Great Artist

Chapter 1654: Easy to win the laurel

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In the fourth week of June, "Ratatouille," which was released in 3,300 theaters, grossed $70.4 million at the single-house box office of $21,330. opening weekend at the box office!

This figure is only behind the premiere of "The Incredibles" by $60,000, but it exceeds the premiere of "Finding Nemo" by $150,000, which is completely on the same level as these two films! The point is that "The Incredibles" was released in 3,900 theaters in the United States, "Finding Nemo" also reached 3,400 theaters, and "Ratatouille" was only released in 3,300 theaters. It is really shocking to have created such a good result when it was released in the home theater.

It can also be seen from this that the distribution capability of Eleventh Release is still far inferior to that of the top big film companies. Disney's release of "Pirates of the Caribbean 1" has created a new theater record, and it is worthy of being the movie with the largest distribution capability in the United States. Company, and now the distribution capabilities of major film companies have reached the "four thousand" level, the eleventh release is still far away.

But even so, under the circumstance that the theater line was limited, "Ratatouille" still made a big hit, although it was not as good as "Shrek 3, which had a box office record of 120 million in its opening weekend. But its sturdy level still made everyone send praises. It is conceivable that after the combination of Pixar and Eleven Studios, the future works will only become better and more exciting. This is definitely an exciting time. Challenging acquisition!

Eleven Studio has also proved its ability. After the acquisition of Pixar, this aura animation studio has regained its vitality. Compared with the excitement of Eleven Studios, Disney has become more and more lonely. The pain of losing Pixar has been sprinkled with salt again, and "Pirates of the Caribbean 3, the box office hit is still with the help of Evan's 'Bell's East Wind', which makes Disney's face again, and the days of Robert Eagle are It's getting worse.

And behind the win-win situation of "Ratatouille" box office and word of mouth, Universal Pictures suffered the worst fiasco since their confrontation with Eleven Studios. , and the opening weekend box office was only 25 million US dollars, which really made Universal Pictures feel cold.

"Big Belly", which was released four weeks ago, made Universal Pictures smile. The investment of 30 million yuan has now crossed the 100 million threshold at the box office, giving Universal Pictures a new hope for comedy films.

But what about now? The 175 million investment "Fake Tenshen 2" actually only had a box office of 25 million US dollars at the premiere, which is not even a fraction of the investment!

The $25 million result is not only a notch lower than the $70 million premiere of "Fake God" that year, but it is even worse than the $3,000 premiere of "The Big One" that was released four weeks ago. for a while. Such a premiere result has already declared the death penalty of "Fake Gods 2, not to mention the overwhelming criticism from the media, making this work almost no resistance, not to mention the cost of recovery, I can only hope to lose money. Too miserable, that's fortunate.

Relatively speaking, "1408 Phantom Space..." in addition to the good reputation, the premiere also received a result of 20.6 million US dollars, compared with only 25 million investment, which is enough to make the peak Entertaining smiles.

As a result, it was surprising and expected that "Ratatouille" topped the North American weekend box office championship in the fourth week of June with an absolute advantage, and won unanimous praise from everyone, allowing Pixar to regroup and work on November 1. The room's flag set sail.

"Fake Tenshen 2, and "1408 Phantom Space..." were the runner-up and the third place, but the gap in word of mouth, as well as the comparison of cost and box office, make these two movies definitely a **** and a paradise.

If last year, "High School Musical" dominated the winter season in January, and "The Queen Wearing Prada" broke out from the summer and summer season, it proves that Eleven Studio has gradually revealed its minions; "Bada Three Hundred Warriors" was out in the spring, and now "Ratatouille" once again dominates the summer, which proves the strength of Eleven Studios! Absolute strength!

"Ratatouille" won a place for Eleven Studio in the summer vacation for the second year in a row. Its significance is not only in the box office. The works of Eleven Studio also have an impact on major film companies at the box office, and Ten One Studio has maintained a consistently good reputation for its works, and even the teen movie "High School Musical" is well-received. It can be seen from this that Studio Eleven insists on quality rather than weight. Although it is called the "Second DreamWorks," Studio Eleven shows a completely different temperament. Maybe Eleven will work in a short period of time. The studio can't suddenly stand as a giant like DreamWorks, but its development potential is far higher than DreamWorks. Perhaps, in the next decade, Eleven Studios will be the seventh force that cannot be ignored in Hollywood, or it will replace Universal Pictures and Disney in the top six, which is also unpredictable.

In an instant, the major film companies just felt that the chrysanthemum was tight and they had to cheer up!

Under the pressure of "Ratatouille", "Fantastic Four Biao, the box office plunged directly in the next week, with a drop of as much as 60%, and only won the box office of 20 million US dollars in the second week of the weekend, accounting for the total The fourth place on the North American box office chart, with a cumulative box office of 97 million US dollars within two weeks of its release, which is hardly satisfactory to 20th Century Fox. Except that it is not as good as the previous "Fantastic Four", which has exceeded 100 million in the same period. , This time the cost of the sequel is as high as 130 million, which really made 20th Century Fox sigh. It seems that it is very difficult to have a third sequel.

"Thirteen Arhats", "Pirates of the Caribbean 3", "Surfing Penguin", "Shrek 3" and "Girl Detective" occupy the remaining positions in the top ten respectively. It can be seen from here , "Pirates of the Caribbean 3, and "Big Belly Overnight" have good reputation, so that these two works are in the fifth and fourth weeks of their release respectively, and they can still open more than 10 million weekend box office. The durability is indeed Not bad.

This weekend when June and July are handed over can be said to be the fifth week of June or the first week of July. The North American film market ushered in the action blockbuster "Die Hard 4" created by Twentieth Century Fox. The film starring Bruce Willis is also a solid sequel to word of mouth and box office.

Next week, "Transformers" is coming, and this is also a week when the competition is relatively less intense.

Under the pressure of "Die Hard 4," "Ratatouille" relied on its excellent reputation, and the decline was only 30%, making "Ratatouille" another 49 million in the next weekend. The good results of the dollar, this data also completely made everyone's minds settled: the cooperation between Pixar and Eleven Studios withstood the test of the critics' word-of-mouth in the first week, and the audience's word-of-mouth test in the second week. , the 30% decline is still between "The Incredibles" and "Finding Nemo". It can be seen that it is basically not a problem for "Ratatouille" to achieve great results.

This week, the newly released "Die Hard 4" has achieved much better than expected results, with a box office of 33 million, and it is supplemented by a comprehensive media score of 69 and a freshness rating of 7% on Rotten Tomatoes. Eighteen's reputation, which is enough to make 20th Century Fox breathe a sigh of relief.

"Fantastic Four Biao, the box office endurance is disappointing, and "Die Hard 4" obviously lacks confidence in the face of "Transformers", "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix...", which makes the 20th century After repeated evaluation by Fox, "Fantastic Four Hearts, 12 days after its release," Die Hard 4 was pushed to the full premiere schedule. This is also 20th Century Fox's most daring and dangerous move, but now it seems that it is timid and daring to make money.

Although the opening box office of 33 million US dollars was not able to make "Die Hard" win the championship from "Ratatouille" for a week, but compared with its investment cost of 110 million US dollars, two Tenth Century Fox has reason to have full confidence in "Die Hard 4" at the final box office.

"Ratatouille" took down "Die Hard 4" and won the North American championship, which made "Ratatouille" not only the first non-sequel film to win the championship in the summer of Zkou, but also the first consecutive film to win the title. Champion's non-sequel film.

After the runner-up position of "Die Hard 4," the third runner-up "Fake Tenjin" fell by more than 50% in the next week, and only won the weekend box office of 12 million US dollars, and the cumulative box office has just passed four The threshold of 10 made Universal Pictures lose even their underwear. Sure enough, the result of the head-to-head confrontation was that the audience was all attracted by "Ratatouille, one side won a big victory, and the other side was defeated. The fourth "1408 Phantom Space..." won 10 million at the box office, and the cumulative box office has exceeded 40 million, which is a rare victory.

After that, the box office of "Fantastic Four 2" plummeted by 55% again in the third week, which made 20th Century Fox feel cold. It seems that the flame of hope for the sequel is being extinguished little by little. On the contrary, the firmness of "Big Belly" is staggering, and the durability of "Pirates of the Caribbean 3" is also eye-catching.

Just two weeks after its release, "Ratatouille" earned $150 million at the box office. According to this trend, "Ratatouille" is very likely to challenge the box office record of Pixar's most successful work, "Finding Nemo". "Finding Nemo" earned $339 million in North America and $867 million at the global box office, the best result in a decade of Pixar-Disney collaboration. Now, "Ratatouille" is replicating the trajectory of "Finding Nemo" both in word of mouth and box office decline. Whether it can break the record depends on future development.

Of course, the challenges faced by "Ratatouille" are also unprecedented, because in the next two weeks, "Transformers" and "Harry Potter and the Phoenix Ancestor" will come one after another, which will definitely make everyone bewildered. A new wave of box office!

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