Great Artist

Chapter 1506: turn against each other

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In the competition for the lighting entertainment company, no matter who wins, it will not have a great impact on Evan Bell. Anyway, even if Disney wins, they won't reconnect with Eleven; not to mention Universal. So Evan Bell just thought from an objective point of view that Chris Meredane would have a better development if he went to Disney.


But for Disney and Universal Pictures, things are far from being as easy as Evan Bell said.


Although the first round of competition was calm, the two sides also have some anger. Robert Iger is now on fire. As a result, Lang-Meyer has to intervene, especially if the two sides have an opposing alliance agreement. Under the circumstances, this really made him angry; Lang Yimeier was better. He felt that it was only natural for you to compete with each other in the business field. If Disney really couldn't find computer 3D animation, then it would be self-defeating. Looking for it, and missing Pixar and Aardman before and after are actually Robert Iger's decision-making mistakes, and Disney, which started from animation, has fallen to this point, and I can only blame myself for not making progress.


Afterwards, the two sides reached a verbal agreement. Watching Evan and Bell dig a hole, they both decided not to jump. A move to draw salary from the bottom of the pot embarrassed Evan and Bell. This decision was also quite fruitful, and everyone was waiting to see Evan Bell's joke. It's a pity that Bell is a monster, and he really gritted his teeth and continued to negotiate.


Now, the flustered people became Robert Iger and Lang Mayer, neither of whom wanted to miss the Lighting Entertainment Company. After all, it is not easy to find an animation studio with strength and resources. They have also measured the strength of the lighting entertainment company. Now, with the addition of Evan Bell's fancy, it is even more eye-catching.


As a result, Robert Iger burst into anger and took the lead in breaking the verbal agreement and entered the competition again.


In this second round of competition, both sides are very angry. Lang-Mayer was angry that Robert-Iger disregarded the promise of a gentleman and took the lead in tearing up the verbal agreement. In fact, this kind of thing is normal in the shopping mall. Let Lang-Mayer see that his eyes are not eyes and his nose is not a nose; and Robert-Iger's previous dissatisfaction with Lang-Mayer is even more angry at this time. If he can't win the Lighting Entertainment Company, he will step down. As a result, how can you not be angry with this rogue entanglement and malicious competition.


The three quotations before and after made both Robert-Iger and Lang-Mayer red-eyed. In the end, Disney won, and Lang-Mayer overturned the desk in a fit of anger.


Under this situation, the video website H and U, which was originally scheduled to be launched in mid-February, was postponed to March.


During the meeting between the opposing alliances in early February, everyone remained calm and friendly on the surface, but when it came to the video site, Lang-Mayer and Robert-Iger both began to pick each other's thorns , but both of them are old foxes, there is some truth to the point of thorns, and it really needs to be reconsidered.


But if it is limited to this, the exchange situation can still be controlled. But when Jeff-Zuck, the CEO of N-Bay TV, tried to persuade both parties to calm down, he was repelled by Lang-Mayer saying, "N-Bang's recent attitude is not ambiguous..." although he knew that this was the case. Angry words, but Jeff Zucker was still stunned. Lang Yimeier is obviously satirizing N-Bang TV's reliance on "hero" and "I am a comedy maniac" to gain attention, so his attitude towards Eleven Studios has also become blurred.


Even Doug Morris, CEO of Universal Music, was provoked by Robert Iger, "The business of Disney's record division last year was very worrying...", and the whole face was flushed. Universal Music ZA again lagged behind Warner Records and Sony Bertelsmann Records. It was a thorn in Doug Morris's heart. Now Robert Iger still has the leisure to take care of it. The timing is really wrong.


As a result, the meeting broke up unhappily, and the four bosses had a lot of dissatisfaction with each other. This time, a huge gap was created between the opposing alliances that were originally united because of their interests. The prospects of the video site HUU suddenly became more unclear. It was postponed from the beginning of January to the middle of February, and now it is postponed to March. Can it go online? have become difficult.


Of course, since it is an alliance video site HU formed for profit. After spending so much energy, financial resources and manpower, the online will definitely go online. After this period of relief, the four bosses will maintain the surface peace and bury all the grievances in their stomachs. However, it is unknown how much the connection between the four bosses still exists.

The fact that Universal Pictures and Disney do not show signs of each other is invisible to the public, but they have more or less received some rumors in the circle. This also caused differences between the two most important main forces against Eleven Studios, which made people have to feel the changing interests of the market.


Evan-Bell's action this time originally thought that it would end just by provoking, but he didn't expect it to become more and more noisy. In the end, he took a risk and took chestnuts from the fire, and successfully executed the entire strategy. It cannot be said that Evan-Bell devised a strategy and implemented it. This plan..." It can only be said that he followed the trend, grasped the most important weakness in Universal Pictures and Disney, and maximized the final result, that's all.


Judging from the results, Bell was unscathed, but it caused a huge disagreement between Disney and Universal Pictures. It's just an animation studio that has just started. As long as the two sides have a bigger interest cake, it is not uncommon for them to join forces again. For example, the video site HULU turned out.


If it is said that the video website "HULU can make huge profits after the appearance, then even if there is a big difference within the opposing alliance, it can be dissipated and continue to move forward for a common goal; but on the contrary, the effect of HULU did not meet expectations, and even Complete failure, then the dissolution of the opposing alliance is only a matter of time.


On the contrary, Disney ended the chaos of the past fourteen months in this battle and finally won the Lighting Entertainment Company. Although it is only a cooperation agreement, Disney can completely send its animation department to Chris I. Meledan Rui's subordinates communicated with each other and learned technology. While the lighting entertainment company independently produced works, Disney also stepped up its own computer 3D animation technology.


Therefore, even if Illumination Entertainment will not have a work in two or three years, Disney itself can gradually stabilize and begin to look forward to Illumination Entertainment's works in three years. In the past few years, Disney may be very hard, but at least the future can be expected, which also leaves more time for Robert Iger.


As for Universal Pictures, they have nothing to lose, they just postponed their plans to enter the animation market. Therefore, this commercial struggle seems to be fierce, but the so-called gunpowder is more limited to the psychological level, and the real impact still takes time to catalyze slowly. In January of the year of Wei Wei, there was not only the chaos of the whole awards season, but also the open and secret battles between Disney and Universal Yiye. In the end, Robert Iger broke out in the face of adversity and won the cooperation agreement of Lighting Entertainment with unprecedented courage. Although the whole process only lasted a little more than three weeks, it was absolutely heart-wrenching and fast-changing.


As the driving force behind the scenes, Evan Bell lived a very leisurely life, and was not affected by the smog in the mall at all. He also flew to Boston during the period and returned to his alma mater, Harvard University, for no other reason, just Because Harvard University has a special award for Evan Bell.


Harvard's drama club "Instant Pudding Theater" is the oldest literary and art organization in American colleges and universities. Since 1951, the "Instant Pudding Award" has been held every year to the two best performers of the year - one male and one male. name. However, this award is very special. First, it has no utilitarian nature and is entirely selected by Harvard students. Second, on this rigorous campus, the instant pudding award is awarded every year. Carnival, UU reading www.uukanshu. com award-winning stars, after being warmly "received" by a group of boys disguised as women, have to go on a street parade in the university town in a float. In fact, this is a feast of Harvard students spoofing artists.


However, the presentation of the Instant Pudding Award is deeply loved by Hollywood actors, because it marks that they have won commendable recognition among this group of students who are known for their rigorous academic style. Just imagine the treatment of Bell, Natalie and Portman at Harvard University. Although there will be students onlookers, the phenomenon is not too exaggerated. Learning is the purpose of this century-old famous school. Stars can be here. There is no special treatment. Therefore, the Instant Food Pudding Award has a reputation in the United States that is not inferior to the Golden Globe Awards and the Oscars, and the artists who win the Instant Food Pudding Award every year will be present in person to accept the award, and cooperate with all the students to spoof it together.


Although the Instant Pudding Award has never been based on strength, awards, or popularity, it is just a voting list in the minds of Harvard students, but in the past 55 years of history, there has never been a lack of big names to win the Instant Pudding Award. , Meg Ryan, Julia Roberts, Angelina Jolie, Katherine Hepburn, Tom Hanks, Christopher Walken, Mel Gibson, Anthony Hopkins... Z mouth year, It was Evan Bell, who just graduated from Harvard University, and the **** stunner Scarlett Johansson, who won the Instant Pudding Award.


Everyone, you still need to give your support in the new February, please give me your strength, ha! (To be continued [This text is provided by the breaking dawn update group @花长kong]. If you like this work, you are welcome to ◤First Release◢ to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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