Great Artist

Chapter 1692: entanglement of interests

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Patrick Varron also came by car, so he and the Bell brothers arrived at the Four Seasons Hotel in two separate cars.


After the car was parked, Evan Bell and Patrick Varone had a friendly chat and walked to the 24-hour coffee shop on the top floor.


"Seeing that you have worked hard for a day and still can't rest, don't let the media know about this, otherwise I will be blamed by your fans." Patrick Varone's attitude is still very kind and friendly, said with a smile.


Evan Bell also smiled, "You didn't blame me for waiting all afternoon, that's my honor."


At this time, Teddy Bell also came. He just went to the hotel and explained that no reporters should approach him. Teddy Bell was instructed by Evan Bell, knowing that today Patrick Varone is estimated to have a major incident. If the reporter broke the news in advance, it is estimated that the involvement will be too extensive. Fortunately, the Four Seasons Hotel has always been excellent in terms of security, and Teddy Bell quickly carried out Teddy Bell's orders. After confirming that no reporters were nearby, Teddy Bell walked up.


Patrick Varron glanced at Teddy Bell, gestured with a smile, and then continued, "Actually, Michael originally planned to come with me, but later felt that the goal was too big, and finally gave up, he asked me to A greeting." Michael was referring to Michael Winship, president of the Eastern Writers Guild of America.


In fact, Evan Bell really joined the Eastern Screenwriters Guild, because the headquarters joined the union in New York after the script of "Mysterious Skin" was written in New York. So, taking it all into consideration, Michael Winship came to look for Evan Bell, indeed, his goal was a little bigger, but Patrick Varone was more likely to confuse the public even if he was discovered, and he had a shirk.


"Oh, it seems that this time is still a big deal. You and Michael are actually teaming up. I don't know how I can help?" Evan Bell didn't keep going around in circles, but went straight to the topic.


Hearing Evan Bell's words, Patrick Varron couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief. As we all know, Evan Bell is a tough guy. If you want to go around in circles or entangle over interests, then Patrick Varron It's really a headache. Although he is not afraid to play against Evan Bell, today he hopes to bring Evan Bell to the screenwriter camp, and naturally he doesn't want the atmosphere to be too stiff. So, Evan Bell first softened his words, which could not have been better for Patrick Varron.


"Yes, something did happen." Patrick Varron couldn't help but glanced at Teddy Bell. He didn't distrust Teddy Bell. Who in the entertainment industry doesn't know that the Bell brothers are the real profit. representative. But Patrick Varron has always positioned Teddy Bell as a producer, and this time it is the Producers Union that is on the opposite side of the Screenwriters Union, so he is inevitably a little worried.


Evan Bell saw this look in Patrick Varron's eyes, and although he didn't quite understand the specific reason, he still smiled, "Teddy didn't join any union. He is much more relaxed than me, at least he doesn't have to be here late at night at two o'clock in the morning. talks."


Evan Bell's ridicule made Patrick Varone laugh, but he was relieved, "Evan, this is the way it is. You know, the development of online video in the past two years, now digital video It has already started to make a profit.”


Evan Bell sighed inwardly. No wonder Patrick Varron was so careful to find him and even spent an afternoon waiting in the crew. It turned out that Eleven Studio was one of the core points of controversy this time. The competition for related interests caused by the rise of YauTube is really a complicated issue, because the interests involved in YaWTwbe bear the brunt of Eleven Studios, but not only Eleven Studios, but all videos including and Google Video. Websites, as long as they put their own works on the Internet and hope to make a profit, will be involved.


"We at the Screenwriters Guild believe that production companies must reformulate the way of dividends for TV and film interests, and provide the proportion of screenwriters, especially with regard to the income of emerging media such as the Internet and mobile devices." Patrick-Vallone said seriously, But it has been paying attention to Evan Bell's expression, which is also impossible. The screenwriters' union has to talk about salary this time, and the first thing is to stand against Eleven Studio, and the funny thing is that Evan Bell is now again. The most charismatic screenwriter in the Screenwriters Guild, so Evan Bell's position is very important. They must understand Evan Bell's attitude, so that they can formulate the wording of the screenwriters' union's future statement, "Currently screenwriters can receive 1.2% of the income from watching TV and movies online, but the online download part is not. It's zero, which is a huge blow for us writers."

Evan Bell is indeed a screenwriter, but his screenwriting works are really not many, that is, six - plus "Wild Survival" and "Blood Will Come", and the income management part has always been Teddy -Bell is managing for Vin-Bell. Evan Bell's income is very extensive, from copyright, copyright and other intellectual property rights, to recordings and movie dividends, so the two Bell brothers have not paid too much attention to the income of screenwriters.


After hearing Patrick Varron's words, Evan Bell glanced at Teddy Bell to verify the correctness of the dividend ratio. Teddy Bell nodded in confirmation. Evan Bell couldn't help being a little surprised, surprised at the low dividend ratio.


However, Evan Bell did not rush to respond, but thought for a while, and said, "Patrick, I know what you mean, but it should not only be the Internet and emerging media, right? The interests that the screenwriter wants to fight for. , is there only this part?" Patrick Valron's words just now were actually aimed at YauTdbe, it seems that today's negotiation is just a matter between the Screenwriters Guild and Eleven Studios, but in fact, Evan Bell knows , this is the entanglement of interests between the entire screenwriters union and the producers' union. It is definitely not that simple. Eleven Studio is only a part of it.


Patrick Varron doesn't care about the failure of his transfer target plan. It would be strange if Evan Bell was so fooled. He smiled and said, "Yes, the most important thing is the DVD sales dividend, and the second is the network dividend. , a total of more than a dozen projects are involved in the redistribution of benefits.”


Patrick Varron took a sip of coffee and let himself slow down a little to avoid being led by Evan Bell, "You know, in 1984, we had a terrible lesson. For videotape, D and other technologies, the screenwriter's dividend is less than 1%, which means that the twenty-dollar benefit is only three cents in the screenwriter's hands." Patrick-Varron still spoke very smoothly, trying his best to put himself All the contents in his head are expressed, but his eyes are always watching Evan Bell's demeanor, but unfortunately he can't see much. It is far more than the box office revenue of the movie theater, but we have not received a positive response to our request to increase the dividend ratio. Therefore, this time we will not make the same mistake again.”


In the final analysis, it is actually because the Screenwriters Guild believes that the screenwriter's income is not proportional to the pay, especially in terms of the additional income generated by emerging, the Producers Association - that is, the major film companies are reluctant to let go and share this part of the benefits with screenwriters. Especially last year and this year, the strong rise of YauTwbe touched the core issue of the uneven distribution of benefits in the DVD market in the past decade, which ignited the patience of the screenwriters union, who decided to stand up for their reasonable rights. stand up!


According to statistics, the annual sales of film and television DVDs have reached 16.4 billion US dollars, while the income of online sales of paid download movies is about 1.58 billion US dollars, and TV programs are 1.94 billion US dollars— — Among them, Yahoo contributed more than 75% of the sales. Moreover, these numbers are expected to continue to explode in the next few years, and the innovation brought by Phane is everyone's eyes.


In fact, the DVD market in the United States is quite large, and this is the main source of interest for major Hollywood film companies. There is a view in the industry that has been enthusiastically sought after: the development of the film industry will gradually shift to the DVD field in the future, and the film box office revenue will continue to increase. Into the small end, even the release of the movie will be a promotional link for the DVD release. And judging from the current state of film development, this is indeed the case.


So, how much can screenwriters earn at present? Patrick Valron just gave the 1.2%, this data is too cheap, and it is completely incomparable with the positions of actors, directors, producers, etc., and the role of the screenwriter But it is not inferior to other positions, and even without the series of screenwriters, other positions are difficult to cook without rice. Therefore, the Screenwriters Guild has sufficient reason and confidence to demand its own rights.


This time, the Writers Guild of America is fighting against the Film and Television Producers Union. In short, it is an organization composed of studios, radio, television and independent producers, hoping to persuade major film companies to make DVD and online media belong to the The screenwriter's dividend increases the ratio!


"Evan, Writers Guild of America earns about $60,000 a year on average, and the vast majority of them earn less than $40,000, and you can see why we're so desperate to re-scale our dividends. ." Patrick Varron said earnestly, looking at Evan Bell earnestly.


Evan Bell heard the figure of "$40,000" in annual income and couldn't help but feel a little sad, which is lower than the average income of American citizens. Many people feel that the entertainment industry is colorful and seems to have infinite good yearning, but behind this piece of music and dance, in fact, there are more people struggling in the line of life.


"Evan, what do you think?"


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