Great Artist

Chapter 1756: meaning of kiss

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Evan-Bell walked slowly along the Berlin Wall, but Natalie-Portman did not keep up. She and Evan-Bell ran in the opposite direction, and the two walked away in opposite directions.


Meeting before the famous "Brother Kiss" graffiti on the Berlin Wall is a situation that neither Evan Bell nor Natalie Portman had imagined. But then again, this time at the Berlin Film Festival, Evan Bell's "There Will Be Blood" and Natalie Portman and Scarlett Johansson's "Another Boleyn Girl" are all participating film, so it is absolutely no surprise that the two appeared in Berlin at the same time. It's just that Evan Bell came to Berlin ahead of schedule, and Natalie Portman also came to Berlin ahead of schedule, and it was a real accident that the two met at a place full of history like the Berlin Wall.


Berlin is a city with a fixed population of more than three million, and hundreds of thousands of tourists come here during the Berlin Film Festival. Evan Bell and Natalie Portman are swimming in the sea. It is fate that the little fish can actually meet.


However, neither Evan Bell nor Natalie Portman is the type who is so excited when he meets a stranger in a foreign land. On the contrary, both of them enjoy the comfort of walking in the city alone. and comfortable. So, it was just a short conversation, and then the two people staggered past.


"I'm going to move on, how about you? Miss Portman."


"It's a good weather for a walk alone, isn't it? Mr. Bell."


Evan Bell went north, Natalie Portman went south, and the two walked in different directions along the Berlin Wall. The two of them didn't look back, didn't deliberately pay attention to the direction the other was leaving, and didn't pay attention to each other's actions. Everything seemed to be calm, and the encounter just now was just a brief moment in the journey. I still follow my own pace, watching the graffiti on the Berlin Wall stop and go, and finally disappear around the corner, never to be seen again.


Walking along the Berlin Wall, you can clearly see the historical footprint of Berlin. From the 1950s to the 21st century, when you walk to the Potsdam Square, where the Berlin Wall divides, you can see New Berlin is booming.


In fact, the earliest Potsdam Square was just a simple crossroads. Later, as the railway station settled here, the Potsdam Square gradually developed into the bustling central area of ​​Berlin, and became synonymous with the vitality of the city. However, in the Second World War, the Guangchangchang suffered serious damage. Because it is not at the junction of the United States, Britain, France, and the Soviet Union, and the Berlin Wall traverses the Guangyuan, it is a bustling city center. After the war, it was reduced to an uninhabited quarantine area.


Until the 1990s, after the Berlin Wall was torn down, a Daimler City was built here, including office buildings, residential buildings, opera houses, casinos and other facilities. With the passage of time, driven by Daimler City, restaurants, shopping malls, and movie theaters have all taken root here, and the speciality of the quarantine area during the war has left the square field with special features that cannot be seen in other areas. scene. The traces of history are actually hidden in every corner of the Potsdam Square. Therefore, it has regained its vitality and became the most attractive place in New Berlin.


Evan Bell returned to the Potsdam Square, not only because he walked here along the Berlin Wall, but also where the Grand Hyatt Hotel is located. The annual Berlin Film Festival uses this Grand Hyatt Hotel as the base camp. The places where the exhibitors are staying and where the press conferences are held are all here.


However, Evan Bell has no plans to go back to the Grand Hyatt Hotel yet. Instead, he found a seat in the open-air coffee shop next to the green space of Guangluchang, ordered a cup of coffee, and quietly enjoyed the lazy three o'clock in the afternoon. of sunlight.


Afternoon tea time in Berlin is not as cosy as London or Paris. Even in the prime time of afternoon tea, it is rare to see people dressed in grand clothes, sitting elegantly at the table and savoring the comfort brought by desserts and black tea. On the contrary. More people are dressed in formal clothes for work. After slowing down to enjoy a cup of coffee or a cup of black tea, they quickly rejoined the crowd. The tough lines that are revealed even when sipping coffee may be the characteristic of the city of Berlin.


Natalie-Portman breathed the special air that only belongs to this city, and felt the special touch brought by the fit between the soles of the feet and the city road, and finally found one in an open-air coffee shop next to the green space of Potsdam Square. Position, temporarily paused his footsteps.

But before Natalie Portman could relax, the waiter brought a piece of Black Forest cake and whispered, "This is given to you by that gentleman." Natalie Portman was a little surprised. , her first reaction was to refuse, "No, I don't need it." Natalie Portman always doesn't like pastries or beer sent by strangers.


The waiter stood there and explained with a smile, "This is a homemade cake in our store."


Natalie Portman's German is very fluent, and she taught a large part of Evan Bell's German at the beginning. "Sorry, I don't want it, please take it away, thank that gentleman..." Nata Li-Portman followed the instructions of the waiter and looked over. Not far away, a young and handsome man raised a coffee cup in his hand to her, and there was also a piece of Black Forest cake on the man's table, "... Good intentions." Natalie Portman's words were still finished, but after a slight pause, she slowed down.


When the waiter heard Natalie Portman's words, she didn't continue to speak, but picked up the cake again and prepared to take it away. Natalie Portman couldn't help but murmured, "Oh, German man." If this was in France, the waiter would have said a few more words, at least a little longer, when she and the man who delivered the cake had After a simple exchange, do the action. Unfortunately, this is Germany.


Natalie Portman raised her right hand to stop the waiter's movement, "Let's put it down." The waiter still didn't have much response, just put the Black Forest Cake down again and left. This is the advantage of German men. If it is France, the waiter will inevitably look up and down Natalie Portman, and maybe he will sigh about the fickleness of women.


Natalie Portman looked up at the man sitting not far away - Evan Bell, pouted, pointed to the cake in front of her, and said, "Butter?" Natalie Portman was A vegetarian, she doesn't eat butter.


Evan Bell raised a smile at the corner of his mouth. He didn't speak, but raised his brows with a puzzled look. Then he lowered his head to enjoy his cake.


Natalie Portman had no choice but to call the waiter over, "Is there butter in this cake?"


"No." The waiter replied, "The gentleman himself explained that he didn't need butter."


Natalie Portman was relieved, but she couldn't help thinking that he still remembered. Just as Natalie Portman's thoughts were rolling, a figure sat down directly in front of her. She looked up, and it was Evan Bell.


Evan Bell seemed to sense the doubts in Natalie Portman's eyes, and explained with a smile, "Don't get me wrong. I'm worried that the media will see it, and tomorrow I will say that I have a dispute with you. This is really true. A troublesome thing."


Natalie Portman scooped a bite of the cake with a fork and put it in her mouth, "Then sit down, the media is going to talk about the scandal again, what should I do?"


Evan Bell shrugged, "Gossip is old news, don't worry." The scandal between Evan Bell and Natalie Portman has long been out of fashion. Recently, Evan Bell and Ai The Ma-Watson scandal, God knows what the media think.


Although the two hadn't seen each other for a while, every time they met, they seemed to have endless topics to talk about, and there was no embarrassment at all. Others thought that the two were about to fight. But the next second, they looked at each other and laughed.


Before I knew it, the sun in Berlin had already started to set in the west. It was only a little after four o'clock. It got dark earlier in Berlin in February.


"Are you going back to the hotel?" Natalie Portman asked.


"No, Leo and I are going to sit at the bar." Evan Bell obviously had already made arrangements. Leonardo DiCaprio and Evan Bell arrived in Berlin on the same flight.


Natalie Portman was apparently taken aback by this, "That's fine, I hope you have a great night at the bar. Women can have it, but it's okay to fight." Natalie Portman's The teasing made Evan Bell smile.


The two stood up, Evan Bell leaned over, and planned to say goodbye to each other after a simple face-to-face salute with Natalie Portman, but the rhythm of the two seemed to be a little staggered, Evan Bell's The lips accidentally touched Natalie Portman's lips.


In fact, kissing is nothing to two people, they have done countless physical explorations before. But After the lips of the two touched, they could not help but explore each other, feeling the softness and fragrance of the lips, and the feeling of electric shock made both of them shudder.


The two separated their lips at the same time. Natalie Portman's beautiful eyes were a little misty, and they looked at Evan Bell motionless. The strings in her heart were completely broken just now. ; Evan Bell's azure blue eyes also concealed a deep and invisible surging, so he looked at the past deeply.


The two stared at each other for a while, then Evan Bell stepped back a little and showed a faint smile, "Then, I hope you have a good night."


Natalie-Portman nodded and took a while, "Have a nice night!"


Evan Bell paused for a moment, then turned and left. Natalie Portman stood there and watched Evan Bell leave. This time, she did not choose to turn around directly, but looked at Evan Bell's back quietly. Involuntarily, Natalie Portman raised her right hand and touched her numb lips, and her heartbeat suddenly became fierce again.


Natalie Portman tried to close her eyes and take a deep breath to calm herself down, but she failed. Even though Evan Bell's back disappeared from sight, her heartbeat was still chaotic.


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