Great Artist

Chapter 1580: Actor Market

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Los Angeles in March is as warm as spring. Of course, for California, which is like spring all the year round, the weather in March can already vaguely smell the breath of summer. From the far equator, the Screen Actors Guild, which is lively all year round. The Los Angeles branch has also become more and more popular at this time. Almost every day, you can see unknown actors who come to 5757 Wilshire Boulevard with dreams, hoping to find a job here, maybe let The job that made me famous overnight, maybe the job that I don't need to be hungry tonight

On March 5th, this is the beginning of the whole week. There are many actors, at least a dozen of them, at the entrance of the Screen Actors Guild. This kind of situation is rarely seen. After all, the Screen Actors Guild has always been there, and job opportunities have always been there. They are all there, and they won't disappear just because the actor arrives early or late. What really determines the actor's job is the interview process. Therefore, it is rare to come to the door of the trade union office early in the morning to wait.

However, when I learned that today was the day for the public recruitment of the work "Blood is Coming", the grand occasion was not so dazzling. As Evan Bell's upcoming work, it is also a collaboration with Leonardo DiCaprio. , "The Blood is Coming" has gathered the attention of countless people early. Before that, the main actors of "Perfume" were recruited in Europe, and there were only a handful of extra actors in "Wild Survival". The days when Evan Bell recruited actors on a large scale It has already been traced back to the period of "Little Sunshine", which has also made "Blood is Coming" gathered many people's expectations

After waiting for the Screen Actors Guild to officially start work at 10 o'clock, the actors are destined to be disappointed. Evan Bell is not Jerry Bruckheimer, and Studio Eleven is not Disney or Warner Bros. "There Will Be Blood" cannot be "Pirates of the Caribbean". "Or "Transformers", Evan Bell is bound to not have too much demand for actors

And this time, there are a lot of actors in "The Blood Is Coming", there are nearly 30 seats, but there are not many main characters who can really speak the lines. In fact, there are only two, one by Leonardo Di Caprio took it, and the other one was left to the other actors by Evan Bell himself. There were not many opportunities for the other actors. Only then did the actors remember that Eleven Studio was always a high-end studio. The biggest productions are "Perfume" and the upcoming "Three Hundred Warriors of Sparta", and none of the works that have invested more than 100 million yuan are currently available.

While the actors were disappointed, they also discovered a detail, that is, Evan Bell was not sure whether he would star in "The Blood Will Come" a week ago, but the most information announced now is that Evan Bell will play the first man in the play. supporting role

In fact, Evan Bell has never asked for a supporting actor to "adapt the script" as to whether the role is a protagonist or a supporting role, so Evan Bell has won the only golden actor for acting so far, but the point is that with Evan Bell's current status , it is not easy to make him play the role, not to mention how strong the entire cast is, just talking about actors who can be on par with Evan Bell in terms of acting skills will reduce the scope to a very limited space.

This time, Evan Bell was willing to play for Leonardo DiCaprio, and after a long absence, he once again played the role of Luye's "Blood is Coming". The exciting scene of these two good friends playing on the screen

Although the news that Evan Bell and Leonardo DiCaprio are about to play together has made many people look forward to it, it is still very disappointing for the actors to have no jobs. Of course, come to the Screen Actors Guild early The ones waiting are all third-tier actors, even human actors. They are absolutely excited about being able to appear in "The Blood Is Coming", so there are still many actors who have signed up.

In the list of actors recruited for "The Blood Will Come", there is a very important supporting role, and this role is also at the top of the recruitment list this time, but this role is daunting for most actors, because this is a juvenile role The adjective "juvenile" is also not very accurate. It should be "children plus appropriate". The crew's requirements for this role are "under ten years old, smart, intelligent and intelligent"

Evan Bell and child actors are very fateful. The two works "Mysterious Skin" and "Little Sunshine" involve a large number of children's scenes. Among them, "Little Sunshine" even uses Abigail Branslin. The story told for the main character This time, there is another important child character in "There Will Be Blood", which is obviously good news for children who want to pursue a career as actors

In "There Will Be Blood", this child thinks that it is an abandoned baby picked up by Daniel Prevey and raised as his own child. Of course, there is a purpose. The child named H.W. Prevey is Daniel Prevey Affinity Under the influence of both the soft and the hard, Daniel Plevy can obtain the support of many villagers, and finally realize the commercial purpose of acquiring the oil field.

But H.W. Previ is a child, a living person, not a tool. He also has his own ideas and consciousness. In the process of growing up, he can feel the care from his father's deformity. With the accumulation of time, let this The relationship between father and son gradually became estranged. Finally, in the face of business interests, Daniel Prevey abandoned H.W. Prevey, which also led to the surface of the conflict between father and son that had been hidden for many years and broke out completely.

The role of H.W. Prevey is not much, but for the character of Daniel Prevey, it is a supplement to the personality, which enriches the whole story. In the 1920s, capitalist businessmen were blinded by interests. All family, friendship, and love are second, and those red eyes make people shudder. H.W. Previ is an existence that was abandoned by Daniel Previ

Therefore, the choice of this young actor is very important, but unfortunately, Evan Bell has never watched "The Blood Will Come" in his last life, and can't remember who played the role of H.W. 's help

Evan Bell has considered the two young actors who have worked together in "Mysterious Skin", Zachary Gordon is too eccentric and inappropriate in temperament; and Nathan Gamble is very suitable, but Evangelion Wen Bell contacted his father, Lewis Gamble, and got an answer of refusal. It wasn't that Lewis Gamble was unwilling, but that Nathan Gamble was still filming in the "Mist" crew, at least until April. It's just a pity to miss it

In desperation, Evan Bell can only find the little actor again

In order to find a good young actor, Evan Bell stayed in Los Angeles, watching the registration tape received from the Screen Actors Guild of America. After reading the script, Leonardo DiCaprio was looking up the history of Evan Bell's previous script writing. Data, because Evan Bell has a very deep control over the overall situation of this script, Leonardo DiCaprio must have an understanding of the entire historical background, and then understand the history of the original oil tycoon. Being able to picture the character of Daniel Plevy in your mind

The two Bell brothers plus a Sean Mayer, started watching the videotapes in the morning, all the way up, hoping to find young actors with potential to tap. This is really a labor-intensive thing. In terms of the embarrassment of the actors, Evan Bell's appeal is incomparable now. You don't have to worry about finding actors. The only thing you need to worry about is how to find the actors you need among the more than 800 registered video tapes?

Evan Bell rubbed his sore eyes and stretched his waist. "I heard that Jennifer has decided to make her first big screen work?" Eleven Studio, which has been in the past few days, has abundant script resources and extensive network resources. Eleven Studio has found a lot of performance opportunities for Jennifer Lawrence.

Sean Mayer nodded, "Yes, she chose a pornographic work by herself, called 'Park Party'" Evan Bell thought for a while, and in his memory, he had never heard of this movie in two lifetimes, However, there are so many movies, and there are countless works that he has not heard, which is normal.

"Working with Vanessa Shaw" Sean Mayer then explained that Evan Bell had a puzzled expression on his face, and he had no impression of the name, "Before starred in 'Twin Melinda ~ ~ Also worked with Christian Bale last year on 'Dueling Yuma Town', which is not yet in theaters"

"Twin Melinda" is the work of Woody Allen, and Evan Bell naturally knows that "Dueling Yuma" is the latest work of "Deadly Identity" director James Mangold after "Forever". Of course, Evan Bell Also know, "Oh, James can't make up Vanessa's face and still can't find it"

"Who knows, maybe 'Duel Yuma' will be popular after it's released," Sean Mayer said with a smile

Evan Bell shrugged, he was not impressed anyway, "Hey, Evan, look at this, this" Teddy Bell was still looking at the big screen conscientiously, patted Evan Bell on the shoulder, and put the chatter away. Brother pulled over

Evan Bell left the back of the chair and leaned up, and saw a pair of beautiful and smart big blue eyes on the big screen, saying something in an orderly manner, Evan Bell paused, "go back and see" he always I think this child is very familiar, but for a while, I can't find the corresponding picture in my head. At this time, I still think of James Mangold's "Duel Yuma Town".

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