Great Artist

Chapter 1661: flexible


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The sound of the wind roared in his ears, and there were gusts of wind whistling in all directions. Evan Bell only felt as if he was trapped in an ambush, but he had no sense of fear in his heart. That belonged to Evan Bell's fearlessness. The uninhibited and crazy adventures belonging to the clown are constantly stimulating the secretion of adrenaline, which makes him excited to the extreme, he only feels that the whole world is under his control, that unparalleled control over all situations. are firmly held in the palm of the hand. www.)

When Teddy Bell saw Evan Bell kick his right foot on the railing just now, he was terrified. Although there are railings to block, it is impossible to fall, but the point is that Evan Bell is now moving forward with his eyes closed, and the situation seems to be out of control at any time. As soon as he was in a hurry, Teddy Bell took a big step forward, and then stretched out his hands to protect Evan Bell from front and back. If his brother took another step forward, he would grab Evan Bell directly. This prevents even more dangerous situations from happening.

But fortunately, after Evan Bell kicked his right foot to the railing, he fell down, raised his left foot again, but he controlled it abruptly, then fell down on his right foot, and then stood steadily In place, there is no further progress. This finally made Teddy Bell's heart fall. But the brows are getting closer and closer to the middle. Evan Bell's state is too worrying. If he is really involved in the play too deeply, or he is simply schizophrenic, what should he do? Teddy Bell frowned, looking at Evan Bell, lost in thought.

Evan Bell was another scene at this time. He just felt that the situation was gradually getting back under control, the clown in his heart was screaming frantically, keep going, keep going; while Evan inside was trying to control the situation, stop, stop! Perhaps, this is a little different from the situation where angels and demons surround the ears and righteous and evil struggle within.

But the truth is, Evan Bell is trying to get the situation back under control.

In the end, Evan Bell succeeded. He took one step, another step. One more step, but it didn't go any further. As if he had broken through that layer of window paper, he firmly controlled the situation. The clown's boldness and madness made him close his eyes and move forward recklessly, but at a critical moment, he strangled the Tibetan Mastiff's neck. The shackles on the whole situation hit the pause button in an instant.

Standing in front of the railing, Evan Bell took a deep breath. Then slowly opened his eyes. At this time, Evan Bell realized that he was clinging tightly to the iron railings, leaned out and looked down. The sight of tall buildings and cliffs made people dizzy and dizzy in the shadows, galloping on the road. The noise made by the car was mixed with the wind and hit the eardrum hard. The unbridled wind rushed from the bottom to the top at the speed of the high-speed rail, and hit Evan Bell on the cheek. Whistling past his ears, his wet hair suddenly began to fly up, and Evan Bell could even clearly feel the feeling of his cheeks being lifted up. More seriously. Breathing seemed to be stopped, the rapidly rising airflow dries up the air, and the nose instinctively held its breath in an instant.

But Evan Bell didn't feel panic and nervous at all, his pupils bloomed infinitely, because he finally broke through the shackles, and the whole situation finally fell back into his control. He is expressing the pleasure of the adrenaline exploding at this moment.

The clown's voice in his mind was shouting ragingly, "Jump down, jump down!" Evan Bell outlined a smile on the corner of his mouth, and in a trance, it seemed to be the clown. But in the blink of an eye he turned into Evan Bell again, and he easily cut off the rampant voice in his mind, and the clown suddenly lost his arrogance, and could only soften sullenly.

"Phew..." Evan Bell opened his mouth wide, and the violent airflow rushed from his mouth to his throat, and his entire lungs became extremely cold.

Evan Bell followed the power of the wind. The whole person stood up straight, and the dazzling scene disappeared immediately. Above the flat end of the line of sight was darkness, only the faint moonlight floated in the black dust, and below the flat end of the line of sight was an extremely dazzling and confusing light, blooming. The brightest color.

"Evan, are you okay?" Teddy Bell's voice came from the side, pulling Evan Bell back to reality completely.

Evan Bell looked down, Teddy Bell's right hand was tightly in front of his chest, while his left hand was tightly behind his back. The worry on Teddy Bell's face was revealed without any concealment, and he was indeed frightened by Evan Bell's move of leaning out just now.

Evan Bell took a deep breath twice, "I'm fine, Teddy. I'm really fine." Evan Bell looked at Teddy Bell's eyes seriously and conveyed his inner peace.

Teddy Bell looked at his brother's blue eyes that had calmed down in the dark, and the Joker's madness had disappeared, but the familiar Evan Bell. Although Evan Bell was wearing clown makeup at this time, his eyes had returned to the usual Evan Bell appearance, which made Teddy Bell completely relaxed.

But as soon as he was relieved, Teddy Bell felt that his heartbeat suddenly burst open. Just now, he had been tense because he was too nervous and worried, but now he has completely relaxed all consciousness before returning to his body. This made Teddy Bell suddenly feel a little weak, subconsciously grabbed his brother's shoulder, and then adjusted his center of gravity.

Evan Bell looked at Teddy Bell, who was even consuming more energy than himself, and couldn't help feeling warm. "Teddy, don't worry, I'm fine."

Teddy Bell breathed a long sigh of relief and stood up again. It was only a moment when his feet were weak just now. After adjusting, it was all right. "It's fine, I know you will be fine."

Next, the two of them didn't speak, just stood there quietly, looking at the beautiful night view of Chicago.

Evan Bell is precipitating the feeling just now. To be honest, he has been studying the role of the clown for more than three months. The more he understands, the more madness in his heart will breed. Although Evan Bell has prepared the essence of the clown Grasp it, and the results shown after the filming also made the entire crew look at it with admiration. But because he was too invested, Evan Bell lost control instead.

As the filming progressed, the deeper the understanding of the role of the Joker, the more obvious the signs of Evan Bell's split personality, and it was difficult for him to find the original control and inner balance. But today, when the situation was at its most critical, it was accidentally interrupted by Teddy Bell, and then came to this rooftop and let the wind that was enough to blow people away cooled Evan Bell's brain.

In fact, this is a psychological problem. Actors must hold the boundaries between roles and reality, and grasp all situations in their hands. Rich performance experience, profound acting skills, and solid psychological barriers are indispensable. Otherwise, you will either be trapped in the whirlpool of acting skills all your life, or your personality will be split and you will not be able to distinguish between reality and movies.

Imagine when Anthony Hopkins was filming "Silence of the Lambs," or when Heath Ledger played the Joker in a previous life, Evan Bell didn't know how they got the hang of acting. But they are certainly not people who enjoy crime like the clown, but they all interpret the essence of the role, which is jaw-dropping. Anthony Hopkins relied on his own old ways and experience to control the scene; but Heath Ledger finally left this world after playing the Joker. Although there are many reasons, it is hard not to imagine, maybe The role of the Joker also has an indelible and indelible impact on Heath Ledger's life. Of course, this is just maybe, whether it's a past life or this life, people have no chance to verify it.

Evan Bell doesn't know how Anthony Hopkins and Heath Ledger did it, but he just successfully broke through the psychological barrier, but it is definitely not a problem solved by "a wind blowing from the roof". In fact, this is a process of long-term precipitation and final breakthrough.

Evan Bell has been on Broadway for ten years. This rich performance experience is not available among young people of the same age. This part of life is not important to many people, but it is Evan Bell. One of the most valuable assets in my career, I have had countless opportunities to prove it, and I have proved it again today.

And Evan Bell has been polished again and again through works such as "Sniper Phone 97ksnet Booth", "Adapted Script", "Brokeback Mountain", "Perfume", etc., among which there are many works with Meryl Streep, Robin - Williams, Aaron Rickman, Dustin Hoffman, Leonardo DiCaprio and other talented actors compete on the same This makes him in the In terms of acting skills, he has accumulated enough as an amateur.

In the end, the psychological experience of the two lives, including the in-depth study of psychology during Harvard University, made Evan Bell powerful enough to control the situation.

Superimposing all the situations, plus Teddy Bell's timely help, Evan Bell successfully controlled the situation, broke through the bottleneck of acting again, and the whole person was completely transformed. This seems to be just a situation that you want to understand after blowing the wind on the rooftop. In fact, it is a natural result after countless accumulations, including the previous research on the role of the clown for more than three months.

Now Evan Bell has once again completed another breakthrough in his acting skills in his life and saw a brand new world. Standing in this brand new field, Evan Bell only felt that he could easily control any difficult role in his own hands, and he could clearly interpret it from details to soul, from psychology to life. This feeling of freedom of retraction seems to be like the dewdrops reflected in the sun in the early morning, reflecting the hazy colorful light.

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