Great Artist

Chapter 1589: Sequential guidance

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"I drill by myself. I am the only boss who works for me. I know every worker well." Evan Bell opened his eyes and turned to Leonardo DiCaprio. speak quickly

At this time, Evan Bell and Leonardo DiCaprio are very different in shape. Because Evan Bell has no role, he simply wears it on weekdays and has a green beard on his chin. It can be seen that he hasn't shaved for two days. There are light dark circles under his blue eyes, and his eyes are a little cloudy. Leonardo DiCaprio has grown a beard for filming. But the beard has been carefully groomed, and the head wears a camel dome gentleman's hat that was the most popular at the beginning of the last century.

However, when Evan Bell began to speak his lines, those eyes suddenly became calm, focused and calm but not lost his energy, and even the dark circles under his eyes became a symbol of concentration. Immediately, his temperament changed dramatically. Even though Leonardo DiCaprio is also an actor and has seen a lot of acting skills, the feeling of changing his face from his temperament still made his pupils dilate a little bit.

In fact, the subtext of the sentence just now is: I do everything by myself, which is a huge advantage compared to other oil miners, but people ignore another meaning, which shows that the person in front of me is actually not rich enough, because Any capitalist, after the capital has accumulated to a certain level, will hand over things to his subordinates to do it himself. -Bell's calm and sincere tone lightly erased all the disadvantages, and instead made people believe that this is a great sincerity and is worthy of trust!

"I will move the office to the drilling site to inspect the work of my subordinates." When Evan Bell spoke, the tone was not very heavy, the rhythm was not fast, and there was always a faint smile on the corner of his mouth. Cheng Zhu's imposing manner in his chest was sketched out in an understatement, "My people will not be stupid enough to drop a tool into a well, and then spend months looking for the tool; nor will they be stupid enough to pierce through the cement layer and let water seepage destroy it in vain. The whole oil well" said here, Evan Bell suddenly paused, his tone became calm and sincere, "I am a family man"

This is a turning point. From swearing to ensure the smooth progress of the work, a sentence "family concept" suddenly appeared, but Evan Bell chose to state it in the same rhythm, but used a pause as an interval to create an illusion , the perfect combination of career and family is the right choice

"I do drilling oil fields as a family business. This is my son and partner .. Plevy." Evan Bell said the last name, speaking a little slower, so that people can hear clearly ".. "Privy" name, "our philosophy is that everyone is a family together, although few oil miners can agree with this concept, I am different from other colleagues in one point, I plan to take root here, long-term oil production because of my The Yelangshan oil well has already started to produce oil, and I have a complete set of work, which can be put into work at any time..."

Evan Bell speaks fluently and neatly, the content is rich and huge, but with a natural self-confidence and stretch, the persuasive power of the speech is infinitely expanded and the ambition behind this self-confidence is hidden. Only those who have read Evan Bell's words can see the clues

At the end, Evan Bell suddenly stopped the car, pouted, "Forgot the lines..." and did not continue.

Leonardo DiCaprio was stunned. Evan Bell's performance just leaked a lot of information, and his mind was suddenly filled with thoughts.

Leonardo DiCaprio can clearly feel that Evan Bell's core message in the line just now is not self-confidence, not publicity, nor ambition, but to restrain the kind of inner surging publicity to be killed. Pressed deadly under the calm expression, the ambition contained in the vocabulary is deeply hidden in the rising of the words, and this ambition repressed in the depths has evolved into self-confidence and calm publicity, but no one can detect

Originally, Leonardo DiCaprio's perception of this role was: Ambitious opportunists, for the sake of profit, can abandon everything Daniel Plevy grew up step by step from a small miner with nothing As a powerful oil tycoon, in this growth process, ambition and self-motivation have always been the driving force for him to move forward

But at this time, through Evan Bell's restrained performance, Leonardo DiCaprio had a new idea, "Daniel's ambition is also growing step by step!" This is Evan Bell Want to tell the core meaning of Leonardo DiCaprio

It's the same with people, when you have nothing, you think a hundred dollars is the best, it's hard to imagine what a hundred million dollars is like, because such a large number is so far away that it becomes It's just a number; only when you accumulate $10,000 do you see the value of $10 million or even $100 million depending on the location, everyone sees the scenery differently, and this is the reason

In the same company, department managers and CEOs see very different situations; similarly, Daniel Plevy went from a hungry miner to an oil miner who successfully developed oil wells and turned into masters, and then another step. Step by step to become an oil tycoon, in this development process, his ambition is growing little by little

Leonardo DiCaprio suddenly thought of a message in the script. When Daniel Previ was adopted at the beginning, although he was very indifferent, he was still very kind to this picked son, even if It is the use of relationships, but that love is also being cultivated day by day. It seems that Privy is the only warmth in Daniel Prevey's heart, but later, why would Daniel Prevey cold-blooded... Prevy abandoned it? Because the ambition has swelled to an uncontrollable level, the interests have blinded his eyes

The growth process of ambition is also the mental process that promotes the development of the entire script

Leonardo DiCaprio's deviation in the definition of this detail also caused him to use too much force when performing. No wonder it is always not in place. It's like when throwing a punch, too weak force can still be used little by little. Increase, it is better to control, but too much force will make the muscles of the whole body tense, and it will be more difficult to control each scene, Leonardo DiCaprio needs to constantly recover his strength , try to control the force, which is more than twice as difficult as afterburner

After thinking about it, Leonardo DiCaprio's mind suddenly became clear, and when he looked at Evan Bell again, the admiration in his eyes flashed, although he had heard about Evan Bell before. There are many praises for teaching actors, but seeing is better than seeing. After experiencing it first-hand, Leonardo DiCaprio can’t do it without admiration.

"Evan, then why don't you play this role yourself?" Leonardo DiCaprio felt that in fact, Evan Bell's grasp of the role was better than himself, if only from Daniel Pugh For Levi's role, Leonardo DiCaprio thinks Evan Bell's acting is better than himself

Evan Bell couldn't help but smile, "You are more suitable" Although it is okay for Evan Bell to challenge the role of Daniel Plevy, in terms of temperament and image, it is indeed Leonardo DiCape Leo is more suitable. Moreover, Evan Bell personally thinks that the challenge of the role of Father Eli Sandy is not inferior to that of Daniel Plevy. He is more interested in Eli Sandy.

In acting, suitability is the most important, interest is second, and acting is the third

Evan Bell patted Leonardo DiCaprio on the shoulder, "If you find the form, Daniel is definitely better than me, trust me" To give an extreme example, Gerard Butler will play" The effect of "Spartan Three Hundred Warriors" is far better than that of Evan Bell, not that Evan Bell's acting is worse than Gerard Butler - this is exactly the reverse, but because Gerald - Butler's image and temperament are more in line with Leonardo DiCaprio's role as Daniel Prevey at this time, as well

Leonardo DiCaprio took a deep breath, he could clearly feel the blood rushing with excitement, and while it was exciting to work with Steven Spielberg and Martin Scorsese, even Leonardo DiCaprio was not so excited when he acted in "The Aviator", he could even feel the character of Daniel Previ tremble in his own ~Let him addicted

When returning to the indoor shooting, Leonardo DiCaprio did not fully enter the state for the first time and continued to NG, but Evan Bell could clearly see his progress. After three attempts, the entire scene was silent

Leonardo DiCaprio—or rather Daniel Plevey lowered his voice and used it like a cello—but the mellow and graceful voice of a cello whose tuning was a little out of tune brought all the sounds of the scene to the fore. Take it away, "That's why I dare to make a decision with you here. Not only can I start work immediately, but I can also come up with enough funds to prove that what I said is true. Ladies and gentlemen, I promise you"

Although Daniel Prevey's bass voice has no excitement at all, the pervading deterrence makes people involuntarily persuaded. His arrogant but silent expression is firmly locked there. In the line of his chin, the understatement in his eyes can only see his calmness and calmness

"Ka! It's great!" Evan Bell's voice sounded, which brought everyone's soul back. Everyone's eyes on Leonardo DiCaprio changed. Come on, the change is so great!

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