Great Artist

Chapter 1681: Freedom Tour

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Christopher McCanders - no, it's the Alexander Super Ranger now, he doesn't have a clear goal, just hitchhiking all the way.

After he left, his parents didn't notice anything wrong for a long time, and Christopher's transcripts were sent over the summer at Emory University, all of which were A's. But the subjects chosen are very meaningful: apartheid in South African society, contemporary African politics and the African food crisis. But by the end of July, there was still no news of him at home, and his parents finally started to worry. So they decided to drive to Atlanta to surprise Christopher, but when they got to Christopher's apartment, they heard from the administrator that Chris had moved out in May. Walt and Billie came home to find out that their letters to Christopher had all been returned, because Chris had gone to notify the post office to return them on August 1st, so the parents didn't find any. Clues.

For Karina, she was the one who knew Christopher best, who spent four years fulfilling absurdly tedious responsibilities and finishing college. Now, he's finally freed from a world of hallucinations, frailty, parental discipline, and materialistic desires, from the things that prevent him from experiencing reality.

In August 1990, the Alexander Super Ranger arrived in the Pacific Mountains of northern California, picked up a Straw Hat on Ridge Road, and picked up Rainey and Jane's RV. spent a few days with them. At the time, he was reading Thoreau's "Walden."

During his time with Renee and Jane, Alex - Alexander's nickname - explained his behavior of burning all his money. "I don't need money, money is intimidating."

But Jane was right. "You act cool. But you can't live entirely on leaves and berries."

"And what if you have other needs?" was Alex's answer.

"What about your parents?" Jane asked.

"Living a lie somewhere." Alex grinned sarcastically.

"You're a spoiled child, to be honest." Jane said what most of the audience in the movie theater thought.

Alex didn't care at all, and said calmly, "I'm going to borrow Thoreau's words to explain: it's not love, it's not money, it's not faith, it's not reputation, it's not fairness. Give me the truth." This was his answer. No explanation, but meaningful.

Karina's narration at this time explained, "From childhood to adulthood, there were several fierce disputes in our home every day. The violence we were forced to witness was very real. But it was also like a play. They both When we're judges, we're defendants." Walter and Billie started a business together, and it ran very well. But when they made their first million, their obsession with money added to their blindness and ignorance, which drove their thoughts of divorce. "They held family meetings and let us make choices. Who to live with. Together. We hugged and cried. But they never got divorced, and the arguments and meetings never stopped. Chris and I just ignored them and we said, 'Go, go get a divorce.'"

Perhaps, this explains how the McCanders relationship has evolved to what all viewers have seen before.

Alex put it this way, “The only gift of the sea is the surging waves, and sometimes the opportunity to feel strong. I don’t know much about the sea right now, but I know it applies here, and so do I. Understand how important it is in life: don't have to be strong, but feel strong, and measure yourself at least once. In the oldest environment of human beings, find yourself once.** Facing the silent rock, without any help Outside help, rely only on your own hands and mind."

This is why he abandoned everything and chose to sit by the sea, bathing in the sunset, watching the seagulls all over the sky, and quietly reading Thoreau's books.

After leaving Rainey and Jane, Alex set off on the journey again with the soft humming of the guitar. Alex looked at the apple in his hand and said contentedly, "I mean, you're really good, I mean, you're like... a hundred thousand times better than all the apples I've ever eaten before. "I'm not superman, I'm super stray, you're super apple. You're so delicious, you're so fresh, so natural. You're the only one in my eyes."

If you watch this video alone at other times, I'm afraid everyone will think this is a lunatic and say something out of tune to Apple. But after the first 40 minutes of preparation, the audience in the cinema seemed to have a vague understanding of the thoughts of Alexander's Super Wanderer. It may not be clear, but at least they already understood.

In September, the car Alex abandoned in Arizona was found, and there was no sign that he was trying to get back there, but there was no evidence that he was struggling to resist. Therefore, the police believe that he was abandoned voluntarily. The news comforted Walt and Billie at first, but they soon realized that their son didn't want to be found.

The picture of the story goes back to the part of the magic bus, Alex has been here for three weeks, the rice has started to run out, because it is winter, he can hunt less and less animals, and his waistline It is also gradually shrinking, and the belt buckle is tightened inward little by little. But the good news is finally here, winter is over and spring is coming!

Nineteen months before finding the Magic Bus, after several rides, Alex arrived in South Dakota in September, met Wayne, and helped him drive the harvester on the farm to harvest wheat; and then learned from Kevin how to Hunting, preserving prey and other wild survival knowledge.

"I'm leaving this disgusting society. I don't understand why everyone speaks out against everyone else, I don't understand! Judgment, domination, all of it! Parents, hypocrites, politicians, villains..." Alex said to Wayne complains about it all, which explains why he's fleeing the society. But at the same time, he is contradictory. He needs to learn the knowledge of wild survival, and he also needs to work to earn money, so as to obtain more material resources to enter Alaska.

At this stage, Alex is messy and chaotic, like an adolescent child who escapes from the world on the one hand, but cannot leave it on the other hand. This is different from the situation where he was single-mindedly trying to escape the world some time ago. Should it be said to be mature? Or does it take more power to discover that dreams come true? Or is it full of more disgust for the family in this society? Fortunately, Alex's yearning for Alaska has not changed.

"You're wrong, it's wrong to think too much about this." This was Wayne's answer, looking at Alex with concern, "Alex, you are a young man. Man. But I assure you, you should really be full of energy all the time, but you're just a little..." Unfortunately, Wayne didn't continue his words and was interrupted by the bartender.

As for the McCanders' side, they found through tax investigation that Christopher had donated all of his savings, and there was no consumption after that. So Walter and Billie embark on what they call a search operation. They hired private investigators and notified law enforcement across the country, determined to find their son.

At the same time, Karina's narration delivered another shocking news. When Christopher drove across the United States, at his friend in California, he accidentally discovered that the stories of his parents about their love and marriage were all lies, carefully crafted lies. In fact, when Walt and Billie met, Walter was already married, and even after Chris was born, Walter kept both families alive at the same time. The fact that Walter and his ex-wife Marcia have a son, Martha, and they are still legally married, makes Karina and Christopher an "illegitimate child." But Walter's arrogance makes it easy for him to forget the hurt he's inflicted on others, and Billie, with the shame and embarrassment of a young mistress, becomes an accomplice in this lie!

"Their false marriage, and the denial of the existence of their other son, Martha, for Chris, kills the reality of every day. It makes all of Chris' previous life seem like an illusion. Karina said.

At this time, the audience seemed to understand why Christopher McCanders, who has changed his name to become the Alexander Super Wanderer, left this "hypocritical world" so resolutely.

In South Dakota, Alex encountered another change. Wayne was arrested for privately connecting to satellite TV, which forced Alex to end his leisurely life. With the field knowledge he learned, Embark on a wandering journey again. This time, Alex chose the raft.

Alex wanted legal access to the Colorado River, but was refused because "this requires a permit" and to wait for this permit from the state, he had to wait twelve years! Twelve years!

So Alex decided to go private, he got a raft, and with absolutely no experience, he took the raft into the Colorado River. This was also the most thrilling experience for Alex since his departure. The turbulent river almost engulfed him many times, but he still mastered the skills smoothly.

On the riverside, Alex met Metz and Sonja from Copenhagen, and under their introduction, he decided to go west through the Hoover Dam to Mexico! This is a crazy decision! Under the pursuit of the police, Alex went all the way west, along the Colorado River, into the Topok Gorge Havasu National Ecological Reserve, and finally reached the Sea of ​​Cortez in December 1990. , enter Mexico through the spillway of the Morelos Dam, then drag a raft across the desert and hitch a ride to Goover Bay!

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