Great Artist

Chapter 1587: story source

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In fact, there are not many staff members in the crew of "The Blood Is Coming", including all the extras who will appear in the camera, as well as staff from all walks of life, there are only more than 60 people, compared to "Caribbean" When the "Pirates" sequel was filmed, there was a huge crew of more than 300 people, which was simply a small team, and a dozen of them were extras that Teddy Bell was looking for locally. In other words, the team of "Blood Will Come" departed from Los Angeles and arrived in the town of Marfa, that is, a team of less than 50 people.

But even if there were less than 50 people, all three motels in the town were filled up. If there were more people, they would probably have to stay at residents' homes or set up tents in the wild.

Evan-Bell, Leonardo-DiCaprio, led by Bill-Owens, dinner was enjoyed with hospitable townspeople, though no bonfires, but in Villaford's cars In the yard in front of the hotel, dinner was brightly lit, but the scene was still lively.

Evan Bell also finally met the owners of the three motels, including Bill Owens, the little pepper in their mouths, and the youngest daughter of the Williams family, Britney Williams, who is 28 years old this year. . This girl is worthy of being Little Pepper. She is dressed in a simple and fiery red denim outfit, reminiscent of the character Lulin played by Anne Heather in "Brokeback Mountain", and she is boldly going to fight with Leonardo DiCaprio. Wine, and even got two people such as Robert and Faris directly intoxicated, completely in the style of a heroic hero.

Leonardo DiCaprio, an old lover, was also forced to do nothing by Britney Williams, and when he was three-point drunk, he began to look for Aibel to solve the siege in a daze, but unfortunately the crowd Zhong Leng didn't find Aiqibell's tall and straight figure, and even Teddy Bell didn't know where to go. Teddy Bell was sitting there chatting with Bill Owens a moment ago, but the next moment it seemed that he had already mixed in. crowd. Leonardo-DiCaprio could only sneak out of the yard after Britney-Williams went to Jay-Johnson for a drink.

Walking out of the yard of the Villaford Motel, I was standing on the avenue of Marfa Town. The usually quiet town is full of vigor and vitality today because of the arrival of the "Blood Will Come" crew. Most of the town's residents are He expressed a warm welcome to the arrival of the crew, and the group dinner in the evening was attended by two or three hundred residents, which was definitely a banquet level.

Leonardo DiCaprio escaped from the enthusiastic inhabitants without many noticing. Their starlight under the spotlight means nothing to the townspeople, not even a glass of tequila. So Leonardo and DiCaprio were able to get out.

Standing on the avenue, it is only nine o'clock at this time, but except for the Villaford Motel, most of the town has fallen into silence under the shroud of night. For those who sang every night, nine o'clock was already bedtime for them.

Leonardo and DiCaprio stood in place to blow the wind, sobered up, the wind brought Evan and Bell's laughter mixed in the sound of wine, Leonardo and DiCaprio followed along. Looking in the direction of the voice, I saw Evan Bell slowly walking towards the hotel in the moonlight. Evan-Bell was on the phone at this time, and the wind could vaguely hear, "Yes, Bill is really friendly... Williams' bathroom is really a disaster...", and so on.

Leonardo and DiCaprio thought about it and sat down on the steps of the door. When Evan Bell walked back, he was just saying goodbye. He hung up the phone and saw Leonardo DiCaprio, "Hehe, why, you also ran out to rest?" He just came out to Blacklive Leigh made a phone call and talked about interesting stories about the town of Marfa, while also taking a look at the unstoppable enthusiasm of the residents of the town.

"If you don't want the actor to be absent tomorrow morning, then I think it's more appropriate for me to hide." Leonardo DiCaprio rubbed his temples. The long-term nightlife made him feel uncomfortable with this kind of drunkenness. The state is very adaptable, so I don't feel uncomfortable, but it looks like I am very enjoying.

Evan Bell also sat down next to Leonardo DiCaprio, showing a bright smile, "I'm not worried about the director's absence, what are you worried about?"

Leonardo DiCaprio put his hands on the ground and said with a smile, "That's good, I'll go back and continue later?" He wasn't worried about drinking at all, but Evan and Bell's drinking volume was compared Need to be nervous.

As a typical western scenery, the scene of "the desert and the long river and the setting sun..." always makes people sigh. Although this is not the moment when the sun is setting in the west, the stars in the sky are spread all the way from the top of the head to the horizon. , A little bit of faint starlight will decorate the whole day, and you only need to look up, you can take in the spectacular scenery, and sighs often come out uncontrollably.

Leonardo DiCaprio and Evan Bell sat on the spot and looked at the scene in front of them. The silence of the night and the noise in the yard behind them formed a sharp contrast. "Evan, why are you so fascinated by twenties stories?"

Evan Bell glanced at Leonardo DiCaprio and didn't answer, but instead asked, "You don't have confidence in the character?" He listened in Leonardo DiCaprio's voice When there is a trace of uncertainty, this is the only question.

Leonardo DiCaprio chuckled lightly, without denying, "Yes. I have always heard that when you are directing, your requirements are very strict, even to the point of being harsh. So this is more than half of the time. I have been preparing for months, but I still feel a little bit worse."

Evan Bell laughed, "Who told you that?"

"I would never say it was Blake who said it." Leonardo DiCaprio looked at Evan Bell and said, and avoided his eyes in a panic. This kind of cute behavior without silver 300 taels here makes Evan Bell despise a lot.

"Actually at first I was just reading Sinclair's novels, and I had a lot of feelings. Every society faces different problems at different times, just like the story of 'Brokeback Mountain' can be seen in the 1960s The predicament of the **** community, the conflict between the life of the aristocracy and the life of the poor in the seventeenth century can be seen in the story of 'perfume', which is a very interesting thing." Evan Bell will read at Harvard University After graduating from graduate school, he can also compose songs such as "Long Live Life (Mountain...UA, and you can feel that he is very interested in these topics.

Although Evan Bell did not—for example, "Little Yangjing" can see the living conditions of the American middle class, and "Mysterious Skin" can see the situation of teenagers trying to break the shackles of life in the 1980s, except In addition to the pure love story of "The Notebook", Evan Bell's works can reflect his profound research in psychology to varying degrees.

Leonardo DiCaprio listened attentively. This is different from finding information on his own. It is more about the director's understanding of the creative concept of the work, which plays a decisive role in his integration into the role.

"Sinchira wrote the novel 'Oil' in the 1920s, when he and his wife went to the area around the Signal Hills. It was supposed to be used to build a resort, because from there You can overlook the picturesque Long Beach Cove." Evan-Bell described the background information, and it is easy to grasp, this is not the memory of the previous life, it was constructed by Evan-Bell in the process of script creation bit by bit. "But in the end it was decided that the resort plan was cancelled because the oil was found there. Interest, and people were flocking to it. Of course, they did get the oil in the end, and when the oil spewed out of the ground, the whole area fell into complete turmoil. Crazy state."

Speaking of which, Evan Bell glanced at Leonardo DiCaprio, "You can imagine that it's raining black in the sky, but it's actually glittering gold, such a crazy scene. It's clear at a glance." The sky is full of gold, what a spectacular and terrifying situation, even people who don't have much desire for money, watching this scene, it's hard to stay awake. It's so easy to come out of the mud and not be stained, everyone is drunk and I wake up alone.

"Sinclair watched people gradually tear down the mask of kindness, and revealed the greed hidden in their bones. In the end, even hypocrisy was disdainful, and Chi Guoguo's interest competition was brought to the surface. Besides, everyone is on the verge of madness."

With the words of Evan Bell, in a few words, they outlined the scene of the rapid accumulation of capital in the 1920s. Leonardo DiCaprio has already read a lot of materials. He not only read the but also read the original novel "Oil" twice, and now passes through Evan Bell's. One explanation, and the whole picture comes to you.

"If it is packaged in positive words, it can be said that people yearn for a better life and strive for it with enthusiasm; but if it is explained in derogatory words, it is ambition, that is greed, and this is not only in oil tycoons. , the capitalist family, and also appear on the residents who are eager to obtain greater wealth from the land they own." Evan Bell looked at Leonardo DiCaprio, and the horns outlined a touch With a smile, "Can you imagine? This is not a gold rush, but it's even crazier than the gold rush. The word "benefit" is presented like this."

"That's why I'm so fascinated by the stories of the twenties. And Daniel Plevy, is such a being, greedy, betrayal, ruthless, cruel, but he's not a bad guy, just a magnification of the dark side of all people's hearts. He Standing at the extreme of morality, but hidden in the bottom of everyone's heart, this spark of contradiction is really fascinating."

As Evan-Bell spoke, the smile on the corner of his mouth couldn't help but rise, while Leonardo-DiCaprio fell into deep thought little by little. Leonardo DiCaprio is no longer a young actor. His understanding of acting is beyond doubt. Now, under the guidance of Evan Bell, he must be able to figure it out soon.

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