Great Artist

Chapter 1642: thin power

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Although the instruments in Evan Bell's hands today are only electronic keyboards and disc players, the song "Firefly (es is different from other electronic music. It is more of a dreamy and fresh style, so the number of instruments is reduced. Returning the song to the original, although not as profound as the album, but it has a pastoral style, and it is still very pleasing. www.)

The guests at the scene listened to Evan Bell's live singing, and the casualness and ease of use that came out of their mouths were vividly reflected. This kind of live ability accumulated in street performances all year round is not everyone can have it. Yes, and Evan Bell has carried forward this style of free flying, giving people an illusion that if you close your eyes, you can feel the wind whistling in your ears, or if you open your hands, you can fly in the sky. fly in it. It's really a treat.

The outstanding performance of the song "Firefly", there is no doubt that it is no less than the two songs "This is Love (s=e and "American Secret (ret if it is purely based on the sense of the scene. Of course, these few The styles of the songs are all different, so naturally they cannot be placed on the same platform for comparison. As for the audience's preferences, it is more a matter of personal music aesthetics.

But it is undeniable that "Firefly" is extremely good, so this single has no publicity - today's Evan Bell's live performance is the only publicity itinerary during the release of "Firefly", it can still get It's no surprise that it's three weeks at number one on the Billboard Singles Chart.

In fact, after today's party, Steve Jobs was the first to post Evan Bell's live performance to utube - he was really testing ne's recording function, but Steve Jobs The video recording function on the new ne is only a beta version - the real ne generation that will be released at the end of June will not have video recording function, apparently Apple's production team is working on it, and Steve Jobs is testing it - so record The effect that comes out is so bad that you can't even make out the image. And the sound also has a lot of noise, the effect is disappointing.

Then, a reporter from The New Yorker cleverly brought a portable home video recorder and recorded the performance clearly. He was also the only reporter on the scene who carried video equipment. Everyone else was recording with the built-in functions of their digital cameras, so the video of the "New Yorker" reporter became the most precious clear image. The reporter also posted the video on utube with the official account of The New Yorker.

The video, titled "Evan Bell's first live performance of 'Firefly'", quickly spread on utube, but because this charity gathering was held on the fourth day after the release of "Firefly" , the whole news has not been fully opened, so the momentum of the click-through rate increase is not too ferocious.

Half a million figures in two days. Really can't say good. But as time goes on, the click rate is getting better and better, five million in seven days, fifteen million in fourteen days, thirty million in twenty days, fifty million in thirty days... When "Firefly" is in When the bulletin board replaced "Umbrella" as the champion, the increase in the click rate of this video dropped a bit, but it still came to the number of 70 million. Amazing.

What's even more surprising is that the New Yorker, as a print magazine, does not actually have a high share of video sites like Youtube. There are fewer than 50,000 users who follow the official account of The New Yorker. These are die-hard supporters of the magazine. Even though there are few videos uploaded by The New Yorker, they still choose to follow to show their support. But a month later, the number of followers of the "New Yorker" account on Youtube reached 300,000, a full six-fold increase.

300,000, this figure is even comparable to the monthly sales of "The New Yorker". Now the "New Yorker" is no longer the most brilliant scene of the year, and the monthly average sales are barely maintained at the level of 300,000. But just on a utube video account with less than 20 videos, it attracted 300,000 followers. This made the "New Yorker" magazine very shocked. Although they already knew the power of netizens last year, and even became the "Time" magazine's annual person, but this time the impact of the direct confrontation made them feel it again. Accident.

This kind of impact is like experiencing Evan Bell's performance of "Firefly" in the banquet hall of the Four Seasons Hotel. Almost everyone opened their eyes and mouths uncontrollably, expressing their surprise in the simplest and most direct way.

Evan Bell didn't seem to know the waves he made. After singing, the melody fell, and he smiled into the microphone and said, "Thank you for your appreciation, I hope everyone likes it. Of course, I hope everyone can feel good about Leo. The 'Eleventh Hour' voices support, the Earth needs us, and while that may sound sane, it's true."

Evan Bell's ridicule finally brought the audience back to their senses. They couldn't help chuckling. It is estimated that only Evan Bell would do this. One second was immersed in emotion, and the next second was amused. .

Handing the stage back to Leonardo DiCaprio, Evan Bell stepped back into the crowd, and at this time people seemed to react, and applause broke out. Leonardo DiCaprio walked back to the middle of the podium, and after the applause fell, he said, "Thank you again Evan Bell. Everyone can start enjoying the buffet, and the auction will officially start in an hour. "

Leonardo DiCaprio also walked down and gave Evan Bell a big hug, "Evan, thank you so much today."

"Thank you for my performance, or thank you for my sponsorship?" Evan Bell returned with a smile, successfully making Leonardo DiCaprio roll his eyes.

"Both." Leonardo DiCaprio also cooperated very well, "but seriously, there will be charity gatherings of this type in the future, would you like to attend? I think everyone agrees with your presence. It is very welcome." During the speech, the two heads of the Natural Resources Defense Council and the American Global Green Organization waved their hands in this direction. Indeed, artists like Leonardo DiCaprio and Evan Bell are willing to contribute to charities, and their exemplary role is very obvious. Of course they couldn't be more welcome.

"Of course. Call me anytime." Evan Bell agreed readily. In fact, Evan Bell's support for philanthropy has always been going on. For example, when he and Leonardo DiCaprio were at a charity gathering at the University of California, Los Angeles, for example, "Never Walk Alone" ne, "catalyst" and other charity songs, all proceeds are donated to the soldiers who died heroically in the war; and a charity concert for the victims of the Indonesian tsunami...Evan Bell in charity The figure is definitely not uncommon.

Although it is said that the power of individuals is for a large environment such as global warming. It is really limited, but the appeal of an artist is not just one person. Every small force will be brought together to form a great force. That's what philanthropy is all about. Even if the strength of each person is very small, even insignificant, but the superposition of the meager strength can form a major force. Enough to change some special groups or a special phenomenon.

An individual's contribution to society sounds exaggerated and great, but in fact, not smoking in public places, using public transportation within one's ability, not using disposable chopsticks... These simplest actions are a kind of individual contribution to society. . Charity is not necessarily so great, and the power of meager power should never be underestimated.

For Evan Bell, he now has influence over the audience, and he has some monetary power himself. If you can contribute to charity, why not do it?

Leonardo DiCaprio's support for philanthropy is focused on environmental protection. In addition, there is an anti-war position. When "Fahrenheit 9/11" was released, Leonardo DiCaprio was the leading supporter, so his invitation to Evan Bell was more in the hope of joining the environment in conservation activities.

Leonardo DiCaprio was not surprised to hear Evan Bell's crisp answer, but he was still happy. But he didn't stay with Evan Bell for long, and was soon called off to get busy with other things. And Evan Bell, who is standing in place, will not be alone, and Michael Bloomberg is by his side.

Michael - Bloomberg just wants to know more about utube, this online platform can be used by everyone, but how to operate. He still wanted to learn more about it. When Michael Bloomberg mentioned this matter, Evan Bell did not shirk, and directly explained his understanding, "Actually, the so-called video sharing website is to share every bit of my life. Maybe It is an ordinary clip of daily life. It may be a video shot between friends for It may be an unexpected hilarious or thrilling scene... Sharing these bits and pieces is the original meaning of utube. "

Evan Bell explained some basic things, but quickly realized that Michael Bloomberg wanted to run the presidential election through an online platform. His understanding of this is limited, but he still gave some of his own advice, "Actually, there are many ways for people to understand you. Your PR team and your campaign team will convey these things to the audience. But a very important part of the campaign is to convey your views on certain social issues. I think, rather than It is better to express through empty language than through your perspective.”

"You can completely pick up the camera yourself to shoot the phenomena you see, the problems you see, and you, as the first point of view, express your views, and let the audience stand in your position and experience every detail of life. I think this is the most direct advantage that utube can give you as a video website platform." Evan Bell is a director himself, he stands behind the camera and presents his thoughts to the audience through the screen, It was the most direct way, so he naturally thought of it and suggested it directly to Michael Bloomberg.

Thirteen thousand updates for a monthly pass! To be continued. If you like this work, you are welcome to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my greatest motivation. m

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