Great Artist

Chapter 1530: 1 hole card

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In fact, the so-called conference room is just a small cubicle, and there are no formal conference tables, projectors, etc., only a few simple chairs and a single bed. If the outside media sees it, they will definitely not believe it. It is the location of utube that has created countless miracles. Of course, the office building that utube and Facebook will move into together soon will be the office building dedicated to the network department of Eleven Studio, and the working environment will immediately look new.

After entering the conference room, I closed the door, but I couldn't stop the excited atmosphere outside. Although the problem was still unresolved, at least everyone's morale had risen. Noisy sound, but will not affect the mood of Evan Bell and others

"Evan, sorry about Bettina..." Judd Karim gave Evan Bell an embarrassed look, and then avoided his eyes nervously

Evan Bell waved his hand, "You have nothing wrong, there is no place to apologize. Baitina's matter is a matter of personal wishes and has nothing to do with you. Even if you want to be held accountable, it is estimated that it is our company's conditions and environment. And Foley still can't keep people, so the problem is me, hehe" Evan Bell made Chad Haley and Judd Karim relax a little with a playful light tone, but in his heart However, his sense of belonging to utube has increased a little bit. "But the next step is to see you. If you can't implement my ideas well, then I will be very disappointed."

Chad Haley temporarily put aside other thoughts in his heart and looked at Evan Bell with wide eyes, "Evan, do you have plans?"

"Of course, since the opponents have already fought, how can we not fight? Let's see how strong the competitors are this time," Evan Bell said confidently, which also made Chad He Leigh and Judd Karim can't help but feel how much energy Evan Bell has, only those who have experienced it can understand, and Chad Holley and Judd Karim are just one of them.

"At the moment I just have an idea. How to implement it is up to you," Evan Bell said. "I plan to partially integrate Youtube and Facebook, so that one plus one is greater than two." Evan Bell's words Chad Holley and Judd Karim are not in a hurry to judge, they know that there must be a reason for Evan Bell's creative source, and they must listen to the whole situation before making judgments

"With the rapid development of the Internet, resource sharing has become a normal thing. When we eat in restaurants, we want to let our friends know, and when we listen to music, we recommend it to our friends around us, and even change our daily life to the basics. Facebook status to inform friends that this situation has gradually developed over the past year, and I think it will be more and more prosperous in the next year or two." What Evan Bell did not say is that Apple Inc. The development of ip.ube is only the first step. With the birth of Twitter and Weibo, this situation will develop rapidly.

"For utube, video is the topic we share. We will discuss our favorite programs with our friends through instant chat software, and we can also share the videos we watch through the sharing function of Facebook and itunes." In fact, utube and Facebook The sharing function between the two has already been opened, and there is a link under each video on utube, you can directly post the information that you have watched this video to the Facebook message wall, "but this sharing function still cannot satisfy users. Wish, we should provide a simple and quick way to complete the sharing of videos, and at the same time link the huge audience of Facebook and the extensive base of utube, to create a broad tentacle that spreads out in various fields "

"Evan, do you mean that we develop an application that can embed videos on Facebook so that users who follow us can watch utube videos directly on the Facebook page?" Although Evan Bell said it broadly, but Chad Haley understood it right away. They have been studying these issues for a long time. As long as Evan Bell is a little bit more, they can immediately understand by analogy.

Seeing Evan Bell nodding to confirm, Judd Karim said in a contemplative tone next to him, "Is that designing an app? Let Facebook users install this app about utube, and then when they are on When you watch a video on Youtube, you only need to click to share, and all your Facebook friends can see the video?"

"That's what it means," Evan Bell said with a smile, "Not only watching videos, but also comments, replies, uploading videos, etc., can be selectively presented on your Facebook page through this application. Dynamic, as long as this app is installed, Facebook and utube can share videos instantly. In addition, people who watch videos on utube can also find like-minded people in the comment column, and then pass the Facebook Share button, also complete the action of applying for friends on the Facebook page”

"That is to say, users who have common interests in similar videos can get to know each other on Facebook, and even set up a sharing interest group" Chad - Herley's words this time are not questions, but affirmations

In fact, Evan Bell's concept is very simple. It is to connect the sharing functions of Facebook and Youtube through an application, and then allow users on both sides to achieve sharing. All users need to do is to add an application to their Facebook page. Okay, then when the Facebook account is connected with the utube account, the two websites can be connected.

There are two most obvious functions of such an application. One is to let friends know each other's dynamics and share their favorite videos with each other; the other is to allow netizens with common hobbies to quickly integrate and exert powerful energy. This is Chad Heli , Judd Karim can think of the first time

In addition, when utube and Facebook are connected to each other, for advertisers, the increase in click-through rate and the expansion of the user base will bring benefits. At the same time, it can also increase the investment of multiple advertisers, especially the advertisements currently implemented by Facebook. The insertion plan has been well received by the majority of users, especially the feedback on the evaluation of the advertisement, which is important information for advertisers, they can easily understand the attitude of different groups of customers towards the advertisement; in addition, they are reluctant to watch Advertising, you can choose to watch the movie trailer option, which is very popular

Therefore, once the utube application is launched on Facebook, advertisers can use the specialization of Facebook groups to effectively target special groups and special age groups, and can also collect feedback information while advertising. This piece of automatic and spontaneous market research information, with strong appeal for advertisers

"But Evan, even if the application starts to develop now, it may not take effect immediately." Chad Heli thought of this, and couldn't help but worry. The video website of the opposition alliance will be launched in less than three weeks. Now, the impact on utube will definitely not be small at that time.

Evan Bell smiled, "I didn't plan to hit the opponent at the beginning, it's too difficult." The opposing alliance is not weak The website has accumulated enough experience and mass base in the past year, even if the resources of opposing alliances are huge, they cannot grow up immediately, especially the inertia of users is enough for us to keep users on utube”

"Actually, there are only two things we need to do. The first is to improve our search engine. Now Universal Pictures, Disney's videos can be searched, and if a user wants to watch our search, we will provide the correct address to the user. The best service; the second is to always observe the opponent's website, absorb the advantages of the opponent and constantly optimize itself" Evan Bell said methodically, listening to his analysis, in fact, the situation utube is facing now is not so exaggerated. At the same time, we continue to develop functions that take user experience as the first priority and improve the website, so what are we afraid of?” The combination with Facebook can be regarded as one of the functions.

Chad Haley and Judd Karim couldn't help but nodded, Evan Belt paused, and then said, "Also, this time we're developing features, you guys keep it a secret for the time being. When you meet to discuss how to deal with competition, Let's just say we're going to develop an app to work with Apple and their upcoming thin digital music player for video sharing."

After Evan Bell finished speaking, he saw that Chad Heley and Judd Karim were puzzled. Obviously, they were both masters of technology, but they didn't quite understand these intrigues in the mall. Evan -Bell just smiled, "Hopefully the opposing alliance won't find Jobs to talk about that would be great"

Although Evan Bell just told everyone not to be suspicious of each other, but at this critical moment, he is still careful to find the seven people who have been invited to poach for Eden Hudson. After inquiring about the news, they revealed their intention to oppose the alliance, and then used the news that utube is preparing an app to make the user experience more enjoyable as a bargaining chip. Next, we will see what will happen. But as far as Evan Bell is concerned, he still hopes for something. don't happen, that's the best

Chad Haley and Judd Karim vaguely knew what was going to happen, but they didn't think much about it, just nodded to show their understanding

Evan Bell breathed a sigh of relief, but he didn't take this matter to heart. It was going to rain and Niang wanted to get married. Eleven Studio has done its best. If there are still people in Caoying and Han, then Just let them go to Hanying. "By the way, in this Facebook application, the slogan is 'happy watching, happy sharing'. This is a secret and cannot be leaked out."

Chad Haley and Judd Karim couldn't help laughing at Evan Bell's serious look.

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