Great Artist

Chapter 1707: Wandering Gotham

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Say it and do it. The preparations for shooting a music video are not too complicated. One camera and a group of actors can go into battle. In 2007, Evan Bell's action in the music field was really lackluster, only releasing two singles "American Secret (an- and "Firefly (e', at the urging of Warner Bros., "four". "This album's fifth single "Like the first time (me was launched, and it will be released before Christmas, but Evan Bell has an idea for the music video for this song, but it has not been released. Time to shoot. Today, I finally got this time and motivation, and the filming of the music video is finally done.

Evan-Bell and Anne-Hathaway walked south along Broadway, along with Emma-Watson and Teddy-Bell, as well as a five-person work team. Tourists generally walk and play, heading in the direction of the Statue of Liberty.

In the busyness of New York, apart from the paparazzi, no one cares whether it is a world star, a third-rate actor, or a top talent on Wall Street, and the paparazzi have recently been overwhelmed by the screenwriter's big slap. , so there is not much mind to catch the tidbits. In addition, the media reporters knew that Evan Bell stayed at home and did nothing recently, so today's trip was not accompanied by reporters, which is really a rare thing.

Evan-Bell chose Emma-Watson as the heroine of the music video "Like the First Time". Although it was a temporary idea, it was indeed very suitable. Not long after departure, Evan-Bell started Encourage Teddy Bell to be the lead actor in this music video so he can also arrange some kissing scenes or something.

But Teddy Bell was naturally not so gullible, "No! Evan, I said, no!" Teddy Bell categorically rejected the proposal.

Evan-Bell knew that in fact, the Bell family members were all stubborn. If they were really cruel, it would be difficult for anyone to convince them. Teddy and Bell's reluctance to be the male lead in the music video was also expected. On the one hand, Teddy Bell is very disgusted to appear on the big screen. Since Evan Bell's debut, the only time Teddy Bell has really appeared on Ping Twilight is the "Just a Dream (ta.dnema music. At the end of the video, the music video is the result of the collaboration between the two Bell brothers and Anne Hathaway, and it is still one of the classics treasured by fans.

On the other hand, Evan Bell guessed that his brother probably didn't understand his own heart. If he forced Teddy Bell and Emma Watson together, it might be self-defeating. In matters of love, although it is said that you should take the initiative to pursue your own happiness, but more often, it is a good way to let nature take its course.

So after Evan Bell said it three times and was firmly rejected by Teddy Bell, he didn't say any more. If it wasn't for Evan and Bell to instigate him here, someone else would convince Teddy Bell, and it is estimated that Teddy Bell would shoot him directly the second time. Don't look at Teddy Bell, who is usually honest and honest, and his decisive and ruthless killing is really frightening.

Evan Bell's "Like the First Time" music video was actually the original source of inspiration for this song. Evan Bell was in a café next to a Broadway theater when he overheard a story from two Irishmen, David Best and Dale Wells.

Just like countless people have one, the "American Dream", many people feel that they can realize their lifelong dreams by going to the United States, and even desperately hope to set foot on this land full of golden seeds and dreams. But only those who really live in the United States know that the United States is actually a place that eats people without spitting out bones. There are far more grievances than people think.

Although Catherine Bell came to the United States only after she was forced to stimulate her potential, isn't this crazy idea of ​​the "American Dream" without influence? Fortunately, Catherine-Bell finally persevered and truly created a world of her own here. The two Irishmen, David Best and Della Wells, were not so lucky. They came to New York with full of blood to find their own American dream. The cruelty crushed the two to the point where they could barely fight back.

"I almost died just to fill my stomach." These words are the words that Evan Bell saw on the postcard of Della Wells, and it is unforgettable. This sentence awakened Evan Bell's childhood memories of Catherine Bell, so the song "Like the First Time" was born.

"Life is so hard, it's going to drive us crazy, but baby please don't give up on me." Such lyrics come from "Like the first time." But it comes from the beasts and struggles of Dale Wells, Davy Best's life. When the pressure is about to break us, we have no choice but to rely on each other for life, and if the other half we love also abandons us, then we will face the end of being engulfed by a cruel society, even No scum is left.

In his mind, Evan Bell completed the story of David Best and Delawares, and shot it into a music video of "Like the First Time". Yin Ran Teddy Bell was unwilling to act, so Evan Bell could only play by himself. In fact, Evan-Bell is still a little awkward. After all, if everything goes well, there must be something between Emma-Watson and Teddy-Bell, and then go to play a couple with Emma-Watson, It feels so weird. Evan-Bell even thought about whether to cast members of Outlaws.

But think about it carefully, in fact, Evan-Bell is also a veteran actor, although his acting career is only less than seven years. But in the process of acting, it is always like this, and there will be various situations, and after the actor is completely involved in the role, his identity in reality should not exist, but incarnate into a role. Therefore, although Emma-Watson is somewhat special, it is not the most special one. At the beginning, Evan-Bell and Anne-Hathaway both filmed "Brokeback Mountain." Not to mention this time with Emma-Walter Sen is just shooting a music video, nothing more.

In addition, even if you are looking for members of the extrajudicial fanatics, they are all familiar friends, so embarrassing will still be embarrassing. And Emma-Watson is an actress, and the actors who will play in the future don't know who they will be! Therefore, in the end, Evan Bell went into battle in person.

"Emma, ​​don't be too conscientious, just treat it as your first time in New York and get to know the city little by little." Evan-Bell, carrying the camera, shouted to Emma-Watson who was walking in front. Shooting a music video is much easier than a movie, and Evan-Bell doesn't plan to use sharp editing to create effects, just to tell a story flatly, so it's not difficult to shoot.

Anne-Hathaway and Teddy Bell followed behind. It didn't look like they were here for work at all. They were in a state of complete relaxation. Anne Hathaway just came out of "Rachel's Wedding", and the whole mood is a little depressed. She knows that Evan Bell will propose to go out today and shoot a music video is one thing, let herself It's also one thing to relax, so she enjoys this feeling very much.

"Teddy, how long has it been since we took a good stroll in Gothic Town?" Anne Hathaway looked at the busy Manhattan with a relaxed smile on her face.

Although the architecture of the city is always the same, it is wonderful that if you stop and look at it. You can always see the different charms that belong to this city. Although Anne Hathaway has no research on architectural design, she can feel the characteristics of a city with Evan Bell.

Teddy Bell took her eyes back from Emma Watson's body embarrassingly, and then followed Anne Hathaway's line of sight. The Hudson River could be vaguely seen on the right hand side. , the soil on the river is covered with a layer of golden light, and looking at the place where the water and the sky meet along the seagulls flying off the water, you can see the slightly gray sky. The sky in New York is always like this. It's not blue enough, and it's always cut into tofu cubes by high-rise buildings, but when I see it repeatedly, it still makes people feel fascinated.

"It's been a long time." Teddy Bell couldn't help but sigh, living in this city since childhood, New York is more like their hometown than The streets here are full of their memories. "I also walked with Evan once this winter road. When we just arrived in New York, Catherine held our hands and stood in Port Elizabeth, staring blankly at the Statue of Liberty, knowing that this is the United States. But we don't know where our future is."

The Statue of Liberty, as a New York landmark, seems to be a must for every tourist. But as a New Yorker, people don't always come here for sightseeing. The so-called sightseeing actually distinguishes tourists from citizens. As part of the city of New York, people don't care much about the Statue of Liberty. Teddy Bell came to New York for so many years, and it was only today that he walked to the Statue of Liberty again. This feeling is really special.

Anne-Hathaway also said, "In fact, New York is still worth a visit, but we live here every day, but we miss a lot of the city's scenery."

Hearing this, Teddy Bell couldn't help laughing, "That's what Evan often said." As a student of the Department of Architecture and Design, Ebon Bell always likes to walk through the buildings in the city. The international metropolis is no exception. Every time you walk, you can find a different beauty of the city. But Teddy Bell, Anne Hathaway, and others don't have this kind of leisure time. Today, they unexpectedly discovered a different kind of tranquility hidden under the busy coat of Geli Town.

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[Unfinished to be continued "This text is provided by the breaking dawn update group @红 Chenranshao". If you like this work, you are welcome to ◣First Release◥ to vote for recommendation and monthly tickets. Your support is my biggest motivation. 】

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