Great Artist

Chapter 1472: treasure game

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Anne-Hathaway walked into the "Volcano" conference room and rummaged through the bookshelves for a long time, but saw nothing on the bookshelves. There were quite a few folders and books, but she couldn't take them one by one. come out and turn

Anne Hathaway really didn't understand why Evan Bell was doing all these messes. She sat in the chair and even thought, or just go upstairs, find Evan Bell and ask him directly, It couldn't be easier, but Anne Hathaway knew that since Evan Bell made such an arrangement, he would definitely not say it directly. Besides, it's not her style to give up directly. The beginning of curiosity, Evan Bell arranged something

Looking up at the bookshelf and scanning it twice, Anne Hathaway's gaze suddenly stopped, she actually saw a book of "Pride and Prejudice" and thought about it, Anne Hathaway took the book Down, and then opened it, and sure enough, I found a red note on the home page

Looking at the way this piece of paper is folded, it looks like a neat Fang Sheng. Obviously, it was definitely not placed here today. Could it all be arranged by Evan Bell before? Just because I came back early today and my plan was disrupted, so I deliberately screamed at the door, and then ran up in advance to ask Teddy Bell for help?

No matter what the truth of the matter is, as long as you follow the note to the end, you can always find the answer. So Anne Hathaway opened the note first, and it turned out Evan Bell's neat and beautiful font "Please come. Look for the next tip on the glass wall on the first floor of No. 9"

Anne Hathaway tilted her head and looked at this line of fonts again, and the smile on the corner of her mouth could not help but outline, she held the note in her hand and carried Evan Bell's jacket, and ran directly downstairs to this place. At that time, the smiles on the faces of the office staff had not dissipated, but Anne Hathaway obviously didn't care about the embarrassment just now. She smiled and nodded and greeted everyone, but Anne Hathaway didn't stop here at all, Go directly to the side door and enter No. 9 through the small passage in the middle

At No. 9 Prince Street, everyone was enjoying afternoon tea time. When they saw Anne Hathaway running in, they all greeted them enthusiastically. Although Anne Hathaway was greeting everyone, it was obvious that everyone was not paying attention. On his body, his eyes have been searching the surrounding glass walls for the staff of No. 9 Prince Street, all showing a meaningful look. Evan Bell wants to arrange something here. Naturally, he can't hide from everyone's eyes. Everyone is heartbroken. well-informed

Anne-Hathaway, however, was concentrating on finding the note, and didn't notice everyone's expressions. The front and back walls of No. 9 Princes Street are glass walls, but the area is not very large. It's just that the colorful signatures are a little dazzling.

In the end, Anne Hathaway saw a bright yellow Fang Sheng on the upper right corner of the glass wall behind her. She couldn't get her height at all. After taking a chair as a footrest, she pulled down Anne- Hathaway didn't even get down from the chair, she just stood on it and took it apart. It was still in Evan Bell's handwriting, "Please go to the computer table in the 'Bingshan' conference room on the second floor of No. 9 to find the next prompt."

Anne-Hathaway jumped out of the chair and ran up to the second floor, but she was muttering, "Damn Evan, give me such a physical job, isn't this a fool's errand? "For Anne Hathaway, she also seems to lack a little cell for romance. The most direct experience for her to arrange such an event for Evan Bell is: physical work.

Walking up to the "Iceberg" conference room on the second floor, next to the "Stupid" conference room, she saw the lights inside, and this time she knocked on the door obediently. Sure enough, Eden Hudson was having a meeting inside. When I arrived at Anne Hathaway, I was obviously very surprised that this was No. 9. Naturally, I didn't know what happened on No. 10.

Anne Hathaway whispered "sorry", then bent over and ran to the computer desk inside, and began to rummage. Eden Hudson was calm, didn't ask a word, and continued to talk to Mark -Zuckerberg having a conversation

Anne Hathaway looked around the computer desk, but couldn't find it, even rummaging under the keyboard, but there was still nothing Anne Hathaway sat on the computer chair, holding her chin and thinking hard for a while , suddenly seemed to remember something, got under the computer desk, looked up, and sure enough, there was a sky blue Fang Sheng under the keyboard drawer, and then she showed a smug smile

Evan Bell told her before that the best way to prevent thieves at home is to put a check in an envelope and paste it under the table. The thief will definitely not find it. Of course, this is only for checks, if Have a lot of cash, or put it in the bank insurance This was a joke in Brooklyn when I was a child, but Anne Hathaway remembered it all at once

Opening this Fang Sheng, it said, "Please go to the sofa on the third floor of No. 11 to find the next reminder" Anne-Hathaway couldn't help but whispered happily, but she didn't want to get too excited, and her head slammed into the table. , made a loud "bang", and Eden Hudson couldn't help but look over. Anne Hathaway forgot that she was still under the computer desk, she was too excited

Rubbing their heads, Anne Hathaway and Eden Hudson apologized again, and then lightly exited the office, walking downstairs with brisk steps. The sense of accomplishment from a note quietly made Anne Hathaway excited. Before she even realized it, her footsteps had become bouncing, and her face was still full of excitement. A bright and happy smile, how can there be a bit of fatigue just after taking a long-distance transoceanic plane

Anne Hathaway has the key to No. 11 Prince Street. When she was studying at New York University, she often came here to live and trot upstairs all the way. On the second floor, she saw Katherine Bell at work. After chatting for a while, Anne Hathaway continued to go upstairs

The real sofa on the third floor of No. 11 is actually the one in the hall near the balcony. Anne Hathaway effortlessly found a sapphire purple Fang Sheng behind the cushions, and after taking it apart, " Congratulations, you are one step away from success, please come to my room bookshelf and look for one last reminder"

Anne Hathaway jumped up immediately. After all the hard work, she finally found the treasure. She trotted all the way into Evan Bell's room, looking at the small bookshelf full of books, her excited face suddenly changed. Evan Bell, the face of bitter gourd

Anne-Hathaway thought for a while, first found the book "Sense and Sensibility", opened it, but there was a white, flat-out piece of paper with the words "Wrong" on it, which angered Anne. - Hathaway gnashed her teeth directly on this Evan Bell

Putting "Sense and Sensibility" on the bookshelf, Anne Hathaway took a step back and looked around the entire bookshelf, but she didn't have a clue at all. Anne Hathaway didn't have the time to complain about her. Wen-Bell, she just wanted to solve this last puzzle, she took down a book one after another, including "Brokeback Mountain", "Reminiscence of Time Like Water", "Mysterious Skin", She has read through the books "Perfume" and "Wild Survival", but she still finds nothing, which makes her a little helpless

Anne Hathaway stood there thinking, what exactly did Evan Bell arrange for such a treasure hunt, it must be to surprise herself, so what should be the last surprise?

While thinking about it, Anne Hathaway's eyes caught sight of a book, "The Notebook of Love", a pure love novel written by Nicholas Sparks, which is the original work of director Evan Bell's debut. This book relies on Next to "Reminiscence of the Years Like Water", the goal is quite obvious, especially now that the tome is taken away, it becomes more prominent

After thinking about it, Anne Hathaway took down the "Love Notebook" and opened it, and there was a pink postcard in it. She guessed it right.

The postcard is a hand-painted sketch. It depicts the breathtakingly beautiful and suffocating scenery of the movie "The Notebook of Love", such as the sunset like a sunset, the lake surface like a mirror, the green mountains like Dai, the trees like a forest, and a quiet ship. A small canoe with a row of birds on the water skimming gently to sleep

Flip the back, Evan Bell's handwriting, "If you are a bird, I am a bird You are where I belong "Combining postcards and can clearly feel Evan Bell's true intention in preparing this gift. Seeing this sentence, Anne Hathaway's eyes suddenly became wet. stand up

Although she lacks romantic cells, although the relationship between her and Evan Bell is as simple and casual as ever, the heart in her chest that has become surging because of love is not compromised at all. Before that, because of the treasure hunt process The irritability and troubles were gone, and Anne Hathaway felt as if she had flown to heaven. The extreme happiness made her breathless and her eyes became moist.

Taking the postcard away, Anne Hathaway saw a necklace hanging below, a silver necklace, a pendant of the "Thirteen" perfume, and the crystal clear bottle reflected brilliant rays of light under the illumination of natural light.

In an instant, the tears in Anne Hathaway's eyes slipped down with colorful dazzling light, and the corners of her mouth were dazzlingly outlined with happiness and beauty.

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