Great Artist

Chapter 1527: Internal and external troubles

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Evan Bell was not in a hurry to leave the hospital. After Steve Chen finished dinner, Evan Bell also met with Steve Chen's parents who came to the hospital. After a brief talk, Evan Bell drove to the hospital. uTube's office opened up. www.)

Palo Alto in the twilight is like a sleeping baby. Compared with Cambridge Town, it is quieter here. I don't know if it is not the time to party at night, or everyone is worried about what to eat for dinner. This made the noise of Palo Alto settle down, but when Evan Bell was driving on the wide road, he could only see bushes one after another, and occasionally saw one or two people running with headphones on. Other than that, there is no sound whatsoever.

Although uTube has grown into the largest video site in the United States, the new office building is still being renovated, so the main team is still working in a small office. It is hard to imagine that a top website that is popular in the United States has only 30 core staff.

It was dinner time when Evan Bell arrived. In fact, the three meals of these technical nerds are not fixed at ordinary times, because it often happens that they forget to eat and sleep until they only eat when they feel hungry. But today is quite special. Not long ago, Barack Obama, who had just met the three founders of uTube, announced his candidacy for president, Steve Chen was determined to leave the company due to illness, and the betrayal of product manager Baitina Martin caused many speculations. These three The incident broke out at the same time, which made the uTube staff a little stunned, and didn't know what to do for a while.

It can be seen from this incident that uTube is still too young, has not experienced any storms, and is very immature in dealing with crisis public relations, and cannot even make an effective response. Of course, these are tech nerds. It's only natural that he doesn't have much attainment in things like competing for power and intrigue.

Facebook was just going through this pain just a month ago, but Facebook is in better shape than uTube. He still retains 3% of Facebook shares, which is enough to make him worry-free for the rest of his life.

It took only three days before and after Sean Parker's connection with drugs. Facebook's internal affairs came to an end. The media didn't even have time to report it, it was over, so there was no room for anyone. The handle of the attack. This matter also bubbled silently, and then quickly disappeared. For Evan Bell, in fact, it was just two calls to 97net, and everything was over.

From the "Grey's Anatomy" crew in September last year, to Facebook last month, and now uTube, after experiencing rapid development, Eleven Studio inevitably began to face more and more challenges. , and this studio with young people as the main body is bound to pay the price because of their youth. Even if Evan Bell has the advantage of rebirth, he is only a person after all, and he is not a god. Therefore, the entire Eleven Studio We must work together to get through this difficult time.

Compared with the twists and turns of Facebook, uTube has suffered from internal and external troubles at the same time, but it is much more difficult. However, in Evan Bell's view, internal and external troubles are actually not that serious.

The so-called foreign troubles are challenges from opposing alliances, but challenges are always present. Even if this time it is not an opposing alliance, it may be Google Video, or MSN Video under Microsoft, or Yahoo Video, etc. If there is interest, there will be competition. , this is absolutely, uTube can't eat alone. The best way to deal with challenges is not to be chaotic, but to hold your head high, strengthen your strengths, improve your weaknesses, make yourself more competitive, and pick down every opponent. some attitude.

In fact, Evan Bell is still very confident to win the challenge of the video website of the opposing league. In the past life, uTube was able to survive many challenges and firmly occupy the top spot of video sites. This is iron proof; in this life, under Evan Bell's changes, uTube has actually integrated uTube's grassroots civilians. , and the professional high-end of its last-life rival Hulu. This can be said to be an upgraded version of uTube. No matter how strong the competition is, as long as uTube keeps optimizing its products, any competition is not enough.

As for internal concerns, though a little tricky. But it's not complicated. The departure of a Bettina Martin has disturbed the hearts of uTube. It is not that Bettina Martin is important, but the time when she leaves is very important.

Just look at Facebook, even Sean Parker has left, Facebook under Mark Zuckerberg. In fact, the departure of employees is not uncommon at all. As long as the core technology is in hand, there is no need to worry. What's more, Facebook is a public website that anyone can browse and research. There are countless people in the world with powerful computer technology, and those so-called secrets can't be called secrets. Facebook and uTube are not actually selling technology. It's selling creativity. As for creativity, as long as it takes the lead, all latecomers are imitators. To surpass the former is not so easy.

For uTube, Baitina Martin is in charge of the uTube advertising business, but the departure of the product manager does not mean that the advertiser will leave. These advertisers and sponsors all depend on their performance, and uTube's monthly profit dividend figures are enough to keep them going. Even if Baitina Martin went to the opposition alliance with all the ideas and contacts, if the website of the opposition alliance can't produce results, it is still picking up people's teeth, so even adding Baitina Martin will not help. At most it can only be regarded as a copycat product.

It's just that Bettina Martin's betrayal at a critical moment was a wake-up call for the entire Eleven Studio, and now the Eleven Studio is a target. There will only be more and more companies willing to poach their talents, and it is impossible to ban them. Although this is very annoying, it is also an affirmation of Eleven Studio, which is an affirmation of the capabilities of Eleven Studio and even its staff by major companies. What Eleven Studio needs to do is not to be vigilant. Instead, start with the company itself. A company that can retain its employees is a really good company.

Therefore, Evan Bell felt that the so-called internal worries were an opportunity to look at the internal turmoil in the eleventh studio, and at the same time, he could sort out the company.

All the challenges seem ferocious, but they are also opportunities. As for whether to be destroyed by challenges, or to overcome every challenge head-on and seize the opportunity to reach a higher level, it depends on each person's will and ability.

When Evan Bell arrived at the uTube, he saw everyone holding pizza in a hurry, gathered in twos and threes, no one was making a lot of noise, no one was laughing, and there was not even much conversation. Even the pizza in hand didn't taste as good as usual. Eden Hudson is perfectly normal, drinking Coke completely calmly, enjoying the thrill of carbon dioxide jumping in his mouth.

Seeing Evan Bell's appearance, everyone in the office cast their gazes over and greeted weakly, Evan Bell couldn't help laughing, "I just came from the hospital, Steve is in good condition, everyone don't worry In fact, everyone's focus at this time is not Steve Chen at all, but the traitor problem caused by Baitina Martin, and the current predicament of uTube, but Evan Bell deliberately blurred the focus, but let everyone Embarrassed.

Seeing that everyone wanted to come around, Evan Bell shook his head to stop everyone, "Eating is the most important thing, let's talk about it after eating, I'm hungry too." Then he sat down beside Eden Hudson.

Eden Hudson glanced at Evan Bell and just whispered a number, "Seven."

Seven cats left for home today, but don't worry, updates are released regularly, hehe. Continue to ask for a monthly pass, ask for a subscription, ask for a recommendation! RQ

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