Great Artist

Chapter 1460: low season box office

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In the first week of October 2006, "The Departed" was released with an investment of 90 million yuan; in the second week of October, the "Perfume" with an investment of 60 million yuan was fully released. This kind of situation is a very rare sight in October, which has always been considered tasteless.


Like "Perfume", there is another work that will be released on October 13, that is, the famous "American version of The Grudge 2", two years ago, the "American version of the Grudge" was obtained with an investment of 10 million yuan. At the box office of $110 million, Sony Columbia Pictures was overjoyed. Now, the sequel is here again, apparently hoping to squeeze the remaining value out of Japanese horror movies.


In addition, produced by Universal Pictures, Robin Williams, Christopher Walken and Laura Linney, three Oscar-level actors, teamed up with Barry Levinson, who won the Oscar for best director by relying on "Rain Man". "Person of the Year" and "The Marines" starring John Cena, the second Hollywood wrestler after "The Rock" Johnson, released by Twentieth Century Fox, will also join the competition in the off-season in October. among.


It is worth mentioning that the re-collision between Universal Pictures' "Person of the Year" and Eleven Studios was not done deliberately, it was just an accidental coincidence. But after learning that they would meet each other, Universal Pictures focused a lot of firepower on the "Person of the Year" publicity, and obviously didn't want to lose too badly. After all, "Person of the Year" is also an Oscar-caliber cast, and with the special theme of the 2004 presidential election, Universal Pictures is justifiable to hope.


Of course, The Departed, which was released last week, is also a rival that cannot be ignored.


In the slack season of October, the North American box office market in the second week reached 130 million US dollars, a 30% increase from the total box office of last week's US $ 100 million, which is a very gratifying result. Among them, the "perfume", which has won the championship with a strong momentum, has become the biggest contributor.


With a $28 million opening weekend box office, "Perfume" easily overcame a number of competitors and successfully won the North American box office chart in the second week of October, which really surprised everyone. This result put "Perfume" in the top ten in the box office list of the film's premiere in October, ranking sixth, and "The Departed", which made a good score of 27 million last week, dropped one place directly. .


Under the disadvantage of French dialogue, the controversial "perfume" fired its first shot in North America with a good result. Just relying on the box office debut, "Perfume" has been able to rank among the top ten non-English-language films in North American box office history. This is definitely a good news.


After the premiere of "Perfume", professional reviews came out, but the audience's comments did not focus on the controversial focus, but on Evan Bell's scent world constructed with color. The feat, the use of pictures to describe the smell, is amazing. It is indescribable that the visual, auditory and olfactory shock brought by the highly visually impactful collective **** scene at the end of the movie is indescribable.


In addition, the discussion on the role of Jean-Baptiste-Grenoye mainly focuses on Evan Bell's psychological shaping of the character. This olfactory genius's own lack of body odor makes him free Outside the world, and then connected to the world through smell, looking at the darkness, corruption and sin of this world with clarity and cruelty.


Evan Bell's sketch was undoubtedly successful in getting the audience talking, and the mixed perceptions of the Dowd standard began to move in a positive direction over time. With the hands of Jean-Baptiste-Grenoye, Evan Bell is actually fighting against the mainstream and darkness of the whole world. This view gradually begins to ferment with the precipitation of time, which makes people applaud. .


The most peculiar thing about the movie "Perfume" is that the controversy is so big that people can't ignore it.


And every time after watching the movie, the feeling is different, and the focus of the controversy is also different. Only those who really understand the movie will know Evan Bell's profound thoughts hidden behind the whole world structure.


Among the audience, there was a New York movie fan named David Debes who went into the cinema to watch the movie "Perfume" seventeen times before and after. His understanding of movies has reached a new height, and he was even influenced by YauTwbe , produced a live webcast interview program, which attracted more than eight million viewers online.

In the interview, David Debis made a summary of "Perfume", "Every detail of the film has its purpose, Evan tells a story in this work, but it brings us There are thousands of comprehensions. Only by watching with your heart can you understand this movie well. It is like the original novel. Only after reading it word by word can you see the world hidden behind the words. ."


David Debis's persistence made him an authority on the film "Perfume", and "Entertainment Weekly" even invited him to write a feature article, which received a good response. Later, I heard that a magazine was considering and invited David Debis to become a part-time film critic.


Under this situation, although the French dialogue and the October off-season hindered the further success of "Perfume" at the box office, the film's reputation has quietly risen.


In the box office competition in the second week of October, "Perfume" took the top spot. Under the strong power of "perfume", many other works seem to be forgotten.


"The US version of The Grudge took only $21 million at the box office, trailing behind "Perfume" and occupying the runner-up position. Although it is very good for its $20 million investment, the sequel is basically There is no problem, but this result is very shabby compared to the glory of the first part.


"The American version of The Grudge is also regarded by the media as a milestone in the dissipation of the Japanese horror film remake boom. In fact, the large number of adaptations of Japanese horror films such as "Midnight Bell" and "The Grudge" have made the Western film market produce visual effects. Tired, not long ago the remake of the Japanese horror film "The Ghost Circuit" cost 21 million US dollars to make, and the global box office was only 23 million, which made people laugh, and the "Scream" series of movies It has also begun to make fun of Japanese horror movie characters, which shows the fading trend of Japanese horror movie remakes. This time, under the impact of a French-language white film such as "Perfume", the American version of "The Grudge" won the box office. The downturn has been seen, and this form of remake has officially come to an end.


"The Departed" came in third with $19 million, and the two-week cumulative box office has reached $56 million. The film has now become the top seed at the Oscars, Martin Scorsese. momentum is excellent.


Universal Pictures doesn't know if it is incompatible with Eleven Studio. This time, "Perfume" was trapped in French dialogue, and there was no shocking energy at the box office, but "Person of the Year" was still in a pile of slobber and scolding. Directly dismissed, the $12 million box office is really disappointing. Although there are such strong lineups as Robin Williams, Barry Levinson, Laura Linney, and Christopher Walken, the movie is called the "Golden Raspberry Party". disappointed.


Except for these four works, the box office of the rest of the films failed to exceed the threshold of 10 million yuan. It is no wonder that October is called a low season.


Relatively speaking, after the end of the second week of October, all the focus of public opinion focused on "Perfume" and "The Departed", which can also be seen from the side, Evan Bell is now a director, and his strength He has already entered the first-class level, and the quality of his works has always remained above the same level. It is no wonder that the media will love him so much.


After entering the third week of October, the high-profile works suddenly increased, Christopher Nolan, Christian Bale, Hugh Jackman, Michael Kane teamed up "Deadly Magic", Clint Yi Sterwood teamed up with Paul Haggis' "Banner of the Fathers", Sofia Coppola's "Beautiful Queen", and Joseph Fein who starred in "Schindler's List" and "Shakespeare in Love" Strikingly teamed up with Alec Baldwin, who gained attention in September because of "I'm a Comedy Maniac", and dedicated "Survival through the Seam"... The collective release of these is obviously the official start of the awards season.


Among these works, each of them has its own hot spots. Before its release, "Banner of the Fathers" was hailed as Clint Eastwood's masterpiece that once again hit the Oscars. "Let's discuss together.


And the huge lineup of "Deadly Magic" has caused a lot of discussion, especially Christopher Nolan's "Batman Prequel: Mystery of the Shadow" filmed last year and won the box office of 200 million US dollars, instantly becoming one of the first-line directors. Bringing a new work again naturally attracted infinite attention; it was later revealed that Evan Bell had the opportunity to participate in this film, but finally missed it because of the "first" world tour, which immediately made the media It got lively. Christopher Nolan expressed his support for Evan Bell in public with the film "Perfume" to attack the Oscar best director and best actor again; in response, Evan Bell appeared in person. At the premiere of "Deadly Magic", he directly expressed his support for Christopher Nolan to the reporter.


October, the off-season of the film industry, can be said to be very lively. The North American film market in the third week of October is a contest in terms of box office and reputation of works.


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