Great Artist

Chapter 1572: 20's

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"Are you serious?" Leonardo DiCaprio is always confused about Evan Bell's jokes, especially when he sees Evan Bell explaining the character and script with such a serious expression, this is really true Gets a little confused. www.) He works and studies at the same time. And he began to write articles at the age of fifteen, and lived on manuscript fees.

The late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries were a period of social unrest. At that time, the United States was in a stage of great rise. While the society was developing rapidly, it was also faced with many practical problems and moral norms, such as moral decline and profit-seeking. On the one hand, society is fully demonstrating its own prosperity, but on the other hand, many people are more anxious or immersed in complaints and disappointments; on the one hand, it is a successful social development, and on the other hand, it is a cluster of social problems. This is a prosperous era full of contradictions and conflicts.

After seeing this situation, Upton Sinclair investigated the labor situation in Chicago and wrote the novel "The Slaughterhouse" in 1906, similar to the food safety problems in China in the 21st century, at that stage is also very common in the United States. A group of fiction writers such as O'Henry, Dresser, Upton Sinclair, etc., lack confidence in the social status quo and are full of disgust with the social atmosphere. They have countless aspirations and hope to realize them, but they cannot be realized under the situation of American society. , can only seek spiritual home in European society.

Material abundance cannot solve all problems, and unlimited material cravings are also difficult to resolve people's spiritual emptiness and inner anxiety in life, and it is difficult to improve happiness, let alone self-identity with society. Life is getting richer, but it is still difficult for people to resolve many worries; wealth is accumulating more and more, but it is difficult for people to transcend the confusion of feelings and values. The material desires have not been satisfied, and the new spiritual distress is getting heavier and heavier.

Under this situation, Upton Sinclair's novels have become more and more sharp. Since the "Slaughterhouse" in 1906, Upton Sinclair has been creating novels that expose the dark side of capitalist society, such as Say "The King of Coal" who wrote about the Colorado coal miners' strike in 1917, "Oil" who attacked monopoly capitalists in 1927, and "Boston" who exposed political corruption and police brutality in 1928. Upton Sinclair's radical position in the political field was vividly reflected in the novel, and he was an absolute representative of leftist writers at that time. In 1942, Upton Sinclair's novel "Dragon's Tooth" also received the highest honor for Pulitzer fiction.

From Upton Sinclair's life, it can be seen that he hated the dark side of capitalism. In the past year or so, Evan Bell has read many novels such as "Slaughterhouse", "Dragon Tooth", "Boston", etc. When reading the novel "Oil", Evan Bell's thoughts There was a violent collision.

The novel "Oil" tells the story of a miner Daniel Plevy who, by fate, would accumulate capital rapidly and become an oil tycoon during the southern oil boom in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. In the process of capital accumulation, Daniel used the orphan H.W as his son to deceive the villagers to win the oil field; he also deceived the ignorant villagers to seize more oil fields; for the expansion of oil, he even sacrificed all his family and friendship Putting them all behind, cold-blooded step by step toward the tycoon road. In addition, in the process of oil expansion, Daniel also had a fierce conflict with a missionary, reflecting the process and the darkness behind the expansion of religious forces in the south.

In this story, there are two core characters, one is Daniel Prevey of the oil clue, and the other is the young priest Eli Sandy of the religious clue. Daniel started as a taciturn miner and gradually developed into an oil symbol with one hand covering the sky; Eli is the poor son of a poor peasant family. With the expansion of religious power at the beginning of the century, he continued to climb up step by step with his excellent eloquence. The common denominator between the two of them is ambition. The ambition to succeed without sacrificing means, the ambition above all things, devours everything in life. This is also the most terrifying in the entire American society during the communication in the last century. the dark side.

Evan Bell is interested in the story of "Petroleum" because the current situation of the United States depicted in "Petroleum" is actually very similar to the situation he faced in China as a post-80s generation in his previous life. Material wealth and spiritual scarcity Violent collision is an inevitable problem in the social process. The capital ambitions hidden under the skin of superficial capital expansion and religious development have filled the back of the peaceful society with rotten wounds that make people do evil.

This is similar to "perfume", but it has a very different situation. Among the "perfume" is to use the alien Baptiste Grenouille to stand on the opposite side of the world, calmly and cruelly unveil all the figurines; "oil" is to stand in this society, through the most significant , the two most representative people to collide with sparks, and finally reflect the dark evil hidden under the surface of social prosperity.

This made Evan Bell very I turned out most of Upton Sinclair's novels, and read them back and forth, and finally came up with the idea of ​​adapting "Oil" . Fortunately, this time the issue of adaptation rights was easily resolved, and Evan Bell began work on the adaptation of "Oil" when he began to go on vacation in December.

In fact, during the adaptation process, Evan Bell didn't think too much about shooting, but concentrated on the adaptation work. It was not an easy task to consult the materials at the beginning of the last century. For this reason, he even read the European The whole process of the novels of Henry's group of authors was very long and laborious.

When the adaptation work came to an end, Evan Bell woke up an important memory in his almost paralyzed head. In fact, the novel "Petroleum" was adapted into a movie in his last life, and the director who directed the script was famous." PTA" - Paul Thomas Anderson.

But now, the right to adapt "Petroleum" is in the hands of Evan Bell, which makes Evan Bell laugh. So, is he continuing to direct himself? Or put the guide barrel in the hands of Paul Thomas Anderson?

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