Great Artist

Chapter 1508: new ideas

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After Evan Bell controlled his center of gravity, he stood in a very awkward position. High heels are really a strange object. After wearing it, he only felt that his entire back was stretched, and then people could not help but want to stand tall and straight. Get up, but the problem is that you have to put your toes under your feet, causing the entire center of gravity to be unstable, swaying and messy in the wind. Of course, this is also because Evan Bell does not wear high heels. It is amazing to know that there are still women in the world who can sprint 100 meters in high heels.

Fortunately, the heels of the high-heeled shoes are not too high. After Evan Bell finally stood firm, the strong man in swimming trunks next to him began to open the cork of the whisky again, "At this moment of glory, I think , let's celebrate with a glass of wine!" Listening to the rhythm and tone of his speech, it is estimated that he is currently studying Shakespeare.

Evan Bell didn't answer, just looked at the strong man, to see what tricks he played. Sure enough, after the strong man opened the cork, he turned the bottle over and poured it down. Obviously, there was no wine in it at all. But the strong man still had to look at it with pretense, and said in confusion, "How could this be?" Then he put his fingers in and pulled out, and quickly pulled out a transparent plastic-like thing from it.

Evan Bell didn't recognize what it was at first, but when the strong man took out all the complete objects, Evan Bell suddenly clapped his hands and laughed, it was actually a disassembled condom, This is so joyous. The strong man held the condom and looked at Evan Bell with sincerity, "Otherwise, you can use this to celebrate tonight." There was obviously another hint in his words.

Everyone was looking forward to Evan Bell's answer, and he lived up to expectations, "No problem! This is exactly what I want." The whistle from the audience sounded again.

The strong man in swimming trunks did not directly give the contraceptive condom to Evan Bell, but continued to put it in the whiskey bottle, one, two... In the end, he took out a total of seven, and then put seven together. He had to lift it up, "Are you sure you can use it all up tonight?"

Evan Bell couldn't help laughing, but he still raised his right arm very cooperatively, saying that his biceps were very strong, "Of course there's no problem." The cheers from the audience suddenly stopped It became "Seven! Seven! Seven!" This gesture was so tacit, it made Evan Bell clapp his hands and laugh.

After the entire awarding process was over, Evan Bell never got the time to give a serious acceptance speech, but the host Ben Lex quickly explained the reason, "Now, let's express it by asking questions. Our respect for Evan." Of course, the opposite of this sentence is actually to let Evan Bell express his gratitude to the Instant Pudding Award by answering questions.

"Evan, are you a male?" The first question set the tone for the entire questioning session. Evan Bell didn't have any shyness, and responded generously, "Shouldn't this question be asked before the twelfth grade? It's already outdated now." The audience immediately burst into roars.

Obviously, the problem is adjusted according to the stars on the stage. If the artist is more restrained, then the problem is relatively weak; if the artist is more open, then the problem is more pungent. At present, Evan Bell belongs to the latter.

However, when the ten questions reached the last one, an unexpected serious topic appeared, "Evan, do you have any ideas for the new work?"

"Are you a reporter? Or a journalism department?" Evan Bell's answer made the audience burst into laughter. In fact, since the completion of "Wild Survival", Evan Bell has not touched any script for four months, and no news of his new work has come out. However, everyone thought that it was because of the promotion period of the album "Four", but Evan Bell disappeared from the public eye after December, and did not appear until the Golden Globe Awards. This reason is also invalid. Therefore, it is not surprising that this problem occurs today, but it is not in line with the carnival atmosphere on the scene.

However, Evan Bell replied in a very relaxed tone, "I have recently been very interested in the United States in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries. Maybe I will shoot a work in such a period. Of course, I promise, it should be It won't be a science fiction work, something like going back in a time machine, no, it's not my style." Evan Bell's answer still made the audience laugh.

At the end of the 19th century and the beginning of the 20th century, the United States completed the transition from an agricultural society to an industrial society, and entered a modern society from a traditional society. The entire United States was in a period of great turning point. This profound and comprehensive change has brought many serious social problems, and the whole society is dissatisfied with the status quo and seeks change. At that time, progressivism in ideology, law, economy, the expansion of religion, rampant racism, and the whole society was in the ideological collision stage after the Civil War. The **** is pervasive, the class conflict is gradually fierce, the gap between the rich and the poor is shocking, the social morality is corrupted and sinking, and the entire society is in a state of turmoil, which also makes the entire capitalist system an unprecedented challenge.

Therefore, it was a very sensitive era in a very special era, and it was also an era in which there were countless contents worth exploring. Evan Bell will say this, but it is not aimless. In fact, he has already started preparing this information since he was resting at home in December. He was idle at home for a month and a half, not only in the later stage of "wilderness survival" Production and Republic Era, Magic Red album recording work, his rest time is also very fulfilling.

"I'm a little disappointed that no one asked me about my acting skills, and I was ready to answer enthusiastically." After Evan Bell answered all the questions, he went on to say, which caused a commotion in the audience, "I There is a problem.” The voices came one after another, and the people who raised their hands even more. The Instant Pudding Troupe is a drama club, and the members here are naturally very interested in Broadway and acting, but today's so-called awards ceremony is more of a carnival, so everyone is not too serious.

Evan Bell was just joking. Seeing so many people raising their hands, he couldn't help but wave his hand, "If you have any questions, I'll ask you next time, but I hope to be the first in the history of the Instant Pudding Awards to win twice. I will try my best to look forward to it." With just one sentence, Evan Bell turned the slightly serious question into an interesting canvassing, and a disdainful voice sounded at the scene, "Cut..."

Since the instant pudding award does not have any utilitarian nature, it has never been awarded repeatedly in history, because there is no special meaning. When Harvard students vote, they will automatically remove the previous winners from the waiting list, otherwise the utilitarian nature will damage the entertainment purpose of the award.

Evan Bell was just joking. After he finished speaking, he looked at everyone with a smile, but never moved a step. After a while, he said into the microphone, "Is someone here to save me? No one noticed. Can't I move now? I'm worried that if I move, I'll just fall, which is really not a good thing for my image." Watching Evan Bell wear a wig, wear underwear, step on high heels, and then be serious I have to discuss the issue of image, which is so joyful, especially with Evan Bell's stiff posture and funny expression, the laughter at the scene was uncontrollable and completely collapsed, and everyone laughed. .

Evan Bell finally returned to the flat bottom from "high altitude", stepping on his own sneakers, and ending the process of the awards ceremony. However, this is only the first part. After taking off all his clothes, Evan Bell joined the entire parade team and will conduct a large parade in Cambridge Town, which is also an annual happy event in Cambridge Town. , its bustling level is definitely better than that of New Year's Eve.

Evan Bell still has the image of a round head, so after removing the wig, he can go into battle without any care. Walking out of the small auditorium, there were three decorated floats parked outside. All of them were dressed in grand costumes that were only worn for Halloween. They followed Evan Bell and began to walk around the town.

Evan Bell walked in the front with the two "female companions" who were dressed as women just now, followed by the floats. All the Harvard students put on their masquerade costumes and followed between the floats. walked out of the gate of Harvard University and walked into the streets and alleys of Cambridge Town.

At this time, the residents of the entire Cambridge Town have come out. This is the Carnival in Cambridge Town. The residents, tourists and students in every town have all come out, and even many professors and lecturers have also come out. Come out of the library, stand on both sides of the street, and welcome the parade.

Evan Bell hugged the two tall "girlfriends" from left to right, and strode forward on the road of the town beaming. This is the town where he lived for eight years before and after, and here is where he has the best memories of the school, but also the memories of those who struggled for the band and the music. When graduating last year, Evan Bell didn't feel very deeply, but this time, he deeply felt his nostalgia for Cambridge Town.

It has a strong British-style architectural style, simple and enthusiastic town residents, and a crowd of students who come and go in a hurry... This place is like a paradise, different from New York, different from Boston, indifferent to the world, will Every student's best memories of the school season are left in the bricks.

Evan Bell raised his hands high and greeted the familiar and unfamiliar faces on both sides, enjoying the boiling part of his blood that belongs to Harvard, and silently interacting with this peaceful and beautiful building. Farewell to the town.

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