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Chapter 1584: epic is dead

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3,100 theaters premiered at the same time, with an astonishing figure of more than 25,000 US dollars in a single venue, and swept the box office of 77 million US dollars crazy in the first three days. "Spartan 300 Warriors" brings invincible male hormones Created the first big red plate in North American film history since 2007. This data is fully competitive even in the summer season. It is easy to create a series of historical records with the trend of destroying the dead. It is the second week of March for North American films. Top of the weekend box office charts

All the film critics were dumbfounded, what kind of data is this, what kind of power is this, and what kind of situation is this epic movie dead? The joke "Three Hundred Spartan Warriors" has done a domineering subversion in the North American film market with male figures like bodybuilders

The premiere score of the film history ranks 21st, which is on a par with a number of summer blockbusters; the film history comic adaptation works fifth place in the premiere score, second only to the two "Spider-Man" and the next two "X-Men". In the ranking of the premiere performance of R-rated works in film history, it is only behind "The Matrix 2" and "Passion of Christ" and ranked third; 2", ranking second in film history

The premiere score of 77 million US dollars, simply put this number in the fierce competition in the summer season, is enough to make everyone look at it, even winning the weekend box office chart in North America, compared to the movie 6,500. With a budget of 10,000 yuan, then all film companies and all professional film critics can easily come to the conclusion that after making a profit, look at this comparison again, and even calm people can’t help but sigh: 77 million, which is almost double With the 40 million dollar premiere box office predicted by all parties in advance, such a gorgeous value not only amazes everyone, but also makes the major film companies start to move again.

"Three Hundred Spartans" proves that epic movies still have a huge market with practical actions. It's not that no one pays attention to the theme of epic movies, but that none of the previous works have been able to provide enough quality to attract audiences.

Take the "Kingdom of Heaven" starring Orlando Bloom and directed by Ridley Scott as an example. In order to attract more box office, the film had to shorten the length of the film, so it was heavily edited. As a result, the box office was a complete failure. It fell to the bottom, but afterwards, Ridley-Scott edited a director's version and released it on DVD, which won unanimous praise from the audience.

From "Kingdom of Heaven" to "Three Hundred Spartans", we only need to make a comparison to understand this truth: as long as the work itself has quality, then the audience will be willing to join in, and the epic movie is still alive

In addition, the stylized green screen shooting method led by "Sin City" reached its peak in "Three Hundred Spartans", why is the cost of such an epic film only half or even three times that of other works One of them? Because "Spartan Three Hundred Warriors" is the first work in the industry to be shot entirely with green screen, the price is cheap, the quantity is sufficient, the quality is controllable, and the future is unlimited

In addition to super heroes, the comic adaptation market immediately entered the vision of the film company. In the current situation of the extreme lack of original scripts, there is another source of script adaptation, which is undoubtedly good news for the film company. "Three Hundred Warriors" echoes the already successful "X-Men" series, showing that hero movies are not just a one-man show, but also can win the support of the audience, which really blows everyone's mind

Of course, a revolutionary work like "Three Hundred Spartans" can resonate so much, not only because of the dazzling $77 million box office, but also because of the voices of the entire professional film critics. Praise occupies the mainstream, which makes it a pity for major film companies to absorb the advantages, improve the shortcomings, and create excellent works.

Although the praise of "Three Hundred Spartans" has not reached the level of "The Lord of the Rings" and "Gladiator", it has a comparable sense of identity with the same type of work "Sin City"

The entire critics are full of praise for the ancient Athenian style like an oil painting in "Three Hundred Warriors of Sparta". You can see clear colors even with the sound of the wind, and the picture that is so gorgeous and jaw-dropping is flawless.

However, critics have also expressed that this is the core gap from the achievement of a classic, maybe half a step, but it is not a classic after all. "It is embarrassing that the plot is still weak when the emotions should be pushed to the extreme. The audience opened their mouths wide in the face of the oil painting style, but they couldn't shout after all, such a strong contrast makes people unable to achieve perfection, which is a great pity."

In this regard, "Film Review" pointed out, "The biggest disadvantage of Eleven Studio without Evan Bell is that the fineness of the story is always a step and a half, from 'High School Musical' to 'Wear Prada' Evan Bell's delicacy of the story and the sublimation of the core of the theme are all lacking in these three works to varying degrees, which also hinders the works. become a classic footstep"

The view of "movie review" has been generally recognized by film critics. First-class works, top works, and classic works are often separated by a thin line, not far away, but the gap of only one step leads to completely different results. Of course , this result only refers to the opinions of film critics. As for the audience, their position is different from that of film critics.

Even so, the comprehensive score of "Spartan Three Hundred Warriors" still reached 69 points, which is only one step away from 70 points. This score is already very good. It can be seen that the media still hopes that the film can be Further, show a good degree of completion, but still gave a lot of applause to the movie itself

The freshness of 76 percent on Rotten Tomatoes and the score of 7.4 on IMDB can be seen. In fact, the audience is more forgiving than the media. They are still very satisfied with the "Three Hundred Spartans". It can also be seen in the box office score of 77 million US dollars in the first week.

In the North American weekend box office rankings in the second week of March, Disney's two works "Amazing Journey" and "Bridge to Wonderland" followed closely behind "Spartan Three Hundred Warriors", ranking second and third respectively. Corresponding to Sony Columbia Pictures, Disney’s distribution department has always been considered the strongest in the United States. Even if the work is lacking in word of mouth, they can still develop a corresponding distribution strategy to save

This time, Disney is once again confronting Eleven Studios. It has to be said that the number of encounters between this pair of Jin rivals is about to catch up with Universal Pictures, which was scolded by the media last week. Brigade's box office hit $40 million, which makes people helpless. However, under the compression of "Spartan Three Hundred Warriors" this week, the box office dropped by more than 40%, and it only got $22 million over the weekend. , the cumulative box office in two weeks has just crossed the threshold of 70 million

Another film, "Bridge of Wonderland", which was released for four weeks, won the box office of 5 million US dollars, ranking third, and the box office dropped by more than 30%. Obviously, it was greatly affected by "Spartan Three Hundred Warriors".

Of course, this is the off-season of spring, and Disney has not competed with Eleven Studio, so the impact is still within an acceptable range.

After "Bridge of Wonderland", "Ghost Rider" and "Zodiac Killer" ranked fourth and fifth respectively, but the gap was within $100,000, and the competition was fierce.

It is worth mentioning that the "Zodiac Killer", a work by David Fincher and Jake Gyllenhaal, is not the focus at the box office, but with an investment of 65 million, only two weeks after its release. The thirteen million dollar result really makes the distributor Paramount sad. The important thing is that the reputation of this movie is not bad, but it is also low-medium, whether it is David Fincher or Jake Gyllenhaal. , were not able to turn the tide, which made Paramount Pictures very sad. I can only say that fortunately, in the UK, the response of this film was significantly better than that in North America, but the box office of the British Isles could not save this film.

In addition, Abigail Branslin's "Premier Gift" was a disappointment, ranking only 12th at the box office at $1.2 million, and the critics' comments were not optimistic. Abigail Brasslin's performance is still In a limited space, it is still well-known in this regard, Abigail Braslin is better than Gerard Butler lucky too much

After the film "Three Hundred Spartans" was released, the focus was on the film's pictures, on the lack of story, on Zack Snyder, the Jin director, but on Gerald Barth, who was hard-working. Le is very stingy with his pen and ink, and even the supporting role of Michael Fassbender has received a lot of attention. This misfortune is really dumbfounding.

In fact, Gerard Butler has a chance. There is "Phantom of the Opera" before, and there is "Three Hundred Spartans", and the latter has won excellent box office results. According to reason, as the first The male protagonist, now is the moment of his rise, but from the current situation, he still lacks a bit of luck. This is really common in Hollywood, and it can only be said that he has never become popular.

In the second week of March, "Spartan Three Hundred Warriors" opened the 2007 film spring with the powerful firepower that detonated the film market in March. The next week, Universal Pictures, Sony Columbia Pictures, and 20th Century Fox all There are works released. It can be seen that even if it is an idle spring season, because the summer season is coming soon, the distribution departments of major film companies are still very busy.

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