Great Artist

Chapter 1667: Take control

Today's first update, please recommend, please read 1

Since Evan Bell has already entered the state, Christopher Nolan did not wait too long, and soon the next scene can be filmed. Under the leadership of martial arts instructors, Evan Bell and Christian Bell began to practice the moves of this scene.

Christian Bale is also a master of acting skills. He was born as a child star. When he was thirteen years old, he starred in the director Steven Spielberg's Empire of the Sun. After entering the 21st century, Christian Bale has relied on American mental patients, X Mechanic, and other works to prove his acting skills, especially in Mechanics, which lost fifty-five pounds in two weeks. Equivalent to one-half of his body weight, his professionalism is admirable. Then came the mystery of the Batman prequels that brought him into the public eye, too. Of course, Evan Bale clearly remembers Christian Bale playing The Fighter in 2010..." The work won him an Otushka for Best Supporting Actor.

Therefore, Christian Bale actually has his own set of methods when it comes to grasping the role. It's just that in this movie, what Batman can dig is far inferior to the clown. Throughout the performance, Evan Bell's performance tension also drives Christian Bale forward.

Christie, I told you, work hard, work hard, otherwise we'll have to shoot this scene so many times, and my head will suffer. , Evan Bell said helplessly. Christian Bale stood in front, apologetic.

At the beginning of this rival scene, there was a violent crash. As soon as Batman appeared, he stood behind the Joker. He grabbed the Joker's head with his hands and slammed it down on the table. Christopher Nolan wanted to use this tone to create a tense atmosphere between the two. However, Christian Bale is always too conservative in the grasp of strength, and has already U three times before and after.

Second, Evan Bell said that fighting scenes are troublesome, such as slapped scenes, such as unilateral beating scenes, all of which are true. There is no deep hatred between the actors, and it is not easy to suddenly treat the other party as the enemy who killed his father. What's more, this is the first time the two actors have met. From greeting to filming, it is only half an hour to really kill red eyes, which is really not that easy.

Christian Bale apologized to Ding X Wember again, and he also knew that if he continued U, the real sufferer would be Evan Bell. In fact, if there is really hatred, it is the smartest way to deliberately U when filming the opponent's play and let the opponent's actors suffer. But Christian Bale and Evan Bell have no hatred. He feels that if he continues to let Evan Bell take the table with his head, then it is estimated that the redness and swelling of Evan Bell's forehead cannot be covered even with clown makeup.

After filming started again, Chrisann Bell clenched his teeth and made a real move. Evan Bell's head hit the table accurately, and the severe pain came clearly. The shocking sound echoed throughout the interrogation room, causing the surrounding staff to wrinkle their faces involuntarily. I wonder if Evan Bell was in pain or not. , anyway, it hurts them to hear the sound.

Worker Stoffer Nolan didn't call out again this time..." His camera was always aimed at Evan Bell, and he planned to shoot this clown scene in one go. Christian Bell knew that he didn't hear any sound this time. Finally succeeded, so he followed the original route, walked from the right side of the interrogation table to the opposite side of the clown and sat down.

Evan Bell's head was buzzing, but it was this state that made him easily enter the clown mode, and the feeling of claws and claws spread like an electric current in an instant.

Evan Bell no, it was the clown who raised his head, he subconsciously touched the aching forehead with the back of his hand, and exclaimed, oh, but it didn't sound like it hurt at all, because the clown then said seriously , never start first, the victim will be dizzy and unable to feel the rest, as if discussing a serious academic issue.

Batman raised his right fist and smashed the Joker's right hand on the table, as if nailing the palm to the table. This violent impact directly interrupted the remaining words of the Joker.

The Joker stopped, as if he was savoring the feeling of his right hand, and then said to Batman calmly, "Look," the subtext is you see, I don't feel it at all.

This kind of cold-blooded X cruelty coming from the face makes people shudder.

You want me, I'm here now. , said Batman.

The Joker looked at the Batman in front of him with deep eyes, as if to see through his soul, and said calmly, as if the two blows just now didn't exist at all, I want to see what you can do, you didn't let him. I'm disappointed you let five people die..." The clown spoke softly, as if he was whispering to his lover, with a satisfied smile on his lips, and then you let Dante take the blame. Even in the eyes of someone like me, You are too cold-blooded. The Joker's tongue is like the tongue of a poisonous snake, constantly exploring the source of the chalky smell, but the expression is full of pity, and the Batman in front of him is like a poor morally lost person. .

Where is Dante? , Batman is unmoved.

Then this gangster idiot wants you to disappear, and then everything goes back to the way they were. But I know the truth, it's impossible to get it back, you changed things. forever. , the clown speaks with a simple movement, and with the rhythm that seems to be absent when he speaks, as if playing a melody R, the art of Huazhou and the content of the clown's words and deeds form a strong contrast.

Then why did you kill me? .

To the Joker, Batman's words sounded like the funniest joke in the world, and he couldn't help laughing. The **** mouth fully burst out. I, I don't want to kill you. What can I do without you? Go back to blackmail that gangster? No, no 1 no no you, you make me whole. .

"Ka" Christopher Nolan's voice spread widely, Evan, this time just now is very good, the next time is perfect, Evan, you mentioned Christie's role, we will shoot from another angle. .

After hearing the voice of Ka, Ding X Wenbell closed his eyes and took a deep breath. The arrogance and wanton in his heart were quietly withdrawn, and returned to the bottom of his heart little by little. Opening his eyes again, Evan Bell returned to his usual appearance. Sure enough, Evan Bell can now be in a state of being able to store it freely. This feeling is really good. It's like a treasure bag for a robot cat. When you want it, take what you want in the box. Take it out, put it back in after use, and take it out the next time you need it. This kind of free and casual comfort makes Evan Bell want to stretch his waist.

Christian Bale has a feeling of indifference. He only thinks that Evan Bell in front of him is like a black hole. There is no need to deliberately sculpt his gestures, and he can show the essence of the character, as if the clown should be born like this. . Unconsciously, Christian Bale could only passively follow Avon Bell's performance, and the rhythm of the entire scene fell under Avon Bell's control. People cannot resist.

Although Evan Bell and Christian Bell were both from England, in the conversation just now, Evan Bell's British accent was not heard at all, and the voice mixed with various emotions was indistinguishable at all. Moreover, Evan Bell's usually unremarkable voice has no traces of carving, it is natural, and it naturally and clearly makes the sense of fear arise spontaneously. These are all invisible performance details, like a big net, which silently captures the audience X and captures the opponent in it, and then is swallowed by Evan Bell's performance.

As the shooting progressed, this feeling of Christian Bernets became more and more obvious. He still couldn't let go of his hands and feet at the beginning, otherwise he would not have NG three times in the first scene, but he belongs to the bat in his heart. The dark side of Xia was gradually awakened under the instigation of Evan Bell or the Joker. Evan Bell is like a master of psychology, who easily grasped the key to Christian Bale's psychological weakness, and then let Christian Bale become a slave without hesitation.

Look, I'm not a strange orchid, I'm just forward-looking. , Evan Bell just finished saying this, Christian Bale couldn't tell whether it was filming or reality, his inner anger burst out like this, he stood up and grabbed it He grabbed Evan Bell's collar and pulled it up angrily. Now he just wants to vent, he just wants to vent all the anger in his heart.

Under this kind of coercion, no one can hide. They only feel that they have been completely seen through, and they can't even think of resisting. In the end, they can only get angry and vent their violence. Since they can't resist psychologically, You can only use physical confrontation to vent your inner suffocation and anger.

In fact, this is Batman's mentality when facing the Joker. Batman was finally provoked by the Joker, so he severely beat the Joker factory. This is the trajectory of the next story.

And Christian Bale didn't need to perform at all, he was aroused by Evan Bell's most primitive reaction in the depths of his heart. Without any backhand, he followed the trajectory of Evan Bell's finger arch and started to do it.

It wasn't until Christopher Nolanka's voice came over that Christian Bale seemed to wake up. He was panting heavily, his right hand was tightly clenched into a fist, the veins on his arm were beating violently, and the blood in his veins was boiling. When he got up, he just felt like a bull that lost his mind.

Evan Bell, who was under control, seemed to have no such self-consciousness at all. He just controlled the situation calmly, and showed a smile, hey, Christie, Chris called 'card', should we change positions? already? .

Ask for a monthly pass 1 Happy White Day everyone 1 hehe. (To be continued [This text is provided by @dWatermelon, the breaking dawn update group]. If you like this work, you are welcome to come to "First Release" to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation.)

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