Great Artist

Chapter 1634: regret but too late

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In the summer of 2003, "Pirates of the Caribbean" was born without being optimistic, and finally swept the box office of 750 million US dollars worldwide. Playing is a reversal thrill. www.) Then, the cost of the second and third "Pirates of the Caribbean" is higher than that of the first. The paper investment of the second film is still fluctuating around 200 million US dollars, and the paper cost of the third film has already reached 300 million US dollars, but the box office did not disappoint. The two sequels have crossed the billion threshold at the global box office, ranking among the top ranks of the global minority. Not only has Disney made a lot of money, but the most important thing is that the brand effect of the pirate series has started, which makes people look at it.

"Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl" was only three weeks into its release, and when Jerry Bruckheimer was interviewed by the media, he couldn't wait to announce that the sequel would be in production. This is actually the rule of Hollywood. If a work that makes such money is not made into a series, it would be too excessive. So this has also created a scene of continuous shooting of the second and third parts of the "Pirates of the Caribbean" series, which shows Disney's strong confidence in the series.

However, after the release of "Pirates of the Caribbean 3: At the End of the World", both Jerry Bruckheimer and Disney made no noise. Although it is said to be a "trilogy", as long as the film company, the trilogy can be completely changed. Into a four-part series, a five-part series, or a second trilogy series, so. Numbers have never been a reason to imprison studios in their pursuit of profit. But this time Disney is actually silent, which is too unusual.

If "Pirates of the Caribbean 3" was first released, it had serious internal friction with "Spider-Man 3" and "Shrek 3". The original hope of crossing the threshold of 400 million has been greatly reduced, so that if Disney, who is now in the process of recuperating, has a strong stamina, "Pirates of the Caribbean 3" will show a strong stamina. After rekindling the hope of breaking the 400 million box office in North America, coupled with the domineering "Pirates of the Caribbean 3" on a global scale, Disney has not made any movement yet, it is not only abnormal, but inexplicable.

Everyone can't help but wonder: what happened to Disney? Or, what happened to Robert Eagle?

In fact, practitioners in the Hollywood circle, about Disney and Eleven Studios. No one knows it, no one knows it. After all, a blockbuster deal like Pixar has such a far-reaching impact, and naturally everyone knows it. But everyone knows and knows, but they can't experience the pain in the hearts of Robert Eagle and Jerry Bruckheimer.

As early as the second week of June, when "Pirates of the Caribbean 3" completed its three-peat, Jerry Bruckheimer sat down with Robert Eagle. They are not fools. On the contrary, their sensitivity to the numbers of box office and profit is absolutely no less than that of any box office analysis professionals. The box office prospects of "Pirates of the Caribbean 3" at this point in time cannot exceed the threshold of 400 million in North America. More than "Spider-Man 3" is also a certainty. Then, since Sony and Columbia Pictures are considering how the residual value of "Spider-Man" should continue to be squeezed, there is no reason why Disney should not consider the future development of Captain Jack Sparrow.

Jerry Bruckheimer looked at the frowning Robert Iger in front of him, and couldn't help laughing, because he felt as if he was looking in a mirror, his expression was clearly projected on Robert Iger's face, the two The figures at the top of the Hollywood power list, who are usually powerful and unequivocal authorities, are now worried at the same time, and they are worried for only one reason: Evan Bell.

In Hollywood, there are only a very small number of directors and actors who can be seen by top producers and film company heads, such as Tom Hanks, such as Tom Cruise, including Evan Bell. However, even for this small group of directors and actors, the relationship between them and top producers and film company heads is checked and balanced. The only balance is actually interests. Whoever occupies the initiative of the interests, whoever He has the right to speak, and Evan Bell has the initiative in this negotiation, the absolute initiative.

Jerry Bruckheimer couldn't help but think of the days before the preparation of "Pirates of the Caribbean 2". At that time, his partner at Disney was Michael Inas. The two of them were not less tossed by Evan Bell, and even once Heartless, not planning to use Evan Bell, he has already started to approach the actor again, but the result is still Evan Bell.

Now, Jerry Bruckheimer regrets it too much. He shouldn't be half as tough at the beginning, but in the end he was anticlimactic. Either start tough and stay tough until the end; or make money with peace and compromise from the beginning. No matter what kind of situation it is, it will not be reduced to the current embarrassing situation.

Jerry Bruckheimer clearly knows that at least 70% of the reasons for the second and third "Pirates of the Caribbean" films can be attributed to Evan Bell, Jack Spay The unique appeal of Captain Lowe is still clearly visible. Even in the second film with the worst reputation, Jack Sparrow is still the only focus of media attention; moreover, Evan Bell has radically reformed the script of the two sequels , There is also a fundamental improvement in the quality of the movie. Evan Bell has cut off a lot of the characters and clues in the sidelines, so that the whole story line is clear and clear.

Even the changed story still received a lot of criticism from the media, so it is conceivable that if the script hadn't been changed, the situation would have been much worse. And now, at least the second and third sequels have a comprehensive media score of 70, which is enough to see Evan Bell's important role in the script that cannot be ignored.

Even an arrogant person like Michael Inas should know how important Evan Bell's persistence is to "Pirates of the Caribbean". That's why Jerry Bruckheimer thinks so.

Either go tough, then even the sequels behind Pirates of the Caribbean are ruined. That also has nothing to do with Evan Bell, now there is no need to worry about the fourth sequel, and it will at least save Jerry Bruckheimer and Disney's face. Don't bow your head in front of Evan Bell.

Either compromise, then now that the sequel has succeeded, negotiating with Evan Bell again. It couldn't be easier. Both sides greeted each other with humility and smiling faces. The atmosphere couldn't be better, and it also saved Jerry Bruckheimer and Robert Eagle from sitting here and sighing.

What Jerry Bruckheimer really regrets is that he underestimated Evan Bell's energy, and who would have thought that this young man who came out of a movie like "Death Illusion" would have such a wealth of energy. Talent makes the whole world look at him.

Jerry Bruckheimer couldn't help thinking. Not long ago, "Imperial" magazine and the National Film Institute of the United States selected the greatest movies of the 21st century, "Death Illusion", a movie that almost no one liked at the time, was shortlisted for two lists. This is really An incredible thing. "Death Illusion" is now high on the top 10 list of cult classics, and its status is unshakable.

In this way, in fact, Evan Bell's talent has long been revealed. The more Jerry Bruckheimer understood this, the more he regretted it. Why didn't he think about it carefully in the first place, why didn't he carefully examine it, his discerning eyes have been wrong, and he was wrong after the "Pirates of the Caribbean" made great achievements, which made Jerry Bruckheimer. I felt the flames burning in my chest making it hard for me to breathe.

Now. Even in the second week of June, the "Pirates of the Caribbean" franchise is likely to be the most profitable trilogy in the world, so Jerry Bruckheimer's plan for a fourth installment comes naturally. On the table, but just thinking about Evan Bell gives Jerry Bruckheimer a headache.

"The 'Pirates of the Caribbean' series will open up a new trilogy series starting from the fourth part, and all the leading actors and directors will also be replaced, including Evan Bell." Jerry Bruckheimer certainly thought of this idea, And more than once, this way you can avoid dealing with Evan Bell, and the entire preparatory team has been replaced, and there is no intention to target Evan Bell personally.

But this result, Jerry - Bruckheimer is also very clear. Why did "Pirates of the Caribbean" succeed? Not director Gore Verbinski, not producer Jerry Bruckheimer, not the distribution company Disney, but Evan Bell. Why can the sequel of "Pirates of the Caribbean" turn the tide and achieve a win-win situation in word of mouth and box office? Evan Bell's name bears the brunt.

So, without Evan Bell, why would a fourth sequel, or a new trilogy, be reopened? Who has the certainty of victory? Also, without Evan Bell, who would be willing to play "Pirates of the Caribbean", whether it is to play Captain Jack Sparrow, or to overturn all the stories and recreate a pirate captain, this is Tarzan's pressure for taking over the actor.

So, the question goes back to square one, Evan Bell.

Jerry Bruckheimer can even imagine his rhetoric when he came into contact with Evan It can be seen from the trajectory of Evan Bell's recent works, "The Blood Will Come" is because of a good story, And Leonardo DiCaprio; "Batman: The Dark Knight" for the role of The Joker, and Christopher Nolan; "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button" although Evan Bell didn't succeed in starring, However, his rare initiative is also very popular in the circle, and the reason for this work is because of the good role, Evan Bell's love for the role of Benjamin Button is clear; finally, there is still the rumored "Juno" for the time being. Shadow, but it is estimated that the reason is that Evan Bell himself wants to try.

Then, when Jerry Bruckheimer went to Evan Bell, Evan Bell's answer couldn't be simpler - under the circumstances that the role of Captain Jack Sparrow has been basically fixed, then "a A good story" is definitely Evan Bell's only request.

"A good story" is almost a nightmare for Jerry Bruckheimer. God, he is a producer famous for making commercial blockbusters, special effects, visual effects, sound effects, scenes, fights, wars... these are what he is good at. Stories have never been and will not be in the future. What a **** of a god!

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