Great Artist

Chapter 1489: 6 angle relationship

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Evan Bell, Leonardo DiCaprio, Gisele Bundchen, Blake Lively, Miranda Kerr, these five people constitute a huge and complex pentagonal relationship, and then, It was revealed that Orlando Bloom joined this intricate scandal, which made all the media dumbfounded.

The imagination of the media is endless, and the gossip tabloids have brought this into full play. This time, the gossip tabloid that has made a big splash is the "Globe". If this gossip is regarded as a soap opera's **** romance novel, it will definitely be called the "Globe". wonderful

Leonardo DiCaprio and Gisele Bundchen started out as a couple, Evan Bale and Blake Lively confirmed relationship after 'mysterious skin' but then the pair Couples have disputes and even break up because of the man's flirting However, because of the Miranda Kerr affair, the two sides temporarily broke up. In the end, Evan Bell had to move out of his childhood sweetheart, Anne Hathaway, to divert public attention.

So far, "Globe" has basically continued the speculation of Sean Hall in "News of the World", but the whole plot is messed up after this.

Evan Bell and Miranda Kerr were just playing, and then patiently coaxed Blake Lively back, and the two reconfirmed their relationship, but who knows, Evan Bell found Leonardo -DiCaprio has been having an affair with Blake Lively for a long time, and the third person who broke up with Gisele Bundchen and Leonardo DiCaprio was Blake- Lively also directly led to the rivalry between Evan Bell and Leonardo DiCaprio, who had fought several times.

In this situation, Evan Bale is back with Miranda Kerr and Blake Lively is taking advantage of Leonardo DiCaprio's abandonment by Gisele Bundchen. Taking advantage of the emptiness, they became the main palace, and they determined their positions. Evan Bell and Leonardo DiCaprio both "see women as clothes", and the pair of friends soon returned to like-minded friends. Along the way, we became friends again

But the problem was exposed in the early stage of the Victoria's Secret show. Miranda Kerr unexpectedly discovered that Evan Bell was also having an affair with Gisele Bundchen, but she did not break up in a rage, but wanted to work hard to bring Evan Bell to her. Vin Bell recovered, but Evan Bell, who found out that the matter was exposed, began to be mean and felt that Gisele Bundchen was better, so he swayed back and forth between Miranda Kerr and Gisele Bundchen at the same time

On the day before the Victoria's Secret show, Blake Lively found out that Leonardo DiCaprio and Gisele Bundchen had signs of a revival, so he rushed to the Chinese Theater - not for the sake of Evan Bell went to see Miranda Kerr, but went to see Gisele Bundchen for Leonardo DiCaprio. After seeing the king, there is only chicken feathers left

The relationship between Evan Bell and Leonardo DiCaprio has dropped to a freezing point again, and the relationship between all parties is completely entangled to the point that there is no ending.

The turning point came again at this time, Orlando Bloom was born, fell in love with Miranda Kerr at first sight, and became angry, Orlando Bloom beat Evan Bell backstage at the Chinese Theater, just for the sake of Breathe out Miranda Kerr and save the beauty - save Miranda Kerr from Evan Bell's clutches, and then the "Pirates of the Caribbean" pair officially break up Orlando Bloom is eagerly pursuing Miranda Kerr

In addition, because of Evan Bell's beating, Blake Lively's concern for Evan Bell was uncontrollable, and he was swaying whether to return to Evan Bell. At the same time, Leonardo Deca Prio and Gisele Bundchen are also in a delicate relationship

In short, this is a hexagonal relationship that is constantly cut and chaotic, and almost every two people are involved, which also makes this **** soapy love drama reach its peak.

When the "Globe" published this forecast, the entire American entertainment industry was in an uproar. Part of the reason was that it was too exaggerated. It almost described the entertainment industry as a devil's cave that can eat people. The relationship of betrayal makes people really disagree with the love in the entertainment industry; on the other hand, it is because it is too exaggerated, the timing of the content of the article is questionable, and there is no evidence for the relationship between the characters, which is completely far-fetched. Watching it again and again makes people laugh and cry

The same is true. This press release of the "Globe" is actually inferred from several photos of two people. However, under the atmosphere of gossip and scandals, there are not many readers who can identify the truth and the truth. Everyone. All of them will be treated as an after-dinner reading for chatting and laughing. Even so, it has an impact on the public image of these six people. Among them, the most affected are Miranda Kerr and Blake Lively, two girls. All of them have been set a tone by the article, and it is difficult to turn around in the eyes of the public.

The only thing fortunate is that the "Globe" is a city tabloid, and its circulation and influence are limited.

Faced with this situation, it is naturally impossible for the parties concerned to remain silent, otherwise the negative impact will only gradually expand. The first to respond is Leonardo DiCaprio. He is relatively tough and concise. He just directly denied this statement, "It's absurd, it's just a bunch of nonsense, you have to have a limit for chasing shadows, and there is no real evidence to talk nonsense there, this is an insult to the artist's image."

Then Blake Lively responded, but her attitude was very modest, after all, she could only be regarded as a person, "I was filming on the set before, and it was just finished this week. Wen, the extrajudicial fanatic, and Giselle are all friends, and there is no such complicated relationship at all. I think everyone should stop guessing."

Gisele Bundchen and Miranda Kerr also directly stood up to deny the ridiculous news, while Orlando Bloom was the most angry, "You speculate like this, it's a slander against us. , is slandering you just because we are public figures, so casually smearing us all this is nonsense" The root reason why Orlando Bloom would be so angry, of course, is because he is pursuing Miranda Kerr, these scandals It is very likely to make his pursuit difficult, and he is naturally angry.

Evan Bell is as calm as always. In fact, these scandals are all self-cleaning and dirty. The "Globe" has no evidence at all. It is too difficult for people to believe, and their stories are too exaggerated. , It's not like a story at all, but a joke. In the grasp of this "degree", "The Globe" is obviously more than one grade weaker than Sean Hall. If you grasp the degree well, the credibility of this story will be Rather, it will increase

"Well, according to what you said, my current girlfriend should have so many, and you are too unprofessional." When Evan Bell was interviewed by reporters, he took out a lot of photos, which are shockingly from his previous movies. Each of the actresses who collaborated with him is a photo of him and a girl, including a photo of him and many girl fans, "You see a man and a woman entering and leaving a place, and then you randomly connect people, Is the reporter who concocted a scandal so unskilled, then I can't continue to act in the drama another day, so I'll be a reporter too."

Evan Bell's remarks made all the twenty reporters in front of them burst into laughter, but they soon realized that they were the ones being satirized, and their smiles became a little stiff.

"You believe in such random fabricated news, then I'm really not sure whether the authenticity of the news is important or not. Could it be that because we are public figures, the authenticity is unnecessary? You reporters can just fabricate news. To smear the reputation of public figures? Then next time you just say that I killed someone and let me go to jail for a while.” Evan Bell said this with a smile on his face, but in the eyes of the reporters I know it's not good, this time the smell is indeed a bit too much. It's really too exaggerated after seeing the picture and saying that the story has reached a peak, "You just saw the photos and talked about it casually, but the public can easily believe this. It has an impact on the image of our public figures. Apart from this, it even makes our friends really embarrassed and estranged. So what should we do? It is not easy for us to know friends. These inexplicable and absurd novels make it difficult to make friends, so who will be responsible, you?"

"I can't meet friends in the can't make a girlfriend, are you responsible?" Although Evan Bell's rhetorical question has the taste of questioning, it makes people laugh and can't help but want to laugh. It's a bit of a rogue statement, but it makes sense, I really can't laugh or cry

"I solemnly state here once: All these scandals are false, and we are just friends." Evan Bell finally concluded, putting an end to the matter

Although the farce scandal has come to an end, as Evan Bell said, the impact of these rumors in the public's mind is not so easy to eliminate, it seems that people have a stubborn sense of trust in the "first impression" , is a truth. This is the misfortune of public figures. Even Evan Bell can't solve it The little girl in sight is suffering, but fortunately, this will not affect her image in Orlando Bloom's heart, that's fortunate

However, in the whole farce process, there is no name from the beginning to the end: Bar-Rafaeli, her conspiracy, is bankrupt

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