Great Artist

Chapter 1557: share anytime

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For ne, Evan Bell, who has two generations, definitely has the capital to conduct in-depth discussions on an equal footing with Steve Jobs. As a special senior user, Evan Bell has an unrivaled smartphone experience. This advantage makes him in the Conversations with Steve Jobs always have a slight upper hand. www.) The collision of creativity, the dazzling spark makes people addicted.

In addition to the hope that smartphones can bring more convenience to life, ne also maintains the further development of the network empire jointly created by Facebook and uTube. Now Facebook and uTube have built a huge system of social networks on the Internet. And through smartphones, the system of this social network will extend from the virtual network to every corner of life, which will be an epoch-making progress, comparable to the birth of the Internet, and will also mark the further development of real life and online virtual life. Fusion evolution.

Standing at such a fork in history is enough to get anyone excited, including Evan Bell. What's more, the advent of smart phones is also related to the key task of uTube to further suppress Hulu's arrogance. Therefore, no matter from which point of view, Evan Bell is very concerned about the development of smart phones.

"Steve, you know better than me that the birth of the Internet made it easy for all corners of the world to be connected." Evan Bell also leaned back on the rattan chair, his shoulders relaxed, and he said casually. Saying this with a sense of historical weight. "The role of the smartphone is to make the Internet ubiquitous. We don't need a laptop. It can be a drop of water in the ocean of the Internet anytime, anywhere. This is just the most basic kind of role of the smartphone."

Evan Bell's words made Steve Jobs raise his eyebrows, which is one of the reasons why he likes talking with Evan Bell. Because Evan Bell has the vigor of young people and endless innovative ideas. The most important thing is that Evan Bell's rich knowledge and keen wisdom are different from the rashness and impatience of young people who lack experience. Such a conversation The process is a pleasure for everyone.

"Smartphones can also bring people closer together, allowing everyone to enjoy the convenience of connecting with friends anytime, anywhere. Even the happiness of connecting themselves and the world anytime, anywhere." Evan Bell's This statement was mentioned by Steve Jobs once before, but it was vague at the time, because neither uTube nor Facebook was fully developed, but it is different now, "For example, during my concert tour, I just perform on stage, then take out my phone to take photos and record videos. Upload it to Facebook or uTube, and fans all over the world just need this one connection to be the audience of my concert. This kind of immediacy , is the most basic and clearest feature of a smartphone.”

Listening to Evan Bell's simple and easy-to-understand example, Steve Jobs's half-closed eyes opened slightly. Apparently, another violent spark appeared in his mind. The so-called brainstorming is probably like this.

"In addition, smartphones can also provide a platform for everyone to share information all the time." Such a view will become very simple and popular in the next few years, but at the present moment, it is only a It's just a vague concept, "Blogging made it possible for everyone to be a news source, and smartphones made that possibility tangible."

The result of the combination of Twitter and smartphones is that news agencies, which were previously regarded as news sources, often go to Twitter and Facebook to find news sources, because reporters cannot be all over the world, but there are no corners of the world. Another person exists. The scene of any incident, even if the reporter did not arrive at the scene, as long as someone recorded it on the scene with a mobile phone, it is the first news source.

What Evan Bell did not say is that when smartphones were connected to social networks such as Facebook and Weibo, the term grassroots celebrities was born, and any life expert could get attention through the Internet, and smartphones were Their lives are displayed in the most "realistic" and direct way, which not only satisfies people's voyeuristic desire for gossip, but also satisfies people's new requirements for receiving consultation.

However, the birth of this model still needs time to advance, at least until after 2009, so Evan Bell did not rush to throw out all the ideas, it still needs a gradual process.

Steve Jobs nodded. "One word: share; one phrase: share anytime. That's the key word that connects smartphones, social networks, the Internet."

Evan Bell spread his hands and laughed, "Steve, you are always so keen, which makes me feel a sense of frustration." Evan Bell knew this by taking advantage of his rebirth, otherwise he probably didn't understand anything. Ordinary people who go with the flow. The great man standing in the early stage of history is not so simple, and not everyone has such a vision.

Steve Jobs raised his hand and did not respond to Evan Bell's joke. In his view, Evan Bell is being humble. Evan Bell did not intend to continue entangled in this boring topic, he paused and then said, "Steve, the cooperation between Facebook, uTube and Apple must be exclusive cooperation rights, which I hope to write Into the contract." At present, the exclusive licensing contract for Facebook and uTube applications has not been signed, and Evan Bell will specifically say this.

Steve Jobs was not surprised at all. If he were in Evan Bell's position, he would have asked for the same, but his current position is completely different, so he could not have agreed so readily, "Why? , are you guarding and...Hulu?" Steve Jobs wasn't sure who Evan Bell thought uTube's biggest competitor in the video networking market would be, but in his opinion. The alliance of opposing alliances is very impactful.

Evan Bell was not shy at all, just nodded and admitted, "Yes." From the time when uTube and Facebook's future development direction were designed. Evan Bell has never given up on the smartphone market. When the Pixar cooperation plan was signed, the combination of uTube and smartphones was also a very important part. Evan Bell has no need to hide at all.

"There are competitors in any industry, and smartphones are no exception. In the near future, after ne achieves results, major mobile phone companies will vigorously develop smart phones." Evan Bell said directly, "July I can't stop you from partnering with Friends, Hulu, or other social networking sites. But I insist that only Eleven Studios can work with Apple on this. Steve. You know that It's a win-win strategy." The rest, Evan Bell still did not repeat, Steve Jobs knew better than him.

But Steve Jobs, the old fox, did not let go easily, "But there are many forms of social networks, how do you define them? After I signed the exclusive cooperation right, is it possible that Apple will not be able to cooperate with social networks in the future? Do I have to get the approval of Studio Eleven? It's impossible."

actually. When the agreement was signed on the Pixar acquisition plan, this aspect was already signed in as an incidental clause, so the cooperation between the two parties was inevitable, but it was only from time to time, and Evan Bell had to determine the exclusive right to cooperate.

Confronting Steve Jobs' "shame". Evan Bell was not surprised at all. If he was willing to compromise easily and let others take the initiative, it would not be Steve Jobs. "Yes, Steve." Evan Bell suddenly said affirmation, but Steve Jobs knew that Evan Bell meant: Apple's future cooperation agreement on social networks must be agreed by Eleven Studios . This is obviously an impossible thing, but Evan Bell still said so, that is, to express his attitude clearly with this toughness.

Evan Bell knows that there can be no compromise at this time, otherwise Hulu and will follow Eleven Studio and join the smartphone camp, so even if uTube and Facebook can still win, the whole process and The results will change dramatically.

"Steve, you know what I mean, uTube is a video-sharing site; Facebook is a photo-sharing site, and both have social features." Evan Bell didn't cut corners, understatement with unquestionable affirmation . You know, Steve Jobs is sitting in front of him, but now Evan Bell is no longer the young boy who was just starting out in 2001. He has an absolute aura in front of Steve Jobs, "So, don't Talk to me carefully, Eleven Studio needs this exclusive cooperation right, there is no room for negotiation."

Of course, Steve Jobs knew what Evan Bell meant. In fact, Evan Bell was guarding against a group of dating sites such as, a group of video sites such as Hulu and Google, but he must clearly define that this is a legal contract. is crucial. Now I have got a very clear and affirmative answer from Evan Steve Jobs has no plans to continue torturing Evan Bell, "Evan, you know, for video social networking sites, photo social networking sites In this part, uTube and Facebook will be Apple's only partners for a year."

The point of Steve Jobs' deliberate entanglement with Evan Bell is actually the need for a time limit. It is impossible for Apple to install only uTube and Facebook applications forever, and no other applications will be used. This is absolutely impossible. So, a time limit is of the utmost importance.

Evan Bell also understands this truth. What he needs is a time limit. After passing this time limit, uTube and Facebook have grown up and become the first choice of users in the field of smartphones. At that time, they will have enough energy to resist all All impact, then there is no problem. "Two years."

Steve Jobs paused, "Eighteen months."

Evan Bell thought about it, eighteen months, ne will be listed on June 29 this year, then it will be December 31, 2008, this time is enough. "make a deal."

There will be one more later!

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