Great Artist

Chapter 1763: Continued

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The 50-year-old Grammys are facing a crisis, and the 58-year-old Berlin Film Festival is not much better. The situation has continued throughout the film festival, and people can't help but worry about the future development of this event, one of the three largest film festivals in Europe. prospect.


The situation is slightly different from the Grammys. The biggest crisis of the Berlin Film Festival is that it is not commercialized and attractive enough. What is even more terrifying is that under the name of "Scholarly Symposium", the competition of participating films of the Berlin Film Festival is not enough. The rapid decline has sounded the alarm.


This is a vicious circle. If the attraction and commercialization are not enough, the entries cannot be attracted; the quality of the entries declines, resulting in insufficient awards; Sex starts to decline, and attractiveness and commercialization will hit rock bottom again.


This is the biggest problem facing the Berlin Film Festival so far.


The chairman of the jury at this year's Berlin Film Festival, Costa-Gavas, won the Best Director Oscar for his political thriller "Focus News" as early as 196, and at the Berlin Film Festival in 1990, he also won the Best Director Oscar for his film "Focus". "Music Box" won the Golden Bear Award, but the director, who is 75 years old this year, has seen a decline in film production this year and has not released a good film for a long time. out of touch.


The temporary abstention of the two judges is disrespect to the Berlin Film Festival, disrespect to other judges, and disrespect to Costa-Gavas. This has caused doubts after the opening of the Berlin Film Festival.


Later, the release of the competition film "Heart Fire" actually caused boos from the audience, which is really a very rare situation. "Heart Fire" is a film supported by the Berlin Film Festival Fund, which is completely in line with the theme of the Berlin Film Festival, but has no realistic basis and completely overrides people's sense of morality over itself. When the film was released, the audience's boos were the best response, and then the media was merciless and criticized the film for its flawless appearance.


Not only "Heartfire", but the overall quality of the competition films at the Berlin Film Festival has been questioned. Although there are excellent works such as "Blood Will Come", the average quality is still disgusting. Overall, this year's Berlin Film Festival's selection has improved a lot compared to the past two years, but it is still a long way from Cannes and Venice.


Taking the Cannes Film Festival as an example, although it has always been a commercial opening, its liveliness can be called an annual scene, and the authority of the Palme d'Or has always been challenged. However, the average quality of the films exhibited and entered at the Cannes Film Festival is the best among the three film festivals because it has enough attention and can attract more publicity. In any industry, although art is very important, life and physical needs are equally important, and film is no exception.


In recent years, the situation of the Berlin Film Festival has become more and more cold. It has always adhered to the high and low line of academic seminars, so that the Berlin Film Festival, which originally enjoyed the reputation of "the first of the three major film festivals", gradually lost its vitality. Business and art are two inseparable parts. The Grammys are the same, the Oscars are the same, and so are the three major European film festivals. The Berlin Film Festival, where there is only art without commerce, now even the art on which it is famous has begun to decline and falls behind the Cannes Film Festival, which started with commerce. .


Concretizing the broad theoretical knowledge of these backgrounds into a scene on the red carpet can clearly feel the situation. When Martin Scorsese and the Rolling Stones took the red carpet, fans and reporters on both sides were caught in the middle. Crazy, but there is no grand red carpet ceremony, no formal interview session, just walk through the red carpet before and after, everything is drawn to an end, people's emotions have not reached their peak, they are cut off, no wonder The reporters would boo everywhere, hoping that the stars could stay for a while longer; no wonder the fans would be disappointed, because the film festival is close to them but cannot get close contact, it is still close at hand and far away.


It can be seen from this that the Berlin Film Festival, where art and business are severely divided, is not lacking starlight, but lacking a platform for nurturing and promoting starlight. Gone are the days when wine was not afraid of deep alleys. Even beggars begging on the street have to learn how to shout.


The Berlin Film Festival has already aged ahead of time - faster than both Cannes and Venice, if it does not make a drastic transformation like Venice or highlight new insights in the selection and awarding of awards, if it continues to divest business, or it will be the road of high and low. All the way to the end, then the Berlin Film Festival is indeed a bleak future.

On February 16th, the ever-increasing Berlin Film Festival finally ended the participation journey of the 58th edition and officially came to an end. On February 17, the closing ceremony and awards ceremony was officially held at the Grand Hyatt Hotel in Potsdam Square. On the red carpet of the closing ceremony, the appearance of Evan Bell and Leonardo DiCaprio is undoubtedly the brightest moment, but there is still a feeling of hustle and bustle, which makes people feel more


The Berlin Film Festival, which has been stumbling throughout the festival's participation, is still criticized even at the final awards ceremony.


The first issue is the Outstanding Artistic Achievement Award, which is set up to recognize the outstanding artistic means in the film. Photography, screenwriting, performance, art direction, soundtrack, costume, etc. are all in the scope of recognition. This year, the award went to the score for "There Will Be Blood", becoming Evan Bell's first award on stage at the Berlin Film Festival.


Then the Best Actor Silver Bear Award was won by the Iranian film "Song of the Sparrow", the Best Actress Silver Bear Award was won by Mike Lee's "Careless", and the Best Screenplay Silver Bear Award was awarded to "Left and Right" by Chinese director Wang Xiaoshuai.


What is really surprising is that "Blood Will Come", which has received rave reviews at the Berlin Film Festival from the beginning of its release, actually missed the Golden Bear Award, and instead was awarded the Best Director Silver Bear Award to Evan Bell. , this is definitely the number one unpopular. The American documentary film "Standard Process" won the Jury Prize, and Brazilian director Jose Patia's directorial debut "Elite Force" beat Evan Bell and was awarded this year's Golden Bear.


It is worth mentioning that "Elite Troops" was the box office champion in Brazil last year, and "Blood Will Come" was also very good at the box office. It can be seen that the Berlin Film Festival is still trying to find a way to integrate with business, but from the current The effect seems to be too jerky.


When it was announced that Evan Bell was the winner of the Silver Bear Award for Best Director, there was an unexpected uproar. It's coming", but in the end it fell short. Evan Bell only won one Silver Bear trophy, which has to be said to be a pity. Later, the guests realized that although they missed the Golden Bear Award, it was still an important reward for Evan Bell, and the applause broke out amid laughter.


Evan Bell stepped onto the stage amid laughter and applause, and received his second Silver Bear Award - his left hand still holds the Outstanding Artistic Achievement Award he just took over, which is also a silver award. Bear award trophy. So, Evan Bell had a Silver Bear trophy in each hand and walked to the microphone, "I will take the reaction just now as an inspiration to me." Evan Bell's first sentence made the scene burst out again. A big laugh.


Evan Bell looked at the two trophies in his hand, raised it a little, and said in fluent German, "I think this should be a very happy night, I appeared in front of reporters in this attitude, with It must be my smug smile, and I will try my best not to look so arrogant and proud." With his words, Evan Bell's mouth raised a big smile, and the faces in the audience also Showing a kind smile. The majority of the local Germans at the scene, hearing Evan Bell's proficiency in German, are obviously very useful, and they are also very enthusiastic about Evan Bell's humor.


"Thank you Leo for doing such a dedicated job despite my oppression, thanking him for giving such a great performance." Evan Bale raised his hand to Leonardo DiCaprio's place Hand, drew applause from the scene, and Leonardo - DiCaprio's mother is German, and he spent a long time in his childhood in Germany, so his German is also very fluent. Hearing Evan Bell's praise, he rolled his eyes in response.


"I would also like to thank for letting me stand here and express my joy. After all, I was apprehensive when I made this film, and now I can finally breathe a sigh of relief." Evan Bell's self-deprecating humor did not get a response from the scene. It is estimated that only Americans and British people can understand the meaning of Evan Bell's use of the word "uneasy" here, watching the indifferent reaction on the scene. , Leonardo DiCaprio laughed in disgrace.


On the other hand, Evan Bell himself didn't mind, and he continued to say calmly, "Finally, thank you for commending me with such a trophy, this will become something that I will continue to create good works. I hope that one day in the future, I will And to have the opportunity to bring my work to Berlin again. I love you all."


After Evan Bell finished speaking, he lifted the two Silver Lion Award trophies up like a strong man lifting dumbbells, and then staggered away from the microphone, showing that he was too heavy and had to lower his arms.


The serious German looked at Evan Bell's circus-like performance, and couldn't help being stunned.


And when Evan Berton passed the side stage and saw the surprised expression on the scene, he couldn't help showing a smug smile, his plan succeeded, "Berlin is too rigid, there should be more sunshine."


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