Great Artist

Chapter 1619: happy look

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"Josh Hackett, if Michelle said that you were him, would you believe it?" After Evan Bell finished speaking, he motioned Teddy Bell to take out the ring quickly. Teddy Bell had never rehearsed before. Evan Bell's hosting of today's wedding was imaginative, so after receiving his look, Teddy Bell hurriedly took the ring out of his pocket, Then handed the ring to Michelle Hathaway.

"I believe." After Josh Hackett finished saying this, Michelle Hathaway put the ring she just took over on her lover's left ring finger.

Later, Evan Bell went on to say, "Michelle Hathaway, if Josh said that you are his, would you believe it?" This time, Josh Hackett's best man The gourd painted the scoop and handed the ring to Josh Hackett early.

"I believe." After Michelle Hathaway finished speaking, Josh Hackett tied the ring in his hand to his lover.

Evan Bell cleared his throat and smiled, "So, here, in the name of rock, hip-hop, soul, pop, and Evan Bell, I officially announce that you are a partner!"

When the applause was about to sound after Evan Bell announced, Evan Bell raised his hand and stopped everyone, "Also, you can kiss each other now." After these words fell, the first sounded It was the laughter, and then the applause and whistles came as Michelle Hathaway and Josh Hackett kissed together.

Evan Bell also smiled and applauded, his work as a witness has officially been completed, "By the way, everyone can start to enjoy lunch, I hope today's seafood is fresh enough, mainly because the seafood at the banquet last time let me It left a shadow." Naturally, there was laughter, "Anyway, have a nice meal!"

Michelle Hathaway and Josh Hackett stepped forward and gave Evan Bell a big hug, "Evan, you know, thank you so much." Although they grew up together A good friend, but the thanks that should be expressed still have to be conveyed.

Evan Bell wiped the sweat that didn't exist on his forehead, "Huh, fortunately, I didn't screw it up." He was really worried, after all, he had never been a witness before, so he really didn't know what procedure to follow," If you really thank me, then ask your friends not to drink me, I have seen several figures just now. You know, Catherine will definitely not be happy to see it."

Evan Bell's words made the two of them laugh again. Evan Bell is indeed a lot of **** idols now, regardless of gender. Today, Michelle Hathaway and many of their friends came to the scene, and they were very excited to see Evan Bell.

"Don't worry, at most they will take pictures with you. If you drink, I think the two of us need to worry more." Josh Hackett's eyes turned into two crescents, showing his good mood.

"Evan, I think your speech just now was really good, I'm serious, very good." Michelle Hathaway looked at Evan Bell's eyes, although she still had a smile on her face, but His firmness was revealed in his eyes, "If you can make those words into a song, that would be great. Maybe, it can become the theme song for us to fight for our rights in the future."

"I think so too. And, if you make it, then the appeal must not be underestimated. Maybe New York State will be able to legalize **** marriage next year?" Josh Hackett apparently said to his lover: I couldn't agree more, and said excitedly.

Evan Bell was stunned for a while. What did he just say? "It was just a speech. If you want songs, this 'Try()' was made just for you."

"Yes, we know. But this song is about love, and it really moves us, but it has no special effect on the rest of society, does it?" Michelle Hathaway said anxiously , Evan Bell couldn't help but nodded, "Try" this song is indeed suitable for all couples, not limited to the **** group, "But your speech just now, although you are talking about my mental journey, but also The psychological process of all of us. In our group, there are many people who want to change, and many people who are trying to change, and even unwilling to accept themselves, but the result? There is no way to change it, because this is what we are born with Come. Maybe each of us is different, maybe our life experiences are different, but this love is the same, isn't it?"

In fact, the speech just now was specially prepared by Evan Bell, but a small part of it was played out on the spot, and there were no more ideas, but after Michelle Hathaway said this, his thoughts were also Involuntarily fell into thinking.

"It is feasible, but it is a speech. It is not easy to turn it into lyrics and match the melody."

The creation of lyrics is about rhythm and rhythm, not just taking any paragraph directly to become lyrics.

"Then this is your problem, I don't think rap is necessary, try it out.

Of course, you are the expert in this area, and you have the final say. "Michelle Hathaway said with a smile.

"Rap?" Evan Bell rolled his eyes. Rap ​​is possible, because rap actually comes from life, but how simple is rap? Rap has very strict requirements on rhythm, rhythm, and rhythm. It is said that black people are born street rappers, and they have an unparalleled advantage in this regard, and white rappers currently have an Amy Namm. "You can give me all the problems and talk about it when the time comes."

Evan Bell is not a shirk, but a fact. At present, Evan Bell has only tried rap in "This Is Love (, and nothing else. Rap is a new type of music, and it's still a relatively unfamiliar field for Evan Bell. Of course, it's okay to try, and if it doesn't work, it's too late to give up.

Michelle Hathaway and Josh Hackett did not continue to have a long talk with Evan Bell, after all, this is not a good time to talk, the luncheon has just begun, and the new couple also need to enjoy lunch Just put some belly on it.

Teddy Bell stood next to him for a while, and after Evan Bell came over, he gave his brother a hug and said, "You did a great job just now, and I'm more and more about my congratulations now. nervous."

Evan Bell couldn't help but smile, "Teddy, the content of the congratulatory message is not important. Your wishes for Mitch and Josh's wishes are the most important."

Teddy Bell breathed a long sigh of relief, "Okay, I'm over." As the best man, he was on the long table on the left. "Anne, go over together?" Anne Hathaway is Michelle Hathaway's bridesmaid today, so she has to sit there too.

Anne Hathaway gestured, "You go first." After watching Teddy Bell turn around, she looked at Evan Bell in front of her. They have been very busy this morning, until now. When I had time to talk briefly, I saw Anne-Hathaway wrinkled her nose and her eyes were still a little red. It could be seen that she was crying hard just now, and said fiercely, "I did a good job today and made everyone cry. Now, you're the only one who laughed heartlessly."

Evan Bell laughed twice, "If the speaker himself cried so hard, the scene would not be too embarrassing. Besides, I'm not confessing to the priest." Evan Bell's rebuttal provoked Annie - Hathaway directly punched him in the chest, which was regarded as a relief.

In fact, at the wedding, there is no need to deliberately provocative, just a few words are enough to move people.

Evan Bell grabbed Anne Hathaway's hand and looked at Michelle Hathaway with a smile, "How are you, envy?"

Anne Hathaway leaned on Evan Bell's arms and looked back in the direction of her brother. At this time, Josh Hackett was just doing Michelle Hathaway's hair, and the expressions of both were Very serious, but such a simple scene can clearly make people feel happy. "I'm not envious, because I'm also very happy."

In fact, happiness is really not difficult at all. Happiness can be ever-changing, but there is no fixed standard. It does not mean that you are happy with a monthly income of one million, nor does it mean that you are happy if you have ten sets of eight houses, let alone complete it. Happiness is a moment, a moment that needs to be experienced by people's heart.

Maybe there is only a small amount of salary every month, but the moment I get my salary, I go to eat a long-lost meal, which is happiness; maybe I can't buy a house, and I always rent a But It's happiness to be able to set up your own space with someone you love; maybe never get married in your life, like Alan Rickman and his girlfriend, and like Michelle Hathaway and Josh Ha Like Kerte, love is not proved by a marriage certificate. Two people are willing to hold hands, and this is happiness.

So, Anne Hathaway feels very happy.

Anne-Hathaway looked to the other side, Deboth-Francis was lowering her head and asking Catherine-Bell what, Catherine-Bell flashed a happy smile on her face, and answered in a low voice, from Dibos-Francis focused on Catherine -Bell's eyes could read happiness; Kate McGory and Gerald Hathaway looked at Thomas Hathaway, the youngest son of the family, who was sitting next to them, and whispered something, although the two No one smiled, but the familiarity between those eyes made people feel at ease.

"Come over, eat something, and after a busy morning, I can finally relax a little." Evan Bell's voice rang in her ears, and Anne Hathaway couldn't help laughing, "Well, hurry up too. Click here, Catherine just came over twice. I guess she's worried that you won't have lunch on time again."

Anne Hathaway's ridicule caused Evan Bell to grin. She immediately laughed, escaped Evan Bell's clutches, and ran towards the long table on the left.

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