Great Artist

Chapter 1564: unpopular

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The 79th Oscars continued last year and made another amazing move. Today, the hostess Ellen DeGeneres, who has come out publicly, was invited to take over the host. It can be said that it is a new chapter. www.)

Ellen DeGeneres, who appeared in a burgundy suit, had a surprise from the start, "Someone wants to win the Oscars, I just want to host the Oscars. I've got it now. So a lesson for all teens: set your goals Set low. Don't worry about winning, worry about a billion people watching. Like Evan, hey man, don't get too sad."

Hearing this, everyone laughed lightly. Ellen DeGeneres did not make fun of Martin Scorsese, who has always been ignored by the Oscars, but made fun of Evan Bell, who won his fifth acting nomination this year but was unable to make further breakthroughs.

"I don't know how many people are watching 'American Idol', but I do; I don't know how many people are watching 'American Idol' who voted for Jennifer Hudson, and I didn't vote anyway." Ellen DeGeneres looked calm, and the laughter broke out again, "But now that Jennifer is nominated for an Oscar, at the Golden Globe Awards, the American people voted for her, but unfortunately I didn't. Eligibility to vote, otherwise I should support Anne Hathaway." Here is a joke about Anne Hathaway's supporting actress participating in the Oscars, which once again caused laughter, "If there are no blacks, Jews and gays, then No more Oscars. God, Evan Bell couldn't be more insistent on this."

Ellen DeGeneres' last sentence drew hilarious laughter and applause from the audience. This is a lot of words, and it ridiculed last year's "Brokeback Mountain", and also ridiculed last year's "Grey's Anatomy" The intricate brawl event.

"Of course, when Gore appeared here, it made us more convinced of this. Although he is no longer the vice president." This is another ridicule of the former vice president of the United States, Gore, who always liked to join in the entertainment industry, and the whole award ceremony Ji Dou can see his figure. "Finally. Even though I have no interest in this man, I have to admit, he is really sexy, applause for Daniel Craig... oops. And Nicole Kidman, sorry Nicole, I really am. I like you, I didn't forget it on purpose."

The first award of the evening's approach was the Best Art Direction award, presented together with Nicole Kidman by Daniel Craig, whose popularity has skyrocketed since he became the new 007 Bond last year. Has become the new favorite of **** male stars.

In the competition for the Best Art Direction Award, "Pirates of the Caribbean 2" competed with "Dreamgirls", "The Secret Service", "Pan's Labyrinth", and "Deadly Magic", and the final hit "Pan's Labyrinth" Successfully winning the award also kicked off the prelude to this year's Oscars.

Evan Bell sitting in the red chair, on the left is the "Perfume" crew, Dustin Hoffman sits next to him; on the right is the "Queen Wears Prada" crew, Catherine Bell and Anne Hathaway are sitting next to Evan Bell.

Catherine Bell looked at the figure of the "Pan's Labyrinth" crew on stage, and whispered to Evan Bell. "The atmosphere is really different."

Evan Bell smiled at his mother, "It will be more nervous in a while." When the awards related to him are announced, even if he is more relaxed. Under the urging of the live drums, the heart will inevitably tighten up, that kind of stimulation cannot be deeply experienced in front of the TV.

"Pan's Labyrinth" continued its good fortune after the opening, and then won the best makeup award over "Revelation" and "Remote for Life". Relatively speaking, "Pirates of the Caribbean 2", which was nominated for four technical awards, was very unpopular, losing the best sound editing award to "Letter from Iwo Jima" and the best sound effect award to "Dream Chasing". Girl", coupled with the Best Art Direction award that was just taken away by "Pan's Labyrinth", "Pirates of the Caribbean 2" only has nominations left for Best Visual Effects, and the awards ceremony has just begun. It's not exciting.

But soon, tonight's first award in terms of acting will be awarded, and last year's Best Supporting Actress winner Rachel Weisz took to the stage to present this year's Best Supporting Actor award. This is also the first award for "Perfume" to compete!

The rare big melee in recent years has also appeared in the Best Supporting Actor Award. Eddie Murphy, who is recognized as "missing the Oscars in his life", has been the most watched this year. The success of "Dream Girl" has brought him infinitely close to the golden man— — maybe the only chance for an actor’s career; besides. Relying on "The Departed", Mark Wahlberg, who has provided the most dazzling acting skills so far, also has a very strong competitiveness. These two actors are considered to be the strongest contenders for this year's Best Supporting Actor Award. They are big hits that cannot be ignored in terms of qualifications, acting skills, public relations and works.

Of course, Jimmon Hughes of "Blood Diamond", Jackie Earle Harry of "Mother", and Alan Rickman of "Perfume" also have good strength. If you only look at the results of the outpost, Eddie Murphy is undoubtedly the most popular, but above Oscar, who can say for sure?

From Evan Bell's point of view, Alan Arkin, who was "Little Sunshine" in his previous life, won the upset, but "Little Sunshine" in this life was advanced to last year, and Alan Akin lost to George Clooney, So what about this year? Is Eddie Murphy continuing to be strong, or is another dark horse coming out? This unknown excitement made Evan Bell also interested in the process of the awards ceremony.

Rachel Weisz opened the envelope in her hand, glanced at it, and then smiled at the audience, "The winner of the 79th Academy Award for Best Supporting Actor is Alan Rickman, 'Perfume'! "

It's cold, but it's still cold!

Alan Rickman, one of the most outstanding actors in the British Isles, this outstanding actor who starred in "Sense and Sensibility", "The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy", "Robin Hood" and other films, has won many British film awards Academy Award, Golden Globe Award, Venice Film Festival praised the outstanding actor, after Professor Snape became famous all over the world with "Harry Potter", he actually won the Oscar for his wonderful performance in the film "Perfume". Best Supporting Actor Honor!

This is definitely the first shocking upset at the Oscars tonight! It has once again continued the route of last year's Oscar innovation! Eddie Murphy ended up falling short, so close but so far from the first golden statue in his life and possibly the only one; Mark Wahlberg defeated Jack Nicholson and Lionel in the same play After Dodi Caprio was nominated for the nomination, after all, he still failed to break out of the encirclement and complete the reversal, which is really embarrassing.

Before the awards ceremony, although people also felt that Alan Rickman had the strength to win the award, the film "Perfume" even put aside the disadvantage of the French dialogue, no matter from which point of view, Evan Bell was alone , everyone else's light was obscured. But now, Alan Rickman actually won the award, which is really a surprise for the "Perfume" crew.

Evan Bell jumped up first, happier than he won the award himself, passed Dustin Hoffman, burst out Alan Rickman tightly, and said "Congratulations" loudly. Alan Rickman was surrounded by people around him and slowly moved towards the stage.

When she returned to her position, Catherine Bell also gave her younger son a big hug. At this time, she understood why the younger son said, "I will be more nervous in a while", not only because of the expectation of the award, but also because of the award. , The joy and surprise that burst out at that moment was enough to make the heart rate out of control.

Alan Rickman, who walked to the stage, took over the statue from Rachel Weisz. The weight of this statue is not only a few hundred grams of metal, but also for his acting career in the past few decades. A recognition, "I didn't expect this outcome." Alan Rickman's voice was a little choked, and he said staggeringly into the microphone, he took a deep breath, and then looked back at the camera, "Wow, Evan, thank you, thank you."

Alan Rickman controlled his emotions and showed the demeanor of one of the most elegant British gentlemen. "Thank you for your dedication during the filming of the film, which touched me deeply. This is an unforgettable memory." Alan Rickman's admiration for Evan Bell made the eyes of the scene focus on Evan Bell again. This 24-year-old boy definitely has the ability to turn corruption into magic! Evan Bell looked at the stage with a smile and responded with a round of applause for Alan Rickman's acknowledgment.

"Then, I want to thank my girlfriend, the love of my life, Lima, for supporting me all the way." Alan Rickman was never married, and he only had one girlfriend in his life. When he was nineteen, he Met an 18-year-old girlfriend, and then the two knew each other for 41 years, and made the most favorable mockery of a marriage contract. "Wow, God, I'll always remember this moment."

After speaking, Alan Rickman weighed the golden statue in his hand, then turned and left the stage. The audience burst into applause!

The 79th Oscars kicked off the main awards with an unpopular announcement, and also announced to everyone: the so-called most chaotic Oscars in history is not just a joke, they are serious! The so-called all nominees have the hope of winning the award, this sentence is no longer a polite word, but a fact in front of you!

The Best Supporting Actor has been awarded, a huge upset, no, this is not an upset at all, it should be said to be a surprise. So, will there be surprises later?

There will be an update later! Vacation is so short. To be continued. . )


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