Great Artist

Chapter 1447: Sad reminder global

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"Long Live" has a better record on the Billboard singles chart than "Four". After the two sides jointly dominated the Billboard double chart for 16 weeks, "Four" was the first to fall behind and was occupied by JayZ's "Afterlife". , but then returned to the championship for four weeks before and after the "four", winning a total of 20 weeks of championship. www.)

And "Long Live" is obviously much better. After joining forces with Beyonce's "Irreplaceable" to dominate the Billboard singles chart for 10 weeks, "Long Live" has been at the top for 19 consecutive weeks. Still not ending his dominance career, he held on to the number one position for two more weeks, bringing the number of consecutive champions to 21 weeks, and this was only by Justin Timberlake's third wave of single "Causal Cycle (und...und "Instead, slipping to the runner-up spot, "Causal Cycle" finally ended "Long Live"'s nearly six-month dominance as the new Billboard singles chart number one.

I have to say that Evan Bell and Justin Timberlake are indeed very destined. It can also be said that Sony Bertelsmann Records' strategy was appropriate. It was Justin Timberlake who ended Evan Bell's "This is Love" for eight weeks. But then "Long Live Life" and "Four" joined forces to make Justin Timberlake hated on both the album and singles charts. The highly acclaimed "Sex. Sense Returns" won't be the champion in just two weeks, and "My Love" is even more so. It is really a depressing situation to have never been able to break through the blockade of Evan Bell's two singles. But now, it's Justin Timberlake's "Circle of Cause and Effect" that ends the 21-week reign of "Long Live", which is an interesting phenomenon.

Of course, "Long Live" completed an unprecedented 21-week reign, and it is indeed at the moment of exhaustion, any single may break through the blockade of Evan Bell. No. 1 on the Billboard Singles Chart, but Beyoncé didn't do it, JayZ didn't do it. Nelly Furtado didn't do it, and Akon didn't do it either. It just happened that Justin Timberlake seized the opportunity and succeeded. Can only make people smile and say that fate has tricked people.

Although "Long Live Life" was replaced by "Cause and Effect" as the champion, it still stayed in the top 10 on the Billboard, waiting firmly at the top of the list together with "This Is Love". And the performance of "Long Live" leaving the throne is not a failure at all. If a single has won the championship for 21 consecutive weeks, it will be called "failure". It is estimated that there is no single that can be said to be successful.

What's even more interesting is that when "Long Live Life" and "Causal Cycle" completed the championship and runner-up exchange, it was the week when the 49th Grammy ended. According to Evan Bell's previous practice, the Grammys will be released after the end. The single seems to be a repertoire. This time, all the media laughed. The show isn't over yet.

The dominant performances of "Four" and "Long Live Life" brought the entire American music market back to the glory of the 1990s in a trance, regardless of the number of consecutive championship weeks. Whether it's sales figures or word of mouth, Evan Bell's musical performance has shown enough dominance. That's more pros than cons for the U.S. music market.

Although the diversity of the music market has been hindered due to Evan Bell's dominance, it is precisely because of Evan Bell's strength that people have become more aware that the quality of music itself is king, and the diversity of music Sex, richness, and innovation must also be placed at a high level. Only when the quality of all music can keep up, can the flourishing of the American music market be reproduced.

In order to promote the album, this time Evan Bell did not refuse the invitation of major programs, but the entire TV circle can clearly see: Universal TV is under enormous pressure.

Since the TV station reached its first cooperation agreement with Eleven Studios in early July and bought the two works of "I'm a Comedy Maniac" and "Heroes", it was once thought that the two companies would finally start to cooperate. But then the TV station stabbed in the back. Not only did it jointly announce the establishment of a video website with Universal Pictures, Universal Music, and Disney; it was followed by the conspiracy of the talent show, and recently, after the "Grey's Anatomy" crew brawl broke out, it fell to the ground as soon as possible.

Although the name of the TV station also has the name "Universal" in front of it, they have never interfered in the competition between the Universal Alliance and Eleven Studio. Now it is very obvious that the TV station has chosen the partners of its parent company. , stood on the opposite side of Evan Bell.

well known. Although Evan Bell is a ruthless character who does not eat hard and soft, strictly speaking, he prefers to eat soft and not hard. Using tough methods, Evan Bell will never be timid, and his strange methods will never make you feel good. Now, after the TV station has chosen to be tough, Evan Bell will naturally not be polite.

Prior to this, Evan Bell and the "Saturday Night Live" program had always had good cooperation. Evan Bell appeared on the "Saturday Night Live" stage twice, and Taylor Swift was also invited after her debut. Attending "Saturday Night Live", it can be seen that this show has a strong personal relationship with Eleven Studios.

So far, Evan Bell still holds the record for the highest ratings of "Saturday Night Live" with a rating of 7.1, which is also the only time in the history of the show that the ratings have broken seven, and the number of viewers is 46 million, which is also the The only time in the show's history that the viewership exceeded 45 million. It almost makes one think this is "American Idol" rather than a late night show. This record was created after the release of "Three" in 2004, when Evan Bell landed on "Saturday Night Live" and starred in a show. The popular costumes and lines created by Evan Bell in the show are still circulating on uTube. .

And now, after the release of "Four", "Saturday Night Live" has once again extended an invitation to Evan Bell, hoping that the now-top singer-actor entertainer will be the host of the show for the third time. But unfortunately, Evan Bell directly refused.

To the producer of "Saturday Night Live", Evan Bell was talking and laughing. After expressing his meaning clearly, the two sides happily hung up the phone. But then when the director of the TV station's variety show department called, Evan Bell didn't answer the connection. The director only found out after making three persistent calls that he was humiliating himself, and Evan Bell's meaning couldn't be clearer. Now: his personal relationship with "Saturday Night Live" will remain personal, and this will not change, but the positions of the two companies, Eleven Studios and TV stations, have no room for negotiation.

Not only "Saturday Night Live", "Ellen DeGeneres Show" also ate Evan Bell's closed door this time. In fact, Ellen DeGeneres, as Evan Bell's friend, didn't even send an invitation, because she knew that at this sensitive time, the sensitive relationship between Eleven Studio and TV station would make her friends embarrassed again. Not a correct choice. However, the producer of the show still called Evan Bell reluctantly, and finally got an answer of refusal.

The variety show of the TV station has lost the absolute focus of Evan Bell, and can only salivate to watch competitors invite Evan Bell as a guest, and show off their power in the ratings.

For the first time ever, Evan Bell has participated in game shows, including CBS' "Power of Ten" and Fox's "Are You Smarter than a Fifth Grader?", especially the latter, which is new to Fox this year. A puzzle reality show, the guests will take the stage to answer 15 basic questions of the fifth grade of elementary school. The range of questions covers geography, history, culture, art, science and other aspects. Get it right and you'll get a million dollar prize.

Evan Bell, as the show's inaugural guest, set off a ratings frenzy, attracting 28 million Americans, the highest ratings record for a U.S. reality TV premiere since 1998. As we all know, Evan Bell is the recipient of a double master's degree from Harvard University, but in fact, many knowledge in the fifth grade of elementary school has been blurred with the passage of time, which is really not an easy task. In the end, Evan Bell successfully answered eight questions, but unfortunately failed in the ninth question and was not able to win.

In addition, Evan Bell also participated in variety shows such as "Comedy Central Present", "Look Who's Most Like", "Crazy TV", "Hell's Kitchen", etc., which tested his comedy skills, acting skills, madness and poisonous tongue. . Evan Bell has no idol burden at In these variety shows, he completely let go of his hands and feet, and he did not have the arrogance of the big name that was rumored before. The high degree of cooperation has been praised by major TV stations.

In the midst of this, the TV station was completely miserable, and could only watch the competitors blow themselves up in the ratings, but they were helpless. Not to mention CBS TV and Fox TV, even the TV station, Evan Bell put on a show to show friendship. Although the TV station continued to send out numerous invitations to Evan Bell, but Evan Bell refused, and they would just maintain such a close relationship.

The return of Evan Bell's music this time has made CBS TV and Fox TV overjoyed. Whether it is the ratings or the number of viewers, or in terms of topicality, attention, exposure, etc., both TV stations are showing a straight upward trend. This is really good news for the two TV stations.

It is both topical, appealing, and able to put down his figure. Evan Bell is both an actor and a singer, which allows him to easily show his face on variety shows, which also makes him the most popular in major shows. A hot rare and sought-after resource.

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