Great Artist

Chapter 1482: Confrontation without shadow

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Victoria's Secret dress rehearsals often last all day, from early morning until dark, and the models' mental and physical stamina reaches a limit. www.) But compared to the all-night rehearsal of the four major fashion weeks, the Victoria's Secret catwalk rehearsal is already very easy.

Today's rehearsal is over at seven o'clock. Although Evan Bell's rehearsal ended early, he did not leave immediately, and Leonardo DiCaprio stayed, but it was unknown who wanted to stay. After the rehearsal, many models stayed to take photos with Evan Bell and Leonardo DiCaprio. Although they were not as crazy as fans, it would be a good memory to have a group photo as a souvenir.

However, it was obvious that Leonardo DiCaprio was not in a state at all today. He only took two or three group photos and left in a panic, just nodding and saying hello to Evan Bell. Evan Bell did not stop either, and after watching Leonardo DiCaprio leave, he still stayed at the Chinese Theater.

Barra Fali didn't stay, and as soon as the rehearsal was over, she couldn't wait to fly back. She had to change into her prettiest outfit, put on her prettiest makeup in the shortest time possible, and get to Rocky's Sweetheart before eight o'clock.

Victoria's Secret Angels are naturally better informed than the outside media. As early as the beginning of October, it was rumored that this year's performer will be Evan Bell. As the hottest golden bachelor in the world today, Evan Bell is even more popular than the United Kingdom. Prince William. Become the ultimate dream of countless women flying to the branches and turning into phoenixes. Of course, aside from this point, Evan Bell's personal charm is also intoxicating. Being able to spend **** with him is also a dream.

Since the beginning of Evan Bell's debut, the scandal has never stopped, and the dewy marriage between him and the model is even more numerous. From the earliest Megan Fox to the latest Miranda Kerr, the lace news about Evan Bell has been buzzing. However, compared to other playboys, Evan Bell's reputation seems to be very good. So far, there have been no examples of women standing up and cursing Evan Bell. Of course, it is also possible that they were frightened by the slander incident that year, and no one dared to stand up. .

It started when it was confirmed in mid-November that Evan Bell was this year's guest performer. Barra Fali has already begun to plan carefully, she just wants to get close to Evan Bell, whether it is a dewy marriage or a mutual stay, she is willing. Imagine how powerful the sensation would be to become Evan Bell's first ever public girlfriend. It's as if Leonardo DiCaprio took Gisele Bundchen on the Oscars red carpet last year, and everyone is looking forward to it! This is the life Barra Farley wants.

today. Evan Bell appeared at the rehearsal scene, this is Barra Fali's chance, and of course Leonardo DiCaprio is also a good choice. Barra Farley naturally knew about the breakup of Leonardo DiCaprio and Gisele Bundchen, so. She has to make a choice between these two men. In the end, Barra Fali still chose Evan Bell, not to say that Evan Bell is more in line with her aesthetic standards, but simply because Evan Bell has greater potential, which is enough.

Several times before and after, Barra Fali found that Evan Bell was unmoved, which did not dampen her confidence. She knew very well that a superb man like Evan Bell was not that simple. To get started, the whole world wants to lie on Evan Bell's bed. There are not 10,000 or 8,000 women, but in the end, there are only a few who can really lie down.

The opportunities she deliberately created failed to work, but the most unexpected opportunity came suddenly. Barra Fali didn't expect the opportunity to come like this, and she naturally couldn't miss it. Sure enough, she made a bold attack and caught it in one fell swoop.

When Barra Fali got home, she took a quick shower and started to choose clothes, but her head was running fast: Should you call a reporter?

As we all know, Evan Bell is a fox. It is not so easy to catch him. If this opportunity is missed, whether there is a second chance, I don't know. However, if a reporter is called and it is exposed, then it will be a one-time effect, especially if there are cases as serious as slander incidents before, maybe the follow-up development will be difficult. Barra Farley had to make a choice.

Soon, Barra Fali came up with a result. She didn't have to notify the reporter directly to avoid getting burned. She could let out some rumors and let those paparazzi catch the wind. If the paparazzi have a good sense of smell, they can investigate Evan Bell's whereabouts; but if the paparazzi don't find them, she has nothing to lose. This definitely couldn't be better noted.

After thinking about it, Barra Fali called 97net to her agent and asked him to release the news that Evan Bell was participating in the Victoria's Secret rehearsal at the Chinese Theater. In fact, this news is not a secret. At most, the paparazzi will be able to discover it tomorrow. But it was released at this time, the rehearsal had just ended, and a large number of models were still stranded in the Chinese theater. The paparazzi would naturally keep an eye on Evan Bell, and then groped for "Rock Sweetheart" along Evan Bell, and then naturally found and Evan Bell is dating himself.

This plan is really good, and there is no risk.

After everything was ready, Barra Fali looked at her slender and youthful self in the camera, clenched her fist and waved it, "Barra Fali! I must seize the opportunity tonight, definitely! You can definitely succeed. Yes, for sure!" After saying that, Barra Fali gave herself a hard boost twice before turning around and leaving the house, running towards "Rock Sweetheart".

When Evan Bell left the Chinese Theater, he was immediately followed by the paparazzi. Even if Teddy Bell and Eden Hudson drove the nanny car away, they did not succeed in getting out of the way. No one knew about the fact that he came to the rehearsal today, and there was no paparazzi following when he arrived at the Chinese Theater. Obviously, someone from the staff or models at the Victoria's Secret site leaked the secret. Of course, there are many possibilities, but Barrafa Li is most likely.

Evan Bell is only guessing, but can't be sure. If it was Barra Fali, Evan Bell would have to admire her. This woman is indeed a good chess player. She is more than a grade smarter than Penelope Cruz, and it also makes him unable to catch Barbara. Errafaeli's any handle. The most important thing is that Evan Bell has not been able to directly associate it with Barra Fali. It definitely made one have to applaud her.

Evan Bell did not set off directly to Century Park, but circled the car for a small half circle and went back. Sure enough, most of the models were still in the Chinese Theater, leaving one after another, and Evan Bell saw a few models who had just met today at a glance, "Hey, Miranda, Ade, Alex, there are plans for dinner. No? If not, let's go eat French food together." There were more than a dozen models in front of him, and Evan Bell was calling for Miranda Kerr, Adriana Lima, Alexandria Ambrosio and others.

Hearing Evan Bell's call, Hamish Hamilton immediately raised his voice and returned, "Evan, do you have my share?" This sentence caused all the models around to laugh.

"Of course. Get in the car." Evan Bell beckoned directly and sent an invitation with a smile on his face.

When Evan Bell arrived at "Rock Sweetheart", it was ten minutes later than expected, and it was still a little delayed. Barra Fali saw Evan Bell's figure in the dim light, and her heart jumped up. She glanced outside subconsciously. There were all cars, but she couldn't tell which one was the only one. It's from the paparazzi, although I'm not sure if the paparazzi have followed, but that's not the focus of today. Because she "doesn't know at all and has no idea about the paparazzi", this is correct.

But when Barra Fali turned her head to look over again, the smile on her face could not help stiffening, because the long list behind Evan Bell was his colleagues: Hamish Hamilton, Adria Na Lima, Alexandre Ambrosio, Miranda Kerr and Carolina Kokova.

In this way, there are seven people. No one holds a party in a French restaurant. French restaurants are all four-person tables, candlelight dinners, romantic and sweet. If there are many people, it will destroy the atmosphere. This suddenly made it hard for Barra Fali to laugh. She didn't know what happened and why Evan Bell brought everyone over, but she couldn't show it at this time, otherwise it would be a failure.

Hamish Hamilton walked at the He immediately saw Barra Fali's violet short skirt, which put her beautiful figure and mysterious atmosphere in the dim light of the restaurant. The sketches are captivating. Hamish Hamilton didn't think much about it at first, he just thought it was Barra Farley who had a date here, but then Evan Bell, who followed up, greeted with a smile, "Miss Rafaeli, I think there are many people at dinner. It's a little more lively, don't you mind. Of course, I'll invite you." After speaking, Evan Bell slyly winked at Barra Fali.

Seeing what Evan Bell conveyed is: it is not a good choice to let a lady spend money, so I brought everyone here, or let me do my duty as a gentleman.

This made Barra Farley completely speechless, she could only suppress the bitterness in her heart, and then smiled brightly, "It seems that my free dinner is fixed, but Mr. Bell, model We have to keep in shape, you are taking a big advantage." This is really a character, his speech is tight, and his smile is perfect, and his quick response is not admirable.

Evan Bell seemed to be completely unknown, and continued to joke, "This is a French restaurant, isn't it famous for its small quantity and high price? I mourn for my credit card."

Added more today! At the end of the month, try to get a monthly ticket! RQ

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