Great Artist

Chapter 1614: Important Week 6

Today's fourth update, please recommend, please subscribe!

May 12, this is an easy Saturday, maybe for most ordinary people, go to the cinema to watch "Spider-Man 3" released last week, or look forward to the upcoming "Shrek" next week. 3" is the best pastime. Of course, "Pirates of the Caribbean 3: At World's End", which will kick off on May 23, is also worth looking forward to.

All in all, the U.S. movie market in the summer vacation has indeed attracted a lot of attention. But it was a busy Saturday for the Bells and Hathaways, as Michelle Hathaway was getting married!

"Bell... bell... bell..." The sound of the alarm clock scurried around the room, Evan Bell was buried under the quilt, his right hand stretched out of the quilt, and groping around, finally found the alarm clock, After hitting hard, the noise finally ended. But Evan Bell didn't have time to put his right hand into the quilt, and fell straight down, colliding with the bed board and making a muffled sound.

Evan Bell struggled to sit up, but his eyes remained closed. After returning to New York, except for a cameo role as a lobbyist in "The Big Bang Theory", Evan Bell spent most of the time in the later stages of "There Will Be Blood", and even Katy Perry's affairs were temporarily suspended. He left it behind, and he never went to ask this little girl if she had come to the eleventh studio for an interview. The same was true last night. He had been working on the late stage of "The Blood Is Coming" in the editing room until two o'clock in the morning. If he hadn't remembered that there was something important to do today, it would have been overnight. Since he has been filming all the year round, Evan Bell will not sleep until the dark night. As long as he knows in his heart that there is something important today, he will naturally get up after the time, but it still takes a little to open his eyes. Time.

"Evan! Hurry up, we still have a lot of things to do after we get to the restaurant." Catherine Bell's voice came from outside, obviously she got up early to make sure the family wouldn't be late.

Evan Bell replied, "I'm up!" But his eyes were still closed, and he was still lying on the bed. The door of the room was directly pushed open, and Eden Hudson's voice rang out, "Open your eyes!" Everyone knows Evan Bell's habit of getting up, so they will not forget to push harder in time.

Evan Bell pulled the quilt away, stepped on the warm floor with his feet, closed his eyes and touched the door and walked out. After entering the bathroom and brushing his teeth, Evan Bell finally woke up. I went back to my room, changed my clothes, and walked out with a bow tie, "Isn't today a family wedding? Do I have to have a bow tie?"

"A wedding is a wedding. Although Mitch, Josh and the others didn't say it, everything has to be carried out as usual." Catherine Bell is busy in the kitchen, her hands and feet are very neat, the toast has been baked, the salad is ready, and she is frying Egg.

Evan Bell thought about it for a while, and this is also true. Michelle Hathaway invited Teddy Bell as the best man, and then invited Evan Bell as the witness - this is the position where the priest should appear, or the position of the city hall staff, but because now New York The state still doesn't approve of **** marriage, so they sent out an invitation to Evan Bell. It can be seen that today's family wedding is indeed very formal.

At first, Michelle Hathaway was worried about how to arrange the Bell brothers, because he was better than Teddy Bell, but Evan Bell was very special to him and Josh Hackett, There is only one place for the best man. Later, Gerald Hathaway came up with the idea and put Evan Bell in the position of the witness. Don't underestimate Evan Bell's youth, but from all angles, his authority as a witness is sufficient.

"You should dress up as a priest, just like Halloween, so it feels better." Teddy Bell was ready, holding the wedding ring that Michelle Hathaway gave him in advance, and put it on He slipped into the pocket of his coat and walked towards the kitchen bar with a smile.

"I want to borrow a priest's attire to dress up, but I'm really not interested in the position of a priest." Evan Bell slid his bow tie under the collar of his shirt. It was inconvenient to eat with a bow tie. Walked to the kitchen behind Teddy Bell. Eden Hudson was already sitting at the bar, watching The New Yorker. Although Eden Hudson and Michelle Hathaway are not that familiar, they have had a good friendship over the years, so he was invited too.

"What's more, I don't think Mitch and their love need the witness of a priest. For Jesus..." Evan Bell didn't say anything later, but raised his middle finger. It made Teddy Bell laugh.

Although Catherine Bell didn't hear her son's words, she knew what Evan Bell meant and couldn't help but glance at him with a smile on her face, "Mitch, they really don't need God's approval, but they need the government's approval. Really, I don’t know when New York State will be more sensible.” In fact, the legalization of **** marriage is not only for the legal recognition of homosexuality, but also for the rights of **** couples in terms of welfare after marriage, and even more Fighting for their rights as a citizen! So, this is not such a simple question. "I suggested Mitch and the others rent a church and hold the wedding in it, but Mitch and the others didn't want to complicate things." Evan Bell curled his lips and said reluctantly. But Evan Bell also knows that Michelle Hathaway originally wanted to keep a low profile for today's wedding. With Anne Hathaway and Evan Bell being the two focuses, it's not easy to keep a low profile. Rent a church, challenge the bottom line of a religious group, and things are going to get really big. "But who knows, maybe this time Obama will legalize **** marriage in order to win the election?"

In fact, Evan Bell didn't know much about politics in China in his last life. This is also a living state of most young people of his age, but even so, he still knows a thing or two about politics. For example, when Barack Obama won the US presidency in 2008, the support he won among the **** community was a real weapon. Before Evan Bell was reborn, Barack Obama was working hard to achieve re-election. In that election, although Evan Bell did not know the outcome, he remembered that Barack Obama took a stand on **** marriage. In an important step, he became the first president in American history to personally endorse **** marriage.

Therefore, Evan Bell knows that the situation is indeed getting better little by little. He can't remember the others, but Evan Bell is very sure that before he was reborn, California and New York did admit homosexuality. Marriage is legalized. And Michelle Hathaway and Josh Hackett will choose to get married this time, in fact, part of the reason is to strengthen their political stance, hoping to win more for their vulnerable group in this presidential election rights and interests.

"Is your wedding message ready?" Evan Bell changed the subject and asked Teddy Bell next to him. Eden Hudson took the milk from Katherine Bell and poured everyone a glass. Catherine Bell has also sat down to start her own breakfast.

Teddy Bell is handing butter to Catherine Bell, "It's written, but I practiced it yesterday, and I don't think the effect is very good." Compared with his younger brother's eloquence, Teddy Bell is not that kind of eloquence. Flexible talent, even if it has been polished in the market for so long, it still takes a down-to-earth route.

"Effect is not the most important thing, sincerity is the point." Catherine Bell said with a smile, "If Mitch wants to have an effect, let Evan go up and talk."

Facing this teasing from his mother, Evan Bell suddenly wailed depressingly, "Catherine..." Both Teddy Bell and Eden Hudson laughed.

"You still have two slices of toast!" Catherine Bell ignored the pitiful expression of the younger son, indicating the unresolved breakfast on his plate.

Evan Bell took a sip of milk and muttered, "I have more than them!" But apparently no one paid any attention to Evan Bell's complaints.

"Will you take our car for a while, or wait for Dibs to come and pick you up?" Teddy Bell changed the subject. Regarding Evan Bell's meal, they had already reached a consensus, anyway, there was always someone watching him Yes, otherwise this guy will have another stomach problem sooner or later. Therefore, even if Evan Bell complains again, they will not relent.

Although Catherine Bell has not officially mentioned it, the Bell family has tacitly agreed. It seems that Catherine Bell and Diboth Francis have basically confirmed their relationship, especially this time Michelle Hathaway's wedding , Catherine Bell attended with Diebos-Francis as a male companion, this is a It is also the first time to officially confirm the relationship with Diebos-Francis.

I don't know if the fact that the Bell Brothers bought 12 Princes Street to move out had a catalytic effect, or whether Evan Bell's last conversation with Dibbos Francis had an effect. Anyway, I can see Catherine Bell. Be happy, this is something to be happy about.

"Let's go to Di Baisi's car together. I'll change my dress very quickly. Gerald and the others must have a lot of work to do today, so I'll hurry over and help together." Catherine Bell said, quickly After finishing my breakfast, I was ready to go back to the house to change clothes.

"But can Diboth's car fit in?" When I saw Diboth-Francis coming to pick up Katherine Bell before, it was all that old vintage car, and it was estimated that it wouldn't fit. Eden Hudson said with concern.

"Oh, he bought an SUV." After speaking, Catherine Bell seemed a little embarrassed, then left a sentence, "You guys pack up here, hurry up", and then hurried back to the room to change clothes.

Dibbos-Francis bought an SUV, what else could be the reason, it seems that he bought it for the whole family to travel together. The whole family, this definition obviously also includes Eden Hudson, this shy man, who seems to be very attentive and considerate.

February is over, hehe, thank you for your support! The newly opened March Seven Cats will continue to work hard and ask for a guaranteed monthly pass, haha! (To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to (m) to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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