Great Artist

Chapter 1552: practice video

Click on the "'Apologize' Studio Practice Version" video, which is a seven-minute video. M

The camera lens was placed at the entrance of the recording studio. All five members of the Republic era were there. The lens was slightly shaken, as if adjusting the light, and then I saw Evan Bell looked up in front of the lens to confirm it, and then said "No problem." Then he walked across to the Republican era members and sat down, skillfully adjusting the microphone. "Where's the lyric stand? I won't recite the lyrics of this song."

"Then you can hum a bit." Ryan Ted said with a smile on the opposite side.

"Are you saying 'Ahhhhh' like that?" Evan Bell really hummed a couple of tunes, making the Republic Era members laugh.

The title and introduction part of this video didn't actually mention Evan Bell, otherwise it would have been popular when it was uploaded as early as February 10th. However, the name of Evan Bell was not written in the Republican era, in fact, because there was no intention to use Evan Bell to hype from the beginning.

In the video, Evan Bell, wearing loose checkered sweatpants and a pure blue T-shirt, sat down behind the keyboard, and Ryan Ted sat opposite, also behind a keyboard. "Adapted from yesterday. That version?" Although the camera was recording, as the title stated, it was more like a normal practice, and the conversation was more casual.

Evan Bell briefly moved his hands on the keyboard a few times, nodded and said, "Well, increase the weight of the keyboard sound, slow down the whole rhythm, and add some emotional weight. Try this style." After finishing speaking , Evan Bell did not deliberately prepare, and looked up at Brant Cortez, who was holding a cello next to him, "Brant?"

The bow in Brant Cortez's hand began to be pulled on the strings, and the ponytail strings made a clearer sound than usual when they came into contact with the strings. The change in the timbre of the strings accelerated the urgency in the melody. However, the sound of the drums is slower than the normal version, which also creates a sense of contradiction and makes the sense of panic in the heartbeat permeate little by little.

Evan Bell's fingers fluttered on the keyboard, and Evan Bell's fingertips could not be seen clearly in the video footage, but the crisp notes of the keyboard sound, like the ding-dong of spring water, were beating on the cello and shelf. The melody constructed by the drums dances on the apex of the heart like a cold and smooth melody in the moonlight.

Later, Ryan Ted's performance on the keyboard was also added, but the melody added by Ryan Ted was different from that of Evan Bell, which deepened the heaviness of the melody and made the atmosphere of desolation, compassion and despair spread out. Just a prelude fills the entire studio, and the sense of vastness that pervades is completely different.

If the audience who watched Evan Bell's performance at Staples Stadium last night, watching this video at this time, will definitely show an incredible expression, because these are two completely different feelings.

In fact, Evan Bell did not make any changes to the use of musical instruments, but he did modify the focus of the musical instruments and the way of investment, which made the atmosphere created by the songs very different, which is also regarded as part of the arrangement. kind. But the point is, both versions are like sounds of nature.

"I'm struggling in your emotional shackles, hanging in the air, unable to breathe. I can understand your cruel words, but I can't make any sound."

In the video, Evan Bell sings. Unlike the powerful aura released on the stage, Evan Bell sings in the studio. He is more focused, and the overall momentum is not strong, but the emotion conveyed in the voice is more delicate. . This is one of the differences between the record and the concert scene. The concert scene has completely different requirements for the singing method due to the influence of the venue, sound and environment. If you use the studio set to perform live at the concert, the effect will be Guess it will be very frustrating. In the same way, singing in the studio is more about sculpting every detail and showing the essence of the whole song vividly.

In this studio practice version, Evan Bell brings out the hesitation, haste, panic, and unease of the song "Apologize," which is the same feeling he showed at Staples Stadium on February 14th. There is a big difference. The studio version is more like the apprehension after the passing of love. The process of self-torture is tormenting the heart. The fatigue of tossing and turning and crying without tears makes the whole person become haggard and thin. It's a painful process, not Staples' version of despair and discouragement.

Enjoying the studio version, the kind of stinging and unrestrained like dancing on the tip of a knife, rolling on the tip of the heart, no one will want to cry, because the tears can't be released at all, but after listening to it, it makes people want to roar and shout, Release all the emotions in your heart. If you don't release it again, I am afraid that the torment in your heart will explode in your chest.

This change of mood makes people have no time to think at all, and can only passively switch with the flow of the melody.

When a song was finished, Evan Bell pressed the keyboard without saying a word, "No, when the chorus is cut for the third time, the strings of the cello should be clearer, the bass is not enough after that, two basses are needed, and at the same time that The melody part of the bass is a little more heavy; for the drums... can you try adding a little more cymbal sound?" At this point, Evan Belt paused and thought for a while before saying, "Try the keyboard sound an octave higher. "

After Evan Bell said this, Ryan Ted called out, "Wow, Evan, are you sure? It's very high now, and if it's higher, I'll try to convert the true and false voices." Listen to the song "Apologize" It's very comfortable and seems to have no difficulty, but in fact there is a lot of transition between high and low bass, and if it is not well controlled, it will be an absolute disaster.

"Try it again.

"Evan Bell waved his hand, "start from the first eight beats," Evan Bell said again, and then began to play. This time, Evan Bell joined the fusion of rock and rhythm and blues. It's too late to apologize, yay... it's too late, yay, yay..." Using onomatopoeia to morph into many different tones, peak the whole emotion and release it.

But just now Ryan Ted was worried about breaking the sound, but Evan Bell looked very easy to control, and the whole performance seemed to have no effort at all. After the singing was over, Ryan Ted was the first to shout, "Again, I'll try it." It seems that he really wants to try this part too.

Without saying a word, everyone started playing again. Ryan Ted's performance is actually similar to that of Evan Bell, but he is more popular, but watching the blue veins on Ryan Ted's neck burst out like this, people understand how terrible the high pitch in this section is. But even so, Ryan Ted's performance is still very exciting. His voice is a little hoarse. When it reaches its peak, the charm of the smokey voice is maximized, just like the rustling of the plane trees in autumn, lonely. There is sadness in it, and there is pain in despair, which is very real.

"Wow!" When Ryan Ted finished singing, he couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief. "Grass! Evan, this sound is really cool!" He slammed it on his thigh, but because he was too hard, he couldn't help grinning.

"How is it, not bad." Evan Bell also looked proud and raised his eyebrows at his republican friends. "But I think for the song 'Apologize', your final version is the most suitable. These Other versions can be tried in the concert in the future. As the studio version, these are too whistle, but the original charm of the song is lost."

As Evan Bell spoke, he stood up, turned off the camera, and then the video went black.

This seven-minute video is just like the title. It is actually a version of the practice in the studio. It not only makes people deeply understand the charm of the song "Apologize", but also makes people see Evan Bell, the Republic era, etc. for the first time. The appearance of people working in the recording studio includes some interesting small clips, which make people applaud.

It's no wonder that the response to this video has broken the table. On the one hand, the song "Apologize" has attracted countless attention at Staples Stadium because of Evan Bell's relationship, and on the other hand, the video itself has a collection value.

Just in the time period when Ryan Ted and others were watching the video, the click-through rate of this video on uTube was increasing by leaps and bounds, and it could only increase by 20,000 in ten minutes. You know, it is one o'clock in the morning, and uTube is still like this. High page views; the number of replies has also increased by 300, and the number of people who clicked "Like" has risen by It is really staggering.

"Ring Ling Ling..." Ryan Ted's cell phone rang again, he picked it up and took a look, it was the takeaway, he just realized that, picked up the phone, and picked up the wallet on the table , opened the door of the recording studio and ran all the way out.

Who would have thought that the opportunity of the republican era would come like this? Leaving aside the six years of hard work and courage, the Republic era after entering the eleventh studio originally planned to release an album in the second half of this year, but now the song "Apologize" has suddenly gained such a high level of attention, even now There's no problem with releasing a single. Anyone can see that the opportunity of the republican era has come.

Bruno Mars, who was standing on the side, also watched the practice video with full attention at first. In fact, he was behind the camera on the day of the video recording, standing outside the soundproof room of the recording studio, watching everyone recording the video. But now, the opportunity of the republican era suddenly came early, so what about him? Bruno Mars thought of Ryan Ted's saying "If you don't tell Evan, Evan won't know what you think", should he say it?

Everyone eat more and drink more in the New Year, and you will never be soft-hearted when you are raising fat, ha.

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