Great Artist

Chapter 1537: plain-faced scholar

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Evan Bell wins seven nominations at the 49th Grammys, Best Production of the Year, Best Single of the Year, Best Album of the Year, Best Male Pop Vocal Performance, Best Male Rock Vocal Performance, Best Rock and Roll Song and Best Rock Album have already passed by three, and the remaining four awards, which one is Evan Bell opening the record tonight?

Evan Bell's footage was directly projected onto the big screen through the camera, and the applause broke out. Many people in the audience in front of the TV stood up and cheered loudly. Before that, after the winner was announced, There was a full fifteen seconds on the stage, and the presenters could only stand on the stage and try to incite the atmosphere of the scene, while Evan Bell, led by the staff, rushed from the waiting room quickly. Now that the camera finally caught the picture of Evan Bell, the applause at the scene naturally reached a peak. Soon, Evan Bell came out from behind the curtain and took a steady pace on the stage, fast. Walk towards presenter Seale

Seale, the British singer who has won numerous honors as early as the early 1990s, has a lot in common with Evan Bell, such as his fusion of soul, folk, rock, dance and other styles. For example, he also majored in architecture in college; for example, he also dabbled in the fields of electrical engineers and leather clothing designers; for example, he started as a wine singer...

Today, Grammy arranged for Scheer to present this award to Evan Bell. Obviously, it has a special meaning, but what kind of award is it?

Evan Bell walked towards Seale with a calm smile, his ears were full of whistles and applause from the scene, but out of the corner of his eyes he glanced at the big screen, which was playing "Long Live Life...Single Cover" , next to it in big bling, "Single of the Year, 'Long Live', Evan Bell"

I see

Evan Bell hugged Schell and then took over the first gramophone trophy he won this evening from Schell. Taking a look at the heavy trophy, Evan Bell raised his head to congratulate himself. Seale said "thank you" before walking to the microphone

At this time, the whistles of the audience were still ringing non-stop. Under the reflection of the strong lights on the stage, you could vaguely see the patterned smiles under the stage, and you could even hear TV sets from all over the world. The cheers of the former audience "Four" This album shows high quality, high reputation, high sales, and high popularity, which everyone must admit, especially the single "Long Live Life" this time, Evan - Bell uses his talent to clearly outline the perfect combination of art and pop to bring out the essence of music vividly, which is amazing. Therefore, it seems logical that Evan Bell will win at the Grammy Awards. Missing three awards, the audience's astonishment is the best proof

Now, "Long Live" is about to pass a quarter of the awards ceremony, and finally won the first award for Evan Bell, and also the first trophy in the general category - in order to avoid the previous years. There is a big deal, and the winners are embarrassed when they take the stage to accept the award. So this year, the four comprehensive awards were placed in different time periods of the whole awards ceremony. There is no doubt that Evan Bell won the annual award. Best single is definitely deserved

The previous disappointment and shock broke out at this moment, coupled with Evan Bell's unexpected late arrival, the emotions of the audience were inflamed to the peak, and after Evan Bell appeared, it broke out completely.

"Wow, compared to this trophy, your applause and screams make me want to cry." The first words Evan Bell said to the microphone made all the guests laugh. That's it, compared to a gramophone trophy, whether these peers and the audience affirmed Evan Bell or complained about Evan Bell, they were the most direct and lofty affirmations of Evan Bell. "Thank you, thank you all"

Looking at Evan Bell in front of him, the applause finally gradually quieted down, but the heat pervading the Staples Stadium did not weaken at all, giving people the illusion that it is the spring and summer social season.

The current Evan Bell looks like most people have never seen before. To be precise, he has never seen an appearance in public. His chestnut-brown short hair is soft and soft on his head. Publicity, sternness, and toughness; that angular face can clearly see the direction of every line, but it does not have the usual coldness, personality, and unruly; the whole face becomes gentle and kind, as if all the sharp edges He was restrained at all times, and he looked exactly like the big boy next door. Only those azure blue eyes were still shining under the light. joy

This is Evan Bell of the **** type, without the weird flirtation of Captain Jack Sparrow's smoky makeup, without the stubbornness of Jean-Baptiste Grenouille's dirty face, and without the usual Evan Bell A stubborn personality with light makeup, the man in front of him is a plain-faced scholar, without aggression, lethality, or aggression, just a sunny boy who can melt people with a smile

At this time, Evan Bell has changed the stage costumes to be worn for a while, a flamboyant burgundy T-shirt and coquettish dark green jeans, paired with a pair of canvas shoes with black straps on a white background, and there are no other decorations, just This is clean, the simplest T-shirt, jeans, canvas shoes, clothes that any young person can find, but all the domineering colors collide together, especially the incongruous colors such as red and green directly clash, However, the concise and clear passion and scorching heat came out, and the spark contained in youth drew the most clear lines in everyone's sight.

When a gentle temperament and a fierce dress appear on one person at the same time, the contradictory sense of incongruity makes people feel very strange, but when I see Evan Bell's warm smile, everything seems to be reasonable, Evan Bell easily controlled this complex feeling, and the natural feeling will only make people applaud

Just because he's Evan Bell, it's that simple

Evan Bell, who looks like a plain-faced scholar, is unfamiliar to the audience, but in fact, he usually looks like this when he is at home and with friends. For Evan Bell, it is not awkward at all. On the contrary, he is very comfortable. , and this is still the stage, as long as you breathe the breath of the stage, all the tension and disturbance in Evan Bell's heart will calm down, and then become calmer

"Thank you for your love for the song 'Long Live'," Evan Bell slowed down his breathing a little, and then began to give his acceptance speech, "I think this time the answer sheet should satisfy everyone, So, don't ask me again if I can create another classic song in the future." Evan Bell's sentence is obviously to those who have repeatedly questioned that he can't get over the "skylight...classic media." out, causing all the audience to clapp their hands and laugh.

This time, Evan Bell faces competition from Southern Chicks, James Blunt, Mary Blige and Carrie Underwood in the competition for single of the year , James Blunt are representatives of people, the former is a rising star from "American Idol", and the latter is a king who was born from the British Isles; Mary-Bridge and Southern Chick represent The return of senior singers, both of whom have experienced a long and tortuous music career, this time they have returned to the public eye of the Grammys and achieved good results; Evan Bell has changed from the person of the year to the most representative of the backbone singers a member of sex

Before the awards ceremony, Evan Bell, James Blunt and Mary Blige were considered the most promising contenders for the award. In the end, Evan Bell's victory can be said to be the expected ending.

"At the same time, I would like to thank the other competitors. It is precisely because of your excellence that I am honored to win the award. I think it is my luck this year." Evan Bell's remarks won the guests off the stage Their applause, which is actually the pursuit of the competitors, affirmed the efforts of the entire music industry. "Finally, thank you everyone, please enjoy this beautiful night."

After saying this, Evan Bell bit his lower and blinked his right eye mischievously, obviously implying: My mission has been completed, and I will enjoy the award ceremony. The performance also shows that Evan Bell also seems to think that he will only win this one award tonight, and he will have nothing to do with him after that.

Many people didn't hear the hint of Evan Bell's words. The laughter on the scene was scattered. When Evan Bell stepped down, everyone's laughter sounded, which angered the host. overwhelmed

However, no matter how the next awards ceremony progresses, Evan Bell's opening record also continues his strength in the Grammys. The sixth consecutive gramophone has been recorded, and he is steadily moving toward the history of winning eight consecutive awards. record progress

In addition, Evan Bell also quietly entered a record to his name: the only singer in history to win four consecutive Grammys for his albums, the previous record holder was Diane Ray Fu, one of the greatest female jazz singers of all time, won three Grammys in a row, setting a record. Now, that record belongs to Evan Bell.

Regardless of the progress of this Grammy, it seems that Evan Bell's "Grammy Favorite" title can still be retained

There's one more later, everyone Happy Happy RQ

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