilliance created by the "first" world tour, almost all of which have reached the height of Michael Jackson's "historical tour", making everyone All fell through the glasses. You must know that the historical tour is the current king of concert tours, and no one can surpass it in terms of scale, revenue or appeal. The "first" world tour is infinitely close to the height of the historical tour, which shows Evan Bell's control over music.

Therefore, the spread of "The Fifth Wonder of Los Angeles" on the Internet also shows that Evan Bell's dominance in the music market is phenomenal. In just 24 hours, more than 4,000 videos have been uploaded on uTube. , the highest click-through rate even exceeded two million, which is really amazing.

Then, although the "Fifth Wonder of Los Angeles" is surprising, it can be seen more or less at the entrance of record stores in major cities in the United States, and this is also expected, it is just a scene of a long formation It's not too surprising that it has repeatedly exceeded people's imagination. And the scene on the Washington Square in New York is truly jaw-dropping.

Before 8:00 a.m. on the 27th, someone appeared in the empty Washington Square. One or two is not unusual, and nine or ten are also normal. After all, this place is adjacent to New York University, and secondly, it is a prosperous area, so although some people stopped in the plaza early in the morning, it still did not cause any problems. anyone's attention. However, before ten o'clock, more than 200 people gathered in the Washington Square, which made the empty Square begin to become popular and lively.

In the splendid light of the morning light, the crowd began to increase little by little. When the sky darkened on the 27th, there were at least a thousand people waiting in the square, and looking at everyone's appearance, there was no one at all. I plan to leave, because one by one tents have been propped up in every corner of the square. The densely packed tents crowded the entire Washington Square. It didn't look like a square at all, but a campground for backpackers.

But the fall of night did not slow down the gathering of the people in the Washington Square. At nine o'clock in the evening, a new video appeared on uTube called "New York Edition of the Fifth Wonder of Los Angeles" and the Washington Square was filmed. There are nearly a thousand tents in the field, and UU reading made everyone on the Internet exclaim that this is a spectacle.

It is not difficult to find the source of the pomp of Washington Square. Looking at the latest announcement of Eleven Blog, I suddenly realized that Evan Bell will be synchronized with the major record stores at 9:00 am on the 28th. 〗 The new album conference and fan meeting will be held.

It's the Washington Square again, and it's the new song conference, which reminds people of the grand occasion when "Tianguang" came to the world. The audience who saw the classics coming with their own eyes was only 5,000 audiences, and there were no audiences who could see it. Countless. This time, naturally no one wants to miss it. Therefore, this is the "fifth wonder" of Washington Square.

In the face of such a spectacle, many netizens ridiculed: You have all taken up the space, and Evan has no place to set up the stage, and this new song conference is in vain.

This is also officially the case. When the clock rang at 0:00 on the 28th, the tents shrouded in the night silently and serenely occupied the Washington Square, and there was no place to set up the stage at all. How to be good?

Ask for a monthly pass, I sincerely ask for a monthly pass! To be continued

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