Great Artist

Chapter 1659: schizophrenia

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The story of Batman takes place in a virtual Gotham Town, but as we all know, Gotham Town is actually a hint of New York in reality. It's a hassle, just talking about the cost of filming in Gotham is enough to give you a headache

Therefore, Christopher Nolan chose Chicago on the one hand because the high-rise buildings in Chicago have many similarities with New York, on the other hand, because Chicago is located in Illinois, which is located in the Midwest of the United States, and the cost is relatively cheaper.

Of course, what Christopher Nolan could not have expected was that the "Batman Prequel: The Dark Knight" crew actually received strong assistance from the local police department. When the police officers were not on duty, they all appeared on the crew collectively, Acting in movies for free and becoming the most professional extras here to help, it's a big help for the crew

Today, the entire crew moved to the Chicago police station, where they filmed a wonderful scene where the Joker confronts the police and Batman.

At this time, Evan Bell was still dressed as a clown. He was sitting in the prison in the middle. There were three other accomplices in the same "room", and the surrounding police officers were surrounded by iron fences, fully armed The scene of monitoring him is a bit ridiculous.

The clown is already unarmed, the only weapon on his body: the dagger has been confiscated, there is no hard object on his body that can be used as a weapon except a clown costume, and he is also sturdy There were at least 30 police officers surrounding him outside the iron fence. Although it can't be said to be impregnable, it is definitely no problem to fight the clown alone. But even in this situation, all the police officers are still fully armed. Hold the gun in his hand tightly, as if the clown will burst into flames in the next second, bring down everyone present, and then leave calmly.

It's hard to imagine that the clown alone can create this suffocating sense of urgency

The Chicago police officers all brought their own equipment and followed Christopher Nolan's dispatch at the scene. They were scattered and ready to shoot at any time. Everyone saw Evan Bell sitting on the bench of the prison, and they all came up to talk and laugh. writing

"Hey Evan, 'The End of the World' is good this time, when will the sequel be filmed?" Everyone can see the "friendly" smile on Evan Bell's face, although this smile is due to the scarlet lipstick. Becoming a little scary, but overall it's still funny

The scene was still preparing for the filming for a while, and Evan Bell was also relatively relaxed, and said with a smile, "I don't think they are very comfortable when discussing Disney's works on the Warners set." Although watching Evan Bell now The smile is very relaxed, but in fact his heart is using all his strength to press himself, and all the muscles under the clothes are tense

"Haha, shit, we don't care about the bad things about the film company, as long as the movie looks good," the young police officer next to him said foul language and expressed his opinion, and there was a burst of laughter at the scene.

Evan Bell's state of the whole person is very wrong at this time, which is typically due to a state in which two personalities are pulling each other in the brain. It is as if there is a violent Tibetan mastiff in his heart that is gradually losing control. Evan Bell must All the nervous states were tense, so that he could barely control him. It would be Evan Bell for a while and a clown for a while. This kind of pulling of ice and fire made his back soaked with sweat.

In fact, the role of the clown is not cruel. Although he can also use violence, he is keen to grasp the weakness of people's psychology, and then toy everyone with applause. Batman is like this, he is led by the clown. Walking with his nose, even if he can suppress the clown in physical confrontation, he has never been able to really gain the upper hand, and even confronting the clown is very difficult. All situations are controlled by the clown.

At this point, the role of the Joker reminds Evan Bell of Dr. Hannibal, played by Anthony Hopkins in "Silence of the Lambs," who uses high IQ to control all situations in the palm of his hand, while at the same time The fear conveyed by the cruel and ruthless action clown with a dark side and Dr. Hannibal is a trembling from the bottom of the heart, which makes people shudder and creepy

Therefore, even if Evan Bell releases the Tibetan Mastiff in his heart, it will not cause any substantial harm, but that kind of psychological oppression is not a good thing for the police officers who are obliged to help. Evan Bell just let it go, then he will never break through the window paper of this layer of acting

Now Evan Bell is once again experiencing the situation of the high-altitude wire. He stands tremblingly on the wire. The raging winds in all directions make him almost unsteady, as if he may fall into the abyss at any time, but he must use his entire body. strength, control your limbs, control your spirit

"It's the same for me, the movie can make everyone like it, it's better." Evan Bell squeezed out a smile and controlled the turbulence in his heart and the tumult in his brain, not suppressing or dispelling, but It's control, trying to keep both reality and film under control." But I've already played Captain Jack Sparrow three times in a row, aren't you tired of it? I'm tired of repeating myself, this is not a good sign"

"What kind of acting skills are repeated, so profound things are not suitable for us, we just want to have fun, why do we think so much, right?" A cheerful voice sounded from the policeman crowd. After asking, everyone said in succession. "Yes", smiling happily

Evan Bell is experiencing the essence of smiling without laughing. He only feels that there is another mask outside his body that is smiling, but his spirit can't laugh at all. His mind is spinning leisurely: I am Shouldn't the bomb hidden in the stomach of another prisoner be detonated? Or should we test their weaknesses, such as lovers, such as family members, and see the smile on their faces when they are poked at their psychological weaknesses?

Involuntarily, Evan Bell stuck out his tongue and licked his lips. This was really too terrifying and weird. The feeling of "the man-eating demon is salivating again" suddenly leaked out, causing the surrounding laughter to suddenly come out. solidified

Evan Bell's mind replayed the classic scene in "Silence of the Lambs". It was the second time when Agent Clarice went to the mental hospital to see Hannibal, and saw Hannibal sitting quietly behind the iron bars. He stared at the front for a long time with a dull and profound gaze. Suddenly, Hannibal stuck out his tongue and made a "sizzling" sound, as if he was licking some delicious food. There was no dialogue, no extra movement, or even any exaggeration. , but the terrifying strong effect suddenly exploded.

Evan Bell only felt that he seemed to need a little blood to calm down his hot head, so he had no time to pay attention to the state of the police next to him at this time, and he couldn't spend any more energy thinking about what to talk about. At that time, Christopher Nolan's "start shooting" cry saved the surrounding police officers who fell into silence, and also saved Evan Bell

After filming started again, Evan Bell slowly loosened the reins in his heart, and let the Tibetan mastiff in his heart start to show his power. In this scene, the clown was finally caught by the police with a trick and put in jail. But no one can find out the details of the clown, there is no information, everyone is helpless

In this situation, the clown never panicked, not to mention fear, he was like a tourist on a spring outing, looking around comfortably and leisurely, and joined the police officers on the scene to celebrate Jim Gordon's becoming a police officer. among the ranks of the chief inspector

The Joker's understatement and composure formed a stark contrast with the heavily armed around him. When he lowered his head, the smile that was drawn to the upper left at the corner of his mouth made everyone lose control of their sanity and fear almost instantly. submerged himself, even though his reason kept repeating "he's locked up, he's not armed, he's not a threat", but he still can't convince himself

In real life, the Chicago police officers participated in the just as an amateur hobby, expressing their support for Christopher Nolan, so they did not have much research on the so-called performance at all, but at this time At this moment, watching Evan Bell sit calmly in the center of the prison surrounded by iron fences, watching Evan Bell's bright red lips outline an evil and uninhibited arc, everyone can't help swallowing saliva, hearts in their hearts Fear keeps rolling

Is this still Evan Bell? Is it the same Evan Bell who was talking and laughing with everyone just now? No, it is definitely not the same smile, the same arc, but the bloodthirsty between the eyebrows, the madness in the eyes, and the cruelty in the corners of the mouth make the whole smile become the scythe of death.

Such Evan Bell is like a schizophrenic pervert. One second, he was a top star with a bright smile, and the next second he became an evil and terrible murderer. This transformation is too sudden and too violent. People can't accept it at all, but at the same time they sigh, Evan Bell's grasp of the role of the clown is so outrageous

"What are you doing?" The Chicago police officer blurted out and cursed involuntarily. The trembling voice completely revealed the fear in his heart.

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