Great Artist

Chapter 1561: firm goal

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"Yes, I still want to join Studio Eleven. www. Jennifer Lawrence's baby-fat face was still tensed, lest it would be deflated if it loosened a little.

Evan Bell was surprised and not surprised by Jennifer Lawrence's answer, but he still asked curiously, "Why?" According to normal people's thinking, since Endeavour Elite Brokerage Company is so good, staying in the original company is also a very good idea. Nice choice. Especially for a young man like Jennifer Lawrence who is only 16 years old, after Evan Bell has put out all the advantages of Endeavour Elite Agency, there should be a high chance of retreating and staying in Endeavour. But Jennifer Lawrence has a different answer.

"I've talked to the agent and the company, but no one is willing to take my opinion, just because I'm a newcomer, a newcomer who doesn't understand anything. In their opinion, they are using their experience to help I plan my acting career; but in my opinion, this is my acting life, and I want to take control of the future." Jennifer Lawrence has a level of composure that her peers don't have, and she has a clear purpose. This momentum reminded Sean Mayer of Evan Bell, and he couldn't help but glance at Evan Bell.

But in fact, the shock and joy in Evan Bell's heart surged together. He was able to have this wisdom at the age of sixteen because of his two lives. If he didn't have this composure, his last life would be in vain . But Jennifer Lawrence is a real girl, and she can have this kind of composure, which is really surprising.

Of course Jennifer Lawrence doesn't know what Evan Bell and Sean Mayer are thinking. She is just a girl with her dream of being an actress. She is sensible enough in this regard, but in terms of dealing with people and dealing with people, she Still a 16-year-old child, without the accumulation of social experience and the precipitation of time, she has no way to observe her words.

"Listen to what you said just now. Endeavour is indeed a very good agency, but will the future they plan be consistent with the future I want? Besides, the bigger the agency, the harder it is to provide enough actors for the actors. freedom. Isn't it?" Jennifer Lawrence looked at Evan Bell firmly, and when she said this, there was a hint of sly intelligence in her eyes, "It's all what you said."

It seems that Jennifer Lawrence has done a lot of research on Evan Bell's quotations, and knows a lot of things.

"The future you plan? What kind of future is it?" Evan Bell was unmoved, he was different from Jennifer Lawrence. Jennifer Lawrence is hoping to be a good actress. She will work hard for this goal; but Evan Bell is enjoying life to the fullest. Although it is his dream to become an excellent singer and an excellent actor, but enjoying life without regret is his real purpose. Perhaps along the way, Evan Bell and Jennifer Lawrence have many similarities, but the difference in end goals makes the two people incomparable.

To put it simply, Evan Bell can shoot a work for her own dream regardless of box office, word of mouth, or awards; but Jennifer Lawrence can't, she still hopes that she can continue to polish herself in acting. so. The same bad soap opera "The Bill Engwar Show" that Evan Bell would be willing to star in if it's funny. But Jennifer Lawrence was reluctant. This is the difference, the essential difference.

"The future that Endeavor has planned for you is at least bright, but what if the future you plan is a dead end? You know, you are only sixteen years old, how much do you know? Hollywood is such a competitive circle, you can Take a closer look, maybe according to your own planned future development, you will never be able to get ahead. This is also the reason for the existence of the agency, isn't it?" Evan Bell continued, mercilessly putting Jennifer Lawrence's future All the beautiful fantasy bubbles popped.

There was indeed confusion in Jennifer Lawrence's eyes. No matter how smart she is, she is still only a sixteen-year-old girl. She is still too immature to fight against a cunning fox like Evan Bell.

Looking at Jennifer Lawrence's hesitant and blank expression, Sean Mayer couldn't help laughing while standing beside him. In fact, Sean Mayer did not know the reason why Evan Bell did this. Jennifer Lawrence's performance just now is very brilliant, even if Sean Mayer, who has no research on acting, can see it, so why does Evan Bell keep attacking Jennifer Lawrence's enthusiasm? Although Sean Mayer didn't know, he didn't care either. Anyway, with Evan Bell there, he didn't need to worry at all.

Evan Bell did not intend to keep persecuting Jennifer Lawrence. In fact, in Evan Bell's view, gold will shine wherever it goes. Jennifer Lawrence is a gold in acting, and she can definitely find her future in Endeavour Elite Agency. As for whether Jennifer Lawrence came to Eleven Studio, this is not a very serious question. He is not a mercenary businessman. When he sees a good seedling, he wants to take it all for himself. Of course, if Jennifer Lawrence insists on coming to Studio Eleven after thinking about it clearly, Evan Bell will not refuse, he just thinks that Jennifer Lawrence does not need to go around such a big circle.

Evan Bell looked at the uncertainty on Jennifer Lawrence's face and smiled, "You have enough time." After speaking, he was ready to leave, and he and Sean Mayer nodded. Sean Mayer couldn't help standing up, "Don't you sit here?"

Evan Bell shook his head, "No, someone made dinner at home tonight." It was Blake Lively.

Sean Mayer looked at the faint smile on Evan Bell's face and nodded with a knowing expression, he doesn't always complain like Eden Hudson, so basically what Evan Bell said It is what, he will not participate too much. "When you go back, tell Teddy that the preparations for 'Mad Men' are almost done. When Matthew comes over, the selection of actors can begin."

"Did Matthew say when his work will end?" Evan Bell heard that "Mad Men" could finally start filming, and couldn't help showing a happy expression, which is good news.

"The last nine episodes of 'The Sopranos' aired on April 8. Matthew won't be fully released until June at the earliest. But he can start preparing for 'Mad Men' from early April." Sean Mayer Although Er is not a member of Eleven's production department, because Eleven's agent connects all departments of Eleven's studio, he is also very aware of the progress of these situations. He will let Evan Bell pass the news to Teddy Bell today, which is to say. Mad Men's budget Teddy Bell can be approved.

"I see." Evan Bell responded, and was about to leave.

But at this moment, Jennifer Lawrence's voice came over, "Mr. Bell", preventing Evan Bell from leaving. Evan Bell turned to look at the little girl who would become famous in the future, with a serious expression. looked at her.

Jennifer Lawrence didn't seem to notice the focus on Evan Bell's expression. I just mustered up the courage and said to myself, "Mr. Bell, because I want to be an actor like you, I can choose works according to my own preferences, whether it is failure or success, the focus is not on the results, but on enjoying the process of performing. A successful actor should not only be able to win the box office and awards. What's more important is to enjoy every moment of the performance in the work, isn't it?" Although this definition of an actor is slightly different from Evan Bell, But the general direction is the same.

Evan Bell raised his brows slightly. "Then what if you enjoy the work and all the works fail?" In fact, even if it is Evan Bell's works, works like "Death Illusion", "Adapted Script", and "Chasing the Murderer in the White Night" still don't get big marks. The scope is certain, and in the eyes of the mainstream media, it is actually a failure.

Jennifer Lawrence bit her lower lip, "Then I'm happy with it. Maybe it means that I'm not a good actor needed in the movie market, but it doesn't mean that I can't enjoy the happiness brought by the acting world." Jennifer Lawrence watched it only then Turning to Evan Bell, those ice blue eyes lost their previous firmness and became chaotic. But the stubbornness in the chaos was still clear and unusual, leaving a deep impression on Evan Bell, "I want to be an actor, a good actor, an actor like you. Maybe, I still I don't know what the actor's world is like. I don't know if my definition of a good actor is correct, but I just want to be like you and enjoy acting to the fullest."

Evan Bell no longer laments the wisdom of Jennifer Lawrence. She honestly expressed her inner confusion, doubts, firmness, and Nothing is concealed, but she directly expresses her own direction is expressed. Such people are the small group of people who can succeed in society. "If 'The Bill Engwar Show' could bring you the joy of acting, would you act?"

Jennifer Lawrence looked at Evan Bell's blue eyes with a smile, and hesitated, "No. Because I tried it and it didn't work." Jennifer Lawrence's answer made Evan Bell chuckle, but She hurriedly explained, "But at least I will try, I will try with 100 percent enthusiasm."

Youth is just like this, the arrogance and arrogance that don't hit the south wall and don't look back, even if you know the tragic ending, you still run forward without fear, just hope to release every trace of energy in youth to your heart's content. Evan Bell looked at Jennifer Lawrence in front of him, and suddenly wondered if he had become conservative recently, especially after the disappearance of Denali National Park, the adventurous spirit in his blood was hidden.

Evan Bell didn't say anything, just turned to Sean Mayer and said, "Sign her." Then he turned around and walked out of the office.

There will be one more later! RQ

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