Great Artist

Chapter 1664: high spirits

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Evan Bell's voice rang out on the rooftop, the dark night sky couldn't stop the boiling enthusiasm in the chest, the raging wind couldn't stop the unyielding persistence of the heart, and the bone-chilling cold couldn't stop the high-spirited fighting spirit of the soul.

Standing on a high-rise building with dozens of floors, Evan Bell leaned against the railing and sang aloud. In an instant, it seemed as if the whole world had been trampled underfoot. The kind of pride that "goes to the east, the waves scavenge all the romantic characters...", that kind of domineering "in the midst of the feather fan, the ashes will disappear in the conversation..." The waves hit the shore like a mountain and a tsunami.

There is no doubt that this song is only worthy of the name "fighter (ghten! one

Tonight's ease of breaking through the bottleneck of acting skills, the inspiration brought by Rafael Nadal, and the pace of chasing dreams for decades, made Evan-Bell arrogant, and he composed such an atmospheric song in his sway. Spectacular melody.

Perhaps, the song "Fighter" is not as good as the two songs "Tianguang (ent and "Long Live (da, but Evan Bell loves this song as much as any other. song. Because what this song conveys is not the grandeur of nature or the grandeur of history, but the essence of life.

On the long road of life for everyone, many times, we walk alone and lonely. Don't expect others to interpret your heart and identify with your thoughts. You must know that even your family members are separate individuals, and they have their own lives. Therefore, everyone is a different individual, and everyone has their own outlook on life, world outlook, and values. The same Yes, everyone has their own setbacks, difficulties and pain.

Maybe you are lucky to have a confidant who can read you and understand you, but a confidant can't take your place in life.

Life is your own, and you have always been friends, relatives, and lovers. Being able to walk together is naturally the best, but the road under your feet is always your own pace.

So, don't always blame others, don't always give up when you encounter difficulties, and don't always hope that others can help. Because this is your life, a unique life, and in your life, the world never owes you anything. You are just walking on the road of life, but the world has given you all the sky, he is generous enough .

Look at the world from an open-minded perspective. Although life is not satisfactory, please don't forget that each of us is a fighter. We are not afraid of any difficulties and dangers. We can always fight tenaciously and win our own. A day. Maybe the earth will not stop rotating because of the lack of your existence, but in the same way, the huge world always has a sky that belongs to you.

Don't give up hope, don't give up dreams, don't give up hard work, don't give up persistence, don't give up struggle. There is never a lack of sunshine in life, what is lacking is just discovery. So, the world of others will not be dark, and neither will yours.

Perhaps "The Fighter" does not describe nature or history, but this song conveys the most shining existence in life: the will to never admit defeat.

In Evan Bell's life, because he was exposed to the work of an artist, he was under the limelight, and this feeling became more and more obvious. The media, the critics, the audience, the listeners, they're all nitpicking, all the time, they always want to see you fail, they always want to see you fall, they always want to see you down, because you and they don't. In any direct relationship, seeing your ugliness will only serve as a spice in their lives and a contrast to their success.

However, no one is willing to admit defeat, and the spirit of hard work, struggle, struggle, and never giving up has become the only driving force to support. "Give them some color and see, let them face me, until I die, I will live a wonderful life! Give me scars, give me pain, they will only judge me like this, we are brave and brave!" This kind of "let The storm will come more violently..." The fighting spirit is very important to everyone's life!

Looking at the participants of competitive sports, they endured physical pain and mental torment, but they continued to persevere. Those figures who were still galloping on the field even if they were injured, not only represented the honor of honor. The pursuit of , but also on behalf of the constant flash of fighting spirit in their lives. There are not only winners, but also participants.

The 19th Olympic Games was held in Mexico City in the old Oka year. More than an hour after the end of the marathon award ceremony on October 20, it was getting late. The reporters had already left one after another, and the organizing committee also began to notify the workstations along the way to evacuate. But at this time, they learned a surprising news. Someone was still running and continuing to race.

This man was thirty-year-old John-Stephen-Akhwari. Akhwari, from Tanzania, suffered knee and shoulder injuries when he fell in the collision a few kilometers after starting. He was bleeding and enduring pain... limping towards the finish line - in fact, he was already walking slower than the average person.

The audience all returned to the venue, waiting for him to reach the finish line. The Aztec Stadium lights up for him again. In the dark, Ahwari dragged his bleeding leg across the finish line. The audience stood up collectively and gave him a long-lasting thunderous applause.

This scene became one of the greatest in Olympic history, and at the time, Ahwari finished fifty-seventh: because only fifty-seven people finished the game, and eighteen dropped out.

Perhaps, John-Stephen-Akhwari lost the marathon, but he became the winner in life, not wealth or material, but spiritual winner. He is a real fighter!

Life is actually a competition, some people may win wealth, some people may win reputation, some people may win power, but not everyone can win these, more people just live ordinary and ordinary life, then these What do people win? Winning the dream, winning the hope, and winning the happiness is the true meaning of this competition. In the Olympics, participation is victory; in life, too.

So, fighter. Everyone is a fighter in life, don't say victory, don't say success, and survive, this may be the most difficult task, and everyone is working hard for this goal. Therefore, since you have successfully survived, there is no reason to give up other goals. Maybe life is not satisfactory, maybe the society is chaotic and reborn, but even if it is just for yourself, you must continue to fight!

Teddy Bell was standing beside his younger brother, listening to the inspiring lyrics and the exciting melody, only to feel the passion in his chest, and after the high fighting spirit collided in his chest, his eyes could not help but burst into tears. .

"Until the referee's bell rings, until your eyes are swollen, until the audience is gone, boy, what are we going to do next?" The voice shouted, "Battle (ght!

Evan-Bell heard the response from Brother Gou, Lu Yu smiled brightly, and shouted to the night sky in front of him, "Fight!"

Two older kids in their twenties, like little first-grade kids, stood in the tall buildings of Chicago, shouting childishly and idiots into the night sky, "Fight!".

Evan Bell knows that he has come to this day on the road of chasing his dreams, and he will continue to walk and never give up!

Evan Bell recalled the lyrics in his mind and shook his head. There is actually no problem with the lyrics themselves, but there are still big loopholes in the use of words and rhymes. Although he does not know much about rap, he has no problem with appreciating it. He can clearly feel this song "The Fighter". "It's a semi-finished product. There is no problem with the melody and basic lyrics, but it still takes a lot of work to change it to fit the rhythm and style of rap.

Although the entire "Batman Prequel Dark Knight..." crew downstairs was waiting for Evan Bell, but at this time Evan Bell just felt itchy, if he didn't finish the song "Fighter", he would It's a huge pity in general. It’s not that I have endless enthusiasm for rap. After all, rap is a very large category of music style. If you don’t listen carefully to learn chalk, Evan Bell’s previous foundation is no matter how good it Time is also difficult to get started. After all, he is not like those black street people. He seems to be a rap master by nature, and he is a rap at his fingertips.

Evan Bell's regret is mainly for the song "Fighter". First there is a breakthrough in acting skills, and then there is the inspiration of Rafael Nadal. Evan Bell only feels that he must seize this fleeting opportunity. It's like three-quarters of the movie has been watched. If you don't finish the last quarter, there will always be a psychological concern.

If he were to return to the filming crew in this state, Evan Bell estimated that he would still be uneasy. So, Evan "Bell didn't hesitate any longer" and just picked up the phone and called Chester Bennington.

Although Linkin Park is not an authentic type of rap player, Mike Shinoda at least knows better than Evan Bell. In addition, Ryan-Ted in the Republican era also seems to have a good foundation. After all, he is a master of rapper Tim Baran, and he may be able to communicate with Ryan-Ted again in a while.

The phone rang for a while before being picked up, and Evan Bell immediately shouted, "Hey, hey, do you have time? Do you have time?"

Chester-Bennington is all too familiar with Evan-Bell's state of speaking without saying hello. With the excitement and impatience in his tone, he knew that Evan-Bell must have something new. Inspired.

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