Great Artist

Chapter 1627: pirate 3 raid

Admiral Cutler Beckett, who became the mastermind behind the conspiracy in Chapter 1623 today, is once again a "terrorist", a pirate he will catch. Regardless of gender, age, or age, all were pushed to the gallows, one after another. The bodies have even been piled up into a small hill. In the slaughter again and again, the pirates finally could not bear the humiliation and began to sing in unison. Sing the pirate song. In the Caribbean Sea, when the song of pirates sounds, it is the moment when the team of pirates faces life and death, and pirates all over the world must unite to deal with the crisis.

And that's what Cutler-Beckert is for. In the previous episode, Cutler Beckett obtained the heart of Captain Davy Jones of the Flying Dutchman, thus mastering the weakness of Davy Jones and can drive the Flying Dutchman at will. Then help the East India Company to complete the **** of the maritime hegemony. Now, Cutler Beckett is all about getting the pirates together and catching them all!

What makes all viewers curious is that at the end of the last episode, Captain Jack Sparrow was swallowed by the octopus sea monster, and his life and death touched the hearts of countless people. Of course, everyone knows that Captain Jack Sparrow cannot die. Otherwise the story loses its soul. But audiences want to know, how did Captain Jack Sparrow escape death this time around?

It's a pity that "Pirates of the Caribbean 3" opens with a conspiracy, not in the answer at the end of Chapter 1623: the pirates are trying their best to rescue Captain Jack Sparrow!

Elizabeth Swan has deep guilt for the death of Jack Sparrow, because she went through fire and water to save Jack; Wil Turner was to rescue her father, Bill Turner, who was trapped on the Flying Dutchman. , plus he didn't know that Elizabeth felt guilty about Jack, and thought that her lover had changed her mind, so he also planted the seeds of distrust.

The witch Tiatoma knew that Jack Sparrow was trapped at the "end of the world" by Davy Jones. To save Jack Sparrow, he had to get a nautical chart, and then led by an experienced captain. down, to the end of the world. So, the witch Tiatoma rescued Barbossa, who had been locked in the gate of **** in Chapter 1623, and came to South China with Elizabeth Swan, Wil Turner, and the crew of the Black Pearl. Find the notorious local pirate captain Shao Feng in the Singapore waters.

Shao Feng not only controls the sea route to the east, but also holds the mysterious sea chart to the end of the world. However, Shao Feng had a deep relationship with Jack Sparrow in the past and did not agree to provide any help. At this critical moment, the spies sent by Admiral Cutler Beckett also infiltrated Shao Feng's pirate group and launched a surprise attack. As a result, Shao Feng, Black Pearl, and Cutler Beckett all fought together.

However, at the time of crisis, the pirates still knew the truth of the dead, and they joined forces to repel Cutler Beckett's men. Wil Turner and Shao Feng reached a secret agreement. Wil Turner misunderstood the relationship between Elizabeth Swan and Jack Sparrow, and was eager to save his father, so he betrayed Jacks successively. Palo and Barbossa hope to reach a cooperation agreement with Shao Feng; while Shao Feng hopes to reach a settlement with Admiral Beckett to win his own interests. So Shao Feng handed the nautical chart to Wil Turner, and Wil Turner became the inner responder to help Admiral Cutler Beckett find the gathering place of the pirates.

On the other hand, Cutler Beckett, assisted by the Flying Dutchman, is invincible at sea, and has sharpened his knives and is ready to destroy all pirate teams. At the same time, Cutler Beckett feels that Elizabeth Swan's father is useless and decides to get rid of him; but Elizabeth Swan's ex-fiancé James Norrington takes refuge with Beckett at the end of the last episode. Admiral, but he still loves Elizabeth Swan, so he has been taking care of Elizabeth Swan's father. Therefore, Cutler Beckett decided to secretly support his other profitable subordinates without telling James Norrington.

Barbossa, Elizabeth, Will and others took the Haipeng provided by Shao Feng to the end of the world. The end of the world is located in a dangerous sea where even pirates are afraid. It is not an island in the sea, but a huge abyss in the sea. There, the water falls like a waterfall, but never fills the abyss. The Haipeng, which went to rescue Jack Sparrow, fell into the end of the world and shattered. Fortunately, everyone on the ship survived and met Jack Sparrow and the Black Pearl who were trapped here.

Thirty-four minutes into the movie, Captain Jack Sparrow finally shows up!

Captain Jack Sparrow's appearance once again shocked all the audience. There was only a lonely peanut on the plate in front of him, but he sneaked up to the plate, and then wrapped the napkin, ready to enjoy the big meal. Facing the half peanut, but when he was about to put the peanut in his mouth, a gunshot rang out, and he fell to the ground!

What surprised everyone even more was that it was Captain Jack Sparrow himself who shot and killed Captain Jack Sparrow! He picked up the half-cut peanuts from the plate, put them in his mouth, and said, "My peanuts!" What the **** was going on?

Subsequently, countless Captain Jack Sparrow appeared on the entire Black Pearl, and each Captain Jack Sparrow was so lifelike, doing his job diligently in every position on the ship. And there is another Captain Jack Sparrow who looks like the boss, directing every avatar to work, and if he is slightly dissatisfied, he speaks ill of the avatar. This scene is like a split personality, but each avatar has its own characteristics, vivid and stunned.

It was soon revealed that all this was just the fantasy of Captain Jack Sparrow. He was trapped at the end of the world, and because he was too bored, he fantasized about countless clones of himself to play time. But even so, everyone can't help but admire Captain Jack Sparrow's unpretentiousness and, of course, Evan Bell's vivid acting skills.

With the help of countless pebbles turned into crabs, Captain Jack Sparrow transported the Black Pearl to the sea, completing the impossible task, and when the Black Pearl slipped into the sea, the witnesses happened to be The crew of the Black Pearl who had just been washed down.

Everyone is rejoicing that they finally saw Captain Jack Sparrow. But Captain Jack Sparrow still thought that all the people in front of him were hallucinations, which undoubtedly answered Wil Turner's doubts: It turned out that Elizabeth Swan was the murderer who "killed" Captain Jack Sparrow. She only cared about Jack Sparrow because of guilt.

After truly confirming that everyone came to rescue him, Jack Sparrow took everyone to board the Black Pearl and began to find a way out of the end of the world. On the way back, Elizabeth Swan saw her father drifting on the sea of ​​death and learned the news of her father's death.

At the same time, the witch Tiatoma also told The Flying Dutchman must have a captain, but someone stabbed Davy Jones' heart to death, and his heart must also be cut off and replaced. , became the new captain of the Flying Dutchman. The duty of the captain of the Flying Dutchman is to manage the end of the world, to ferry people who died on the ocean, ten years of life at sea in exchange for 6 days of life on earth! This is a dilemma for Wil Turner, whether to save his father or grow old with Elizabeth Swan.

Although Jack Sparrow and Barbossa fought for control of the Black Pearl, Jack Sparrow finally came up with the answer by relying on the nautical chart at a critical moment.

It turns out that the key to leaving the end of the world is that at sunset, according to the principle of "up is down", the whole ship is turned over. After sunset, the ship will automatically surface and come to the real real world. It's sunrise time in the world.

The people watching the whole ship are trying to subvert the Black Pearl, and then turning the Black Pearl over, watching everyone on the bottom of the sea witness the earth-shaking changes in the blue world, this whole process is really amazing, Amazing.

Ask for a monthly pass! To be continued. .


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