Great Artist

Chapter 1540: 1 more prize lost

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After Evan Bell left the stage, he found that he was soaked with sweat. Although he only performed two songs, the performance just now consumed a lot of physical strength, and the high heat of the spotlight on the stage made Evan Bell perform. Vin Bell felt like he was performing in a sauna.

Justin Timberlake, Mary Blige and others stepped forward and hugged Evan Bell to celebrate, not only congratulating him on winning the single of the year award, but also congratulating the wonderful stage just now. Although standing on the side stage to watch the performance is not as shocking as the auditorium, the baptism from the soul is the same, even more delicate and profound than the auditorium.

The staff handed over the jacket that Evan Bell had just thrown on the stage and handed it to Evan Bell. Evan Bell took the jacket and nodded to the congratulatory voices of his colleagues along the way, and then met with Fa. Outer fanatics and Teddy Bell converge. Everyone seemed very excited. This was the first time Evan Bell combined the song "Long Live (da with the symphony orchestra for a live performance. The surging momentum was much better than the band's performance. It is also more vivid and profound, making people unforgettable for a long time.

Epner-Alfred is like an excited monkey, jumping around constantly, expressing his inner excitement, "Evan, it was really wonderful just now, oh, God, really It's... grass, I can't find an adjective, it's really amazing!"

Diego Ramos, who was standing next to him, also had an excited smile on his face, but he was not as excited as Abner Alfred, and he had the time to laugh and say, "Let you be more usual. Read the book, now you know the poor man without vocabulary." Although he was making fun of Abner Alfred, Diego Ramos's eyebrows were filled with uncontrollable excitement. , and even the pace of walking is much lighter than usual. Even Andre Lindbergh, who is now more composed, is now dancing like an elementary school student.

Suddenly, there was a crackling sound from the side, which shocked everyone. Looking back, it turned out that it was Callisto Ramos who took off his clothes at once and threw it on him so hard that the sweat-soaked T-shirt hit him and made a crisp sound. Then I saw Callisto Ramos roar with pride, and then said, "This is called a performance!" This caused everyone around him to laugh.

Teddy Bell stood by, watching the group of friends jumping around like children, with a bright face, and then pushed his oblivious brother, motioning him to go in and change clothes quickly to avoid catching a cold. Evan Bell stood outside after removing all the bracelets from his hands, and then returned to the locker room to change clothes.

After Evan Bell changed back to the clothes he wore for today's awards ceremony, the stylist and hair stylist were busy again to restore Evan Bell to his previous state. Fortunately, there was no accident this time. During the second award, the annual best newcomer award was officially announced.

British creative genius Imogen Heap (gen.Heap), soul music new generation Kenny Bell, and captain poet James Blunt are the British gang from the British Isles, forming a strong competitive lineup; Chris Brown, known as the little king of rhythm and blues, and Carrie Underwood, the fourth season champion of "American Idol", represented the musical strength of the United States and launched a confrontation.

Before the awards ceremony, the media generally predicted that this would be a competition between two men, Chris Brown and James Blunt, but this year's Grammy upsets are not too exaggerated, but small upsets are everywhere. This time It broke out again. Following last year's Kelly Clarkson's name for the singer who was born in the draft, it is surprising that Carrie Underwood won the best newcomer of the year among the four comprehensive awards this time.

When he learned that Carrie Underwood had won the award, Evan Bell sat in the waiting room and applauded and congratulated him. This time, he could calmly discuss with Teddy Bell next to him in his chair. Contestants from "American Idol" have achieved great results again and again, and it seems that the wave of talent shows landing in the United States will intensify. Previously, the TV station tried to test the depth of the water through Simon Cowell and Nigel Lessig, and the result was directly hit a wall. It is estimated that sooner or later, it will be unable to hold back and start acting again.

Since this is the backstage of the awards ceremony, there are many people and it is not a good time to discuss. The two Bell brothers did not say much. After Evan Bell was ready, he left the waiting room and returned to his position. Christina Aguilera was singing a song by James Brown, the godfather of American soul music, on stage.

James Brown is a legendary rhythm and blues singer who created "funk" music and achieved impressive results in rap, hip hop, disco and other fields. He recorded more than fifty albums in his life, and in 1q92 Crowned with a Grammy Lifetime Achievement Award, he was also one of the first masters to be inducted into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame in 1986.

It is a pity that the master of music passed away on Christmas not long ago, so this time a special commemorative session was arranged at the Grammy Awards ceremony to show respect for James Brown.

After Evan Bell sat down, he didn't have time to talk to Steve Wood, so he stood up directly, joined the fiery atmosphere of the audience, and hummed James Brown's classic songs together. Afterwards, Chris Brown took to the stage to perform James Brown's classic songs. After the performance, the audience stood up and applauded to commemorate James Brown.

In James Brown's life, although he only won two Grammy awards, this does not hinder his greatness. As long as his music exists in the world, people will remember his contributions. That's the power of art. Just like Van Gogh, Beethoven and these great artists passed away, hundreds of years later, their works are still immortal. Those real works of art rooted in the soul will definitely stand the test of time. Classics are forever. classic.

Evan Bell couldn't help but sigh, if a hundred years later, his music works, film works, architectural design works, etc. can still win such recognition, this is a real life worth living.

When Ludacris was on stage, Evan Bell sat down and Steve Wood had time to say "congratulations", and John Legend next to him also congratulated Evan Bell. Evan Bell looked at Steve Wood and said with a smile, "How about the stage just now?"

Although Evan Bell's music and North Kerry's music are not the same expression, but the love for music is exactly the same. Steve Wood shook his head and gave a thumbs up to Evan Bell. "If you are in our tribe, I think the girls will be crazy for you. No, it should be absolutely."

Evan Bell and Steve Wood and others enjoyed the stage performance, chatting a little or two from time to time, which was very pleasant.

However, in the subsequent Best Rock Song Award, Evan Bell won the nomination for "Long Live (da, but unfortunately he failed to win the award again. The winner was one of Evan Bell's biggest opponents tonight. One, the Red Hot Chili Peppers, who beat Evan Bell with one of their classic hits, "Dani Kanifonia (a)," continued their strong run in the rock department.

Although Evan Bell has just won the heavyweight comprehensive category of the Best Single of the Year Award, the consecutive defeats in the departmental awards are still a little disappointing. But this time, neither Steve Wood nor John Legend who were sitting next to him comforted Evan Bell, but showed a feigned regretful smile, which made Evan Bell amused.

Evan Bell brought the music market to an end in 2006 with boundless momentum, but ended up hitting a wall at the Grammy Awards. The reporters at the scene have already started to think about the writing of the press release. Everyone agrees that "Four" The album's commercial success has affected the Grammy's impression of Evan Bell. After all, Evan Bell has always appeared as a personality and an independent musician, but now he has achieved such a bright business. Looking at the transcript, the judges couldn't help but feel a little Even if the songs of "Long Live Life" are high-quality songs, they have not lost Evan Bell's self-characteristics, but they still triggered the Grammys The "rebellious" of the judges.

Furthermore, contrary to the Oscars, Evan Bell is too smooth at the Grammys, and every time an album comes out, he can win the Grammys, so the Grammys judges probably want to reward others, not let it go. The Grammys became Evan Bell's word, otherwise it would have an impact on the authority of the Grammys.

Under these various factors, Evan Bell's failure to return in the rock department is also traceable, and it is not inexplicable. But unpopularity is unpopular, and the Grammys risked the world's failure to let the most popular "Four" fall from the horse again and again. It is already conceivable that the whole public opinion will criticize after the awards ceremony.

The current position of "Four" is actually equivalent to the position of the "Titanic" back then. It perfectly combines business, art and quality, and has found an excellent balance point. The word of mouth won is naturally invincible. But now, "Four" has repeatedly failed above the "Oscar in the music industry" Grammy, which is indeed an unacceptable result.

But no matter what, even if the public is surprised and disbelieving, Evan Bell still has only one Best Single of the Year award in the middle of the award ceremony, which makes people speechless.

I wish you all to get more lucky money during the Chinese New Year, ha! (To be continued. "This article is provided by the breaking dawn update team @小爱332335" If you like this work, you are welcome to ◣First Release◥ to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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