Great Artist

Chapter 1605: Queen's Actor

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Evan Bell didn't hide his disappointment, and he didn't need to hide it. He was really eager for the work "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button". After a long absence from the actor's position, he was able to encounter such a rare one after another. Heart-wrenching characters, which are really rare.

Of course, even if David Fincher really agrees with Evan Bell to star in "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button", Evan Bell will have to see if the schedule will conflict with "Batman: The Dark Knight", if there is a conflict If so, it is still difficult for Evan Bell to make a choice.

But Teddy Bell didn't care about it. He was very concerned about David Fincher's rejection. He believed that his younger brother was absolutely good enough to challenge any difficult role. So, regardless of the apology and embarrassment on Brad Gray's face, he directly said to David Fincher, "It's convenient to ask, who is your favorite actor?"

David Fincher did not need to answer this question, because after the news came out, everyone knew it, but David Fincher also felt the sincerity of Evan Bell, so he decided to give an answer, "Brad, Brad Pitt."

Hearing this answer, Teddy Bell couldn't help but look at his brother. Brad Pitt, Teddy Bell of course knows, but Teddy Bell doesn't think Brad Pitt is better than his younger brother, whether it's acting or box office appeal, anyway, in Teddy Bell's heart, My brother is the best actor so far. So, after getting the answer, Teddy Bell looked at Evan Bell inquiringly, waiting for his younger brother to make a judgment.

In fact, Evan Bell is not surprised. It is not because of the memory of his previous life. Although he knows that Brad Pitt starred in "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" in his last life, Evan Bell knows that it is the same as his previous life. It has nothing to do with David Fincher choosing Brad Pitt. In fact, there are already signs to follow.

When David Fincher took over the script of "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button", he naturally had plans for the first actor of Benjamin Button, and David Fincher's royal actor Brad Pitt was The unquestionable first choice.

In David Fincher's "Seven Deadly Sins" and "Fight Club", Brad Pitt is the leading actor with a heavy responsibility, although not as much as Johnny Depp is to Tim- Burton, Leonardo DiCaprio to Martin Scorsese, but Brad Pitt can also be called David Fincher's queen actor.

In fact, in the big circle of Hollywood, many directors have their own royal cast, which includes photographers, composers, actors and so on. For example, the soundtrack of Christopher Nolan has always been done by Hans Zimmer and Christian Bale is also his royal actor; for example, Evan Bell's cameraman has always been Robert Faris; and Stephen - This is even more true for Spielberg, who doesn't change too many behind-the-scenes members of almost the entire crew every time he takes a scene.

The so-called "royal use" means co-production and tacit understanding, which means that this cast is the most suitable spark for the director or producer and the most satisfying.

The reason why Brad Pitt is David Fincher's royal actor is not only the impression accumulated from the two movies "Seven Deadly Sins" and "Fight Club". Look at David Fincher's other works. Actor selection knows that Jodie Foster and Forest Whitaker are in the 1-year work "Thriller Room", and Michael Douglas and Sean Penn's 1-year "Mind Game" The combination, last year's "Zodiac Killer" was Jake Gyllenhaal and Robert Downey Jr.

With the exception of Jake Gyllenhaal, David Fincher has always favored actors with tough styles that reveal delicate, wild-looking yet charming actors. This is also complementary to the style of David Fincher's directed works. Most of his lens language is rough with strong color hints. The gloomy, melancholy and sad tone is reflected through light and shadow effects, so the actors are more Most of them are the type that opens up and closes without losing details.

Against this backdrop, it's no surprise that David Fincher has no interest in Evan Bell.

The roughest and toughest roles in Evan Bell's actor career are the three works of "Chasing the Murderer in the White Night", "Adapted Script" and "Mechanical Public Enemy". The first two show Evan Bell's acting skills across ages The delicate control of the last work is more of a domineering turn of the tide, but in the final analysis Evan Bell's performance style still outlines the role from the details, and the audience seems to have no special reaction. It has entered the rhythm of Evan Bell's performance, and the character image is clearly established, even the tough characters in these three works have this style.

So, Evan - has never been the kind of David - Fincher's favorite, Brad - Pitt is David - Fincher's favorite actor, although David - Fincher's tune. Just in general, he is better at presenting the depth of the story with his sharp lens editing, conflicting colors and light and shadow, and there is really not much research on the actors; but this is also David Fincher is more accustomed to co-producing with his actors to continue The reason for cooperation, because it helps him to maintain his own rhythm.

This time, Evan Bell came to the door with great interest because he saw the preparations for "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button". For Brad Gray, it was great news. Naturally, he couldn't wait to arrange today's event. meet. But for David Fincher, it was Brad Gray who used his position to press himself and put his preparations out of rhythm, which was a real disappointment.

With such a conclusion, it makes sense for David Fincher to be lukewarm to Evan Bell, and it is also true that he is always reluctant to give Evan Bell any hope.

So, when David Fincher said the answer "Brad Pitt", Evan Bell breathed a sigh of relief, his entire shoulders drooped down, and then showed a helpless smile, "This way Ah, then it seems that I really have no competitiveness for this role, I can only say that this time is not my chance."

He tried his best to win, but he still missed it in the end. Evan Bell didn't hold back, but let go. When Teddy Bell heard his brother's answer, he pouted and didn't speak again, but the disdain in his eyes sank silently.

David Fincher has a little more appreciation for Evan Bell’s relief. Although David Fincher was reluctant before today’s meeting, but after the meeting, he was more impressed with Evan Bell. A good feeling. It's just that this time the two of them did not have the fate to cooperate.

It was Brad Gray who took over from Evan Bell. He knew that there was no need to continue the roundabout. This time the cooperation was doomed to fail, but whether it was him or Paramount Pictures and Evan -Bell's relationship doesn't need to be stiff. "This is our loss. Others know about it, but they all have to laugh." The "others" here naturally refers to the bigwigs of other film companies. . It is audible that Brad Gray is talking to Evan Bell not as CEO of Paramount Pictures at this time, but as a person.

Evan Bell pursed his lips and said nonchalantly, "I think they should pray that I better not get any work, or that all the works I star in fail, and that's the best situation. ." This sentence made everyone laugh, especially David Finch, looking at the teenager in front of him, the corner of his relaxed mouth finally outlined a beautiful arc.

"Has David started scheduling now? When will 'The Curious Case of Benjamin Button' start filming?" Evan Bell seemed to just mention it casually.

David Finch didn't stop, and said directly, "July, August at the latest."

"Huh..." Evan Bell didn't speak, he just raised his brow and breathed a long sigh of relief, but soon David Fincher and Brad Gray all reacted. It turned out that Evan Bell still didn't give up , Now it seems that the shooting schedule of "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" is a collision with "Batman: The Dark Knight" So Evan Bell will not give up. This realization made Brad Gray laugh or cry, but the smile on his face bloomed greatly.

If Evan Bell really wants to choose, the Joker and Benjamin Button, Evan Bell has made a measure, and he estimates that he will still choose the Joker, after all, there is too much room for this role to play, even if he wrote After a month of clown diary, I still haven't found where the limit of this character is. This kind of stimulation is like an addiction, which makes people addicted and unable to extricate themselves.

"It seems that I can now take my mind back and concentrate on the preparations for the next role. Otherwise, if I continue to think about things, I think Barry will be the first to disagree.

"Evan Bell joked in a relaxed tone, and after he figured it out, he really let it go.

"I heard that you are going to challenge the role of the clown this time, Nicholson's classic, right?" Brad Gray also asked curiously. Now Warner Bros. just announced that Evan Bell will play "Batman: The Dark Knight", but the specific role has not been disclosed. Brad Gray just heard a little bit of wind.

Evan Bell smiled and did not respond positively, "Classics always come from surprises and surprises, don't they?" But the sentence seemed meaningful and made people think.

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